| | |  | Cameron Diaz News & Gossip
| Cameron Diaz talks plastic surgery, wants a bigger butt | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz is not as quotable as Megan ?Actors are prostitutes? Fox, but Diaz does come out with the occasion funny line. I liked that, as an adult, Cameron doesn?t feel she?s above the old saying ?If it?s yellow let it mellow, if it?s brown flush it down.? Cameron?s latest comes from a cover interview she did with Marie Claire (story via US Weekly). When discussing the plastic surgery she had done on her nose - after it was broken several times - Cameron says ?Sh-t just finds my face - it?s crazy!? But Cameron doesn?t want anything else ?done? to her face or her body, even though she?d love to be more voluptuous. If she was someone else, I?d tell Cameron to try eating a sandwich, but I don?t get an anorexic vibe from her at all. She seems like a girl who likes to eat.
Cameron also has a lot to say about people recognizing her when she?s out in public, minding her business. She talks about how happy she is that she got famous after she had already lived for several years as just another anonymous girl: ?I had the good fortune of becoming famous once I had already lived a life, traveled a lot, stood in line, had to ask people to help me, had to find a way to make something work, pay the rent, scrape by.? That is nice. Are you listening, Miley Cyrus?
Cameron Diaz is no stranger to plastic surgery.
She had her nose fixed (after breaking it four times!) following a 2006 surfing accident. “S*** just finds my face — it’s crazy!” she tells July’s Marie Claire (on newsstands June 9).
But the 36-year-old actress says more radical forms of surgery are likely out of the question.
“I’d love a bigger butt, more meat on my bones,” she tells the magazine. “I’d love to be more voluptuous. It’s just not my body type.”
How does Diaz deal with always being the crush of attention?
“I just have a lot of friends,” Diaz explains of how she has adjusted to having a lot of fans. “That’s how I think of it. It’s nice to see people smile.
“Every once in a while, you’ll have those moments when people give you the stink eye,” she says. “And you’re like, ‘What the f*** is your problem? What, am I horrific-looking?’ But really what they’re thinking is, ‘Am I seeing who I think I’m seeing?’ It’s just a shock.”
Adds the actress (who headlines the drama, My Sister’s Keeper, out June 26): “I don’t have any problem with being famous. I’ve completely made peace with being recognizable and people wanting to peek into my life in some way.”
Unlike the Mileys and the Britneys, Diaz, a former model, says she is thankful she had to struggle a bit before achieving fame.
“I had the good fortune of becoming famous once I had already lived a life, traveled a lot, stood in line, had to ask people to help me, had to find a way to make something work, pay the rent, scrape by,” she tells the magazine. “I used to do $4 a day with a girlfriend. We would get two tacos and split a Coke.”
[From US Weekly]
In other Cameron Diaz news, British model Paul Sculfor is now confirming that he and Cameron did indeed split up after dating for a year. Paul told the press, ?I?m very single and happy. Cameron and I are still friends. I?ll be going back to the States soon - I don?t know if I?ll get the chance to meet her as I?m so busy I don?t know what I?m doing.? They were rumored to have split in late April, early May. Recently, Cameron is rumored to be dating Adam Levine of Maroon 5, though she?s allegedly moving too fast, making Adam meet her mom after their first date.
Cameron Diaz is shown at the MTV Movie Awards on 5/31/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Cameron Diaz bikini pictures | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz, 36, was photographed in a little green knit bikini in Hawaii yesterday. The last we heard of Cameron she was trying to promote conservationism by letting us know that she doesn’t flush the toilet when she pees. It’s not a bad idea, and it makes me wonder if she had an ulterior motive for wading out into the water and kind of bending over a little. We all do what we can for the environment.
Cameron has broken up with semi long-term boyfriend, British model Paul Sculfor, and was last linked with Maroon 5 singer and ladies’ man Adam Levine. The two have been spotted out together several times, and In Touch reports that Levine even met Cameron’s mom for lunch on May 17. Adam is only 30 and although he hasn’t made headlines in a while he was rumored to have had a fling with Jessica Simpson toward the end of her marriage. I’m thinking he’s not the serious relationship type, but he’s probably the kind of guy who can easily charm a girl’s mother. In Touch asks if Cameron is moving too fast, but I get the impression that she knows what she’s doing.
Thanks to PacificCoastNews.com for these photos
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| Cameron Diaz hit the beach | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Cameron Diaz has a nice nice body, but a fug face. I haven’t decided if those two traits offset each other yet. I’m going to need more time to think about this. Don’t rush me, man!
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| Cameron Diaz in June 2009 Vogue Magazine | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Cameron Diaz talked to Vogue about breaking out of her comedy comfort zone and taking on an intense drama:?People who put labels on themselves limit themselves. If you are a woman who?s been labeled as a sex symbol, for instance-I mean, I am not saying that?s the label people would apply to me. But if you see yourself that way, inevitably you get to a point when you are no longer a sex symbol. And if you can?t move past that, you?re putting a limit on yourself; you?re arresting your development. And that?s where I think a lot of women get in trouble.?
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| Cameron Diaz: 'If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz is out promoting that tearjerker cancer movie My Sister?s Keeper. She?s already appeared in Vogue in a rather boring interview that focused largely on her environmental cred. Now she?s admitting (or rather, bragging) to the press that she doesn?t flush the toilet. It seems Cameron is a big fan of that old-school rhyme ?If it?s yellow let it mellow, if it?s brown flush it down.? Which I suppose is okay if that?s the rule you only apply to your own home, and you don?t have a dog who likes to drink out of the toilet. Which my dog does, so I always flush to be polite to him. Anyway, Cameron has her flushing rules:
[Cameron Diaz] does all she can to be environmentally friendly, and believes it is a waste of water to flush every time she has relieved herself.
She said: ?I do follow the, ?If it?s yellow leave it mellow, if it?s brown flush it down? saying. I believe in that 100 per cent.
?But there are a couple of rules. You can?t go more than two or three times, if it?s consecutive, if you?re drinking a lot of water, without flushing.
But if you have coffee or something, it?s going down!?
The 36-year-old actress ? who drives a Toyota Prius, a hybrid electric car - has been interested in green issues since she was a child, and credits her parents with making her environmentally aware.
She explained to TV talk show host Jay Leno: ?It?s one of those things that is just a lifestyle choice. I was brought up that way so it?s something that I automatically do. I?m rigged that way.?
[From The Hollywood Rag]
I think this comes from two different interviews. Cameron didn?t tell Jay Leno her little flushing story, but this is making it seem like Cameron is saying she was ?raised? to never flush the toilet, when she was talking about being ?raised? to be environmentally conscious. I think the not-flushing thing was a choice she made as an adult. Plus, I don?t know of anyone who was raised to not flush. Perhaps I?ve been warped by my own toilet education, and I was just raised to flush the toilet every time. Am I going to environmental hell?
Cameron Diaz is shown at an event for the Natural Resources Defense Council on 4/25/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| New couple alert: Cameron Diaz and Adam Levine? | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz is certainly wasting no time getting over her breakup with hunky model Paul Sculfor. The confirmed bachelorette was seen getting cozy with Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine at Hollywood hotspot Chateau Marmont over the weekend. Levine was formerly linked to Jessica Simpson.
It seems Cameron Diaz has wasted no time moving on following her split from model Paul Sculfor earlier this month.
The Hollywood actress, whose year-long relationship with the former Essex bricklayer ended after she refused to move to the UK, was spotted enjoying a lunch date with Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine.
The pair dined together at the Chateau Marmont over the weekend sparking rumours of a budding new romance.
They certainly dressed the part of a new couple in matching blue jeans and crisp white tops and spent more than an hour exchanging flirty glances and conversation over a meal.
Levine, 30, is known as something of a ladies’ man in Hollywood and has been linked to a string of starlets including Jessica Simpson, Natalie Portman, Paris Hilton, Maria Sharapova and Kirsten Dunst.
His last romance was with a cocktail waitress named Rebecca Ginos who worked at popular LA celebrity haunt, Teddy?s.
Cameron, 36, has enjoyed her fair share of high-profile romances too.
Prior to her relationship with Sculfor, she briefly dated singer John Mayer and had a four-year relationship with Justin Timberlake.
Her other love interests have include Matt Dillon, Jared Leto, Edward Norton, Vince Vaughn, Djimon Hounsou and Gerard Butler.
Aside from stepping back into the dating scene, Cameron is also busy promoting her new film, My Sister?s Keeper, where she plays a mother of three in a moving story about a family living with cancer.
Famed for her quirky performances in romantic comedies, Cameron admits fans might be surprised to see her take a drastically different direction in her new movie.
But she told Vogue magazine she reveled in the challenge.
She said: ‘People who put labels on themselves limit themselves. If you are a woman who?s been labeled as a sex symbol, for instance - I mean, I am not saying that?s the label people would apply to me.
‘But if you see yourself that way, inevitably you get to a point when you are no longer a sex symbol. And if you can?t move past that, you?re putting a limit on yourself; you?re arresting your development. And that?s where I think a lot of women get in trouble.’
[From The Daily Mail]
I read “My Sister’s Keeper” and was horrified to hear that Diaz would be playing the mother of the two girls in the movie. I can’t see her being convincing in this role at all. I don’t think she’s a horrible actress, per se, just not who I would picture playing the mother of two girls- one of whom is battling a terminal illness.
Back to the topic: Cameron certainly does have a thing for singers, doesn’t she? I doubt this will become anything serious, but they do look good together.
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| Cameron Diaz: being a sex symbol is limiting | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz is June?s Vogue cover girl. The pictures are lovely, and the interview is somewhat boring. Cameron spends most of the time talking about her new film, My Sister?s Keeper, and being environmentally-conscious, which, to Cameron?s credit, she manages to do without being preachy. She doesn?t even directly address her relationship with British model Paul Sculfor, perhaps because they have already broken up. That point in the interview is when Cameron is talking about how much she loves New York, having recently bought a home in Manhattan after living in Los Angeles for years. The writer points out that if Cameron loves New York, perhaps a move to England isn?t far off, to which Cameron replies ?I was just really thinking, I can’t be away from New York. I’m having a major love affair with it right now.? Yep, they?re probably broken up.
Cameron primarily talks about My Sister?s Keeper, which from the description of the plot, seems utterly depressing. It?s about a girl dying of cancer, that girl?s sister (played by Abigail Breslin) and the mother of the two girls (played by Cameron). It?s probably a tearjerker. Cameron talks about how her father died during the film shoot, and how that affected her. She also covers the ?sex symbol? label, and how that?s not what she aspires to. Here are the highlights from the interview:
[Cameron?s] clearly not looking to be a poster girl for the environmental movement. She is there for the environment if it needs her, buying carbon offsets with no great fanfare, making ecologically sensitive shopping choices quietly and happily. She is trying hard not to preach or scold. Of her Prius she says, “It’s just a car.” She has had one for years, before they became (her dream come true) popular. “It’s just a choice people can make.”
What she is eager to talk about on the road is, quite naturally, her new film, out this month. It’s called My Sister’s Keeper, and if you were to describe it in a too-fast kind of way, you might say it is about the death of a child.
“It’s about falling in love,” she says, eyes on the road. “It’s about all different kinds of love. Parents falling in love with their children. Children falling in love with their parents. Falling in love for the first time. Falling in love with being a teenager. All of the things that you fall in love with, that our hearts give way to over a lifetime, and then the heartbreaks when those things get taken away.”
It sounds like too much for one film, but the director, Nick Cassavetes, has taken what might be a melodramatic courtroom drama and fashioned a rich portrait of a family as it responds to a child with cancer. Abigail Breslin plays Anna, the dying girl’s sister, who narrates the film. Anna is eleven and has endured years of medical procedures to prolong her sister’s life. Anna was conceived as a genetically engineered child, a bone-marrow-donor match (something that is in fact medically possible today). As the film opens, she questions her role as her sister’s life-support system. Cameron plays her mother, a fierce attorney who has given up her practice to concentrate exclusively on Kate, her older daughter, who is dying of leukemia.
With My Sister’s Keeper, she appears to have gone above and beyond the call: During filming Cameron’s father, Emilio, died. He was young, just 58, when he died suddenly of pneumonia. The film shut down for a short time, and then she returned to work. “I think,” Cameron says, “emotionally.?” She pauses as she dwells on the psychological impact the film had on her. “It definitely took its toll. Definitely.”
“New York is the best city in the world, no doubt about it. No other city possesses what New York possesses,” Cameron says. [The] paparazzi-scarred actress (she has successfully sued the National Enquirer and The Sun and had a famous altercation with paparazzi while dating Justin Timberlake) deftly keeps the talk to larger love affairs. “I was just really thinking, I can’t be away from New York. I’m having a major love affair with it right now.”
“People who put labels on themselves limit themselves,” she says. “If you are a woman who’s been labeled as a sex symbol, for instance?I mean, I am not saying that’s the label people would apply to me. But if you see yourself that way, inevitably you get to a point when you are no longer a sex symbol. And if you can’t move past that, you’re putting a limit on yourself; you’re arresting your development. And that’s where I think a lot of women get in trouble.?
“It’s a journey,” she adds in a mock-heavy stoner accent. “It’s a total journey.” After the laughter subsides, she goes on. “But it’s also true. I mean, I’m not 25 years old anymore, nor do I want to be. I wouldn’t even want to go back to being 30. You know what I mean? That journey?I’ve done it already. I don’t want to do it again. It’s a lot of work to get through it, and I am excited about moving forward. I think that people get caught up in getting back to some place that they already passed. Or to a place where you cannot stay.”
[From Vogue Magazine]
That whole ?sex symbol? part of conversation threw me. I guess she?s saying she was never a sex symbol, because she knew it was limiting? Or is she saying some people considered her a sex symbol, and she found that limiting? Back in the day, I know that guys really liked her, and she was hot stuff around the time Something About Mary came out, but was she an honest-to-goodness sex symbol? I always had Cameron pegged in the Sandra Bullock-esque ?Tomboy/Girl-Next-Door? category. Which is just as limiting as the ?sex symbol? stuff. But I will give Cameron a lot of credit for never whining about aging in Hollywood, like so many actresses seem to do these days. Cameron?s approach to her age always seems to be ?this is where the party is, right here?, and that really works for her.
Photos are from Style.Vogue.com, where they have many more.
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| Did Cameron Diaz & Paul Sculfor split? | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz has been flying under the radar for more than a year with her British boyfriend Paul Sculfor, but now there are some tabloid reports that the relationship may be ending. This mainly comes from Britain?s Grazia Magazine (story via Showbiz Spy). They claim that Cameron kicked Paul out of her Los Angeles home, probably because they never spent any time together. Apparently, Paul hates LA and spends as much time as possible in London with his friends. Thus, ?the romance just died.?
Paul Sculfor is mainly known for several things: being a cute British model, being friends with Kate Moss, maybe having a major cocaine problem, dating Jennifer Aniston for a few weeks a few years ago, and being Cameron?s silent boy-toy for the past year. Though this report is probably crap (Grazia not being the best source), the fact is that it could be possible. Neither Cameron nor Paul seem very invested in the relationship:
Cameron Diaz is apparently single again ? after splitting from boyfriend Paul Sculfor, according to reports.
Diaz, 36, apparently threw the British model out of her Los Angeles home after ending their year-long romance because they hardly ever saw each other.
?They have fallen out of love,? a source told Britain?s Grazia magazine. ?They didn?t seem to find time for each other anymore.
?Paul is not too enamored by Los Angeles and wants to be where his friends are. Cameron thought she could settle in England but missed her old life too much. The romance just died.?
Cameron seems to be dealing well with the split ? she was recently seen in Los Angeles? Chateau Marmont hotel flirting with several men.
?She looked hot and every guy in the place noticed. She was laughing so loudly you could hear her in the lobby,? a source revealed.
?When a friend asked after Paul she just rolled her eyes and dismissed it with a wave of her hand. It was obvious from the way she referred to him that he?s no longer her boyfriend.?
[From Showbiz Spy]
?She was laughing so loudly you could hear her in the lobby?? I think that?s just the way Cameron Diaz laughs. But seriously, would this be a huge loss for Cameron? She seems like she?s always got men coming and going, and she doesn?t seem to want to settle down any time soon. Which is totally her choice, I?m just saying good riddance to British pretty-boys.
In ten seconds there will be rumors about Cameron with Gerard Butler, mark my words. Gerard seems the go-to guy for the tabloids whenever a woman is recently single. For all I know, Gerard could probably be romancing all of these women.
Here are Paul and Cameron in December. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
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| Justin Timberlake on Jessica Biel: 'we have a natural way' together' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Justin Timberlake has opened up to Hello Magazine about his relationship with Jessica Biel. This is a rare thing - he?s barely said two words about her the whole two years-plus they?ve dated. A few weeks ago on Oprah, he did talk a little more about Jessica, saying ?I?m not engaged. But if she is, we have a problem.? He also told Oprah that he wasn?t ready to get married, which I totally believe. Not that JT and Jess aren?t committed, I just don?t see them walking down the aisle any time soon.
In the new Hello interview, Justin talks about Jessica like never before. Even though my cynical side is saying that JT is selling something, I have to admit he says some sweet stuff about Jessica. JT calls her ?a great woman? and says she?s ?dynamic? and ?loving?. Here?s an excerpt from the long Hello article:
Recent paparazzi shots of Jessica trying on rings at a Los Angeles jeweler have only served to fuel the gossip that a wedding is [in] the cards - despite denials from Justin.
?I?ve been very lucky to find a woman as dynamic and as loving as Jessica,? says Justin. ?Work has always been a huge focus in my life but now I realize how beautiful it can be to have someone to share it with. I?m so happy to have a great woman in my life.?
Q: Has it been difficlt to keep you relationship as private as you might like?
?We do pretty much everything we want to do. Sometimes we get spotted by the paparazzi but usually we can find a quiet place to eat and no one will bother us. It can be distracting but you learn to keep walking and pay no attention.?
Q: Why is this relationship so special?
?We get along so well. The first thing we noticed when we started going out is how easily we made each other laugh. Sometimes when you meet someone it feels right from the beginning. She has a very engaging personality and we have a natural way of being together. I?m a lucky guy.?
[From Hello Magazine, print edition April 21, 2009]
Aw, sweet. Could Justin be a good guy? Not that he was ever a ?bad guy?, but he seems to have a few moments of douchebaggery in his past. Like telling the world about the real state of Britney?s virginity, or maybe being a jerk to Cameron Diaz right after they broke up. It sounds like JT and Jessica really do have something special. Or maybe that cynical side is right - he?s selling something. MSat thinks now that JT has talked about Biel, they?re definitely going to break up. She?s probably right - it?s the curse of talking about your relationship.
Header Photo is of Justin and Jessica at Beverly Mitchell’s wedding in Ravello, Italy on 10/2/08. Credit: OLYCOM/bauergriffinonline.com
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| Cameron Diaz At Jimmy Fallon Late Show | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Cameron Diaz gave television audiences a late-night laugh on Wednesday when she joined comedian-turned-TV host Jimmy Fallon in a wacky dance-off competition.Strutting onto the stage in a black satin jumper and stiletto heels, Diaz showed off her saucy moves next to the awkward TV host, who quickly crowned her the winner after failing to trump the star with moves he called “the karate chop” and “the blindfold.”Diaz was confident she’d triumph, comparing her wide-range of dance moves to Nadya Suleman, a woman the media dubbed “Octomom” after she gave birth to octuplets in January.Winding up for her win, Diaz told Fallon: “I’ve got more moves than the Octomom got kids. So take that bi-atch!”Cameron Diaz At Jimmy Fallon Late Show
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