| | |  | Sarah Palin News & Gossip | Page 1 of 2 | 1 2  | |
| Sarah Palin had a word-salad meltdown on 'Today' when asked about her son | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It warmed my heart a few weeks ago when commenters took Sarah Palin to task for being a lying, craven, word-salad-barfing, malfunctioning FemBot. You see, Palin endorsed Donald Trump, which was epic and stupid in and of itself, but then within the very same newscycle, we learned that Palin?s oldest son Track had been arrested at the Palin home in Wasilla after he assaulted his girlfriend and threatened her and himself with an automatic weapon. After Palin?s endorsement, she stayed silent for a day and then she gave a long-winded and word-salady speech about how Track maybe has PTSD from a combat mission in Iraq back in 2008 and how the whole thing is Pres. Obama?s fault. Frankly, I found the whole thing really distasteful. I was glad that other people saw through her nonsense as well.
Well, Palin sat down this morning for her first real interview since all of that went down. She spoke to Today?s Matt and Savannah and the first part of the interview is just about Trump, Iowa Caucus crap, Palin taking credit for Ted Cruz?s Senate win, blah blah blah. A particularly funny moment is when Palin talks about whether Trump is churchy enough for the GOP. But the whole thing goes off the rails (even more off the rails, I should say) around the 3-minute mark, which is when Savannah asks Palin about her son?s arrest and her subsequent blaming of Pres. Obama for Track?s PTSD.
Ha, so how does Palin deal with that question? ?I never said that. I never said that.? Then Palin just melts down and it?s amazing. This is what she said, in case you can?t watch the
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| Sarah Palin was fired from Fox News for a second time: is she 'over' yet' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sarah Palin has been especially crazy in the past year. Her word salads have gotten more epic, she lost her mind when people criticized her for NOT telling her children to stand on dogs, her family got into an insane, bloody and tacky brawl in Alaska and even Palin?s most vociferous defenders were jumping ship after Palin spoke like a malfunctioning fem-bot at CPAC earlier this year. So is it any wonder why Fox News has canned Sarah Palin for the second time?
Fox News has not renewed its contract with Sarah Palin, a spokesperson for the network confirmed to E! News Wednesday. Politico, which first reported the news, added that Palin and Fox News amicably parted ways June 1. Palin, who unsuccessfully ran for Vice President on John McCain’s ticket in 2008, has yet to comment. The former governor of Alaska, 51, is expected to make occasional guest appearances on Fox and Fox Business, and will appear on other networks and cables. She also has a show on the Sportsman Channel.
Fox News first hired Palin as a commentator in 2010. Per CNN Money, her contract was reportedly worth $1 million a year, making her the highest-paid political pundit at the highest-rated channel in cable news. Her tenure ended after three years, but months later, Palin returned to Fox News as a paid contributor.
Don’t feel too sorry for Palin, who boasts 4.4 million Facebook friends and 1.15 million Twitter followers. To her followers’ surprise, she gave her Facebook page a makeover at midnight. It now features a cover photo and a quote from Palin’s announcement speech in Dayton, Ohio: “I didn’t get into government to do the safe and easy things. A ship in harbor is safe but that’s not why the ship is built.” And though she is not running for political office herself, Palin will remain heavily involved in GOP congressional and gubernatorial primaries for 2016. Per Politico, SarahPAC is donating to 40+ candidates this week alone.
[From E! News]
It is my hope that even Fox News realizes that the SS Palin has been a leaky, crazy, tacky and budget vessel from the start and it?s time to jump ship permanently. But I fear that Palin still has some die-hard fans and Palin will still make a ton of money from being a ?pundit? on Fox and other conservative outlets.
After Palin was sh-tcanned from Fox, the Fivethirtyeight blog posted this amazing chart of ?The Receding of Sarah Palin.?
Photos courtesy of Palin?s Facebook, Fame/Flynet.
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| Sarah Palin borrowed a dress, fur purse from Bristol for 'sNL' event: tacky' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Well, I?m just thankful that we finally have some new photos of Sarah Palin. I had been recycling old photos for all of our Palin posts over the past few months, so it?s nice to get some new pics. I have to say, Palin is looking healthier here. Sarah Palin came out last night for a ?lamestream media event,? otherwise known at NBC?s big shindig for Saturday Night Live?s 40th anniversary. How does Palin justify this appearance with her anti-liberal-media stance?
Us Weekly points out that Sarah Palin actually borrowed this dress from Bristol Palin ? you can see the side-by-side here. Bristol wore this dress to the White House Correspondents? dinner in 2011, and Bristol let her mama borrow it. Sarah Palin said as much to Us Weekly: ?I’m wearing all Bristol! Everything I have, I borrowed from Bristol. Her [bag], her dress. It’s something left over from Dancing With the Stars, but her shoes, she made me give her a deposit before I wore her shoes! She was like, ‘Mom, these are like red soles and you don’t mess with them unless you’re on the red carpet, otherwise you pay for them!’” So that bag is Bristol?s too? Some people said it was a bearskin purse?! It looks like real fur, but I?m not sure if it?s bearskin. We know Sarah Palin doesn?t give a crap about animal rights or anti-fur crusades, so? obviously.
Here?s the bit Sarah Palin did with Jerry Seinfeld. I don?t blame you at all if you want to skip ahead to the relevant portion ? Palin shows up around the 6:15 minute mark. This whole skit was WAY too long. Palin asks Seinfeld how much money Lorne Michaels would give her to run for president in 2016 with Donald Trump as her running mate (for laughs). Seinfeld also cracked a joke about Brian Williams. Good.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sarah Palin made a word salad about 'American Sniper' & Hollywood | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 While I?m a political liberal, I don?t really have much angst about American Sniper. I think Michael Moore?s tweets were crappy (he called all snipers ?cowards?) and I hate that Moore is being used a liberal straw man, like every Democrat believes Michael Moore 100%. My issue with American Sniper is that the film?s historical/biographical inaccuracies are being whitewashed in a way that only happens when the subject matter involves big white guys with guns doing the ?right thing? for ?Murica. Selma had historical inaccuracies too, and Selma faced a significant backlash because of it. So why can?t Sniper face the same backlash? Because Clint Eastwood directed it and he never makes mistakes? Because Bradley Cooper is a white guy and we wouldn?t want to ever offend a white guy?
In any case, Sniper has become a political lightning rod for the right and the left. The controversy worked in its favor financially, as Sniper won the weekend box office with an impressive $89 million debut. But will the controversy help or hurt Bradley Cooper?s Oscar chances? I think Coop was always going to be a dark horse. And now his chances have been hurt even further by Sarah Palin?s word salad endorsement. Palin posted this message on her Facebook on Monday:
God bless our troops, especially our snipers.
Hollywood leftists: while caressing shiny plastic trophies you exchange among one another while spitting on the graves of freedom fighters who allow you to do what you do, just realize the rest of America knows you’re not fit to shine Chris Kyle’s combat boots.
May the epic “American Sniper” bring nothing but blessings to Taya and the children of this true American hero.
Thank you Bradley Cooper and Clint Eastwood for respecting the United States Military.
- Sarah Palin
[From Palin?s Facebook]
If you can make logical sense out of Palin?s argument, then you deserve your own shiny plastic trophy. Let?s just go through a few Palin Fact Checks, shall we?
*While B-Coop is a white guy and a ?Murican, he?s actually a plain old Hollywood liberal too. He?s given money to several Democratic campaigns, Pres. Obama has invited him to the White House for events, and B-Coop was even so pro-Affordable Care Act that he was the one to stage-manage Obama?s appearance on Between Two Ferns to promote the ACA. B-Coop, to his credit, has also been a long-time supporter of the USO and he?s made many trips overseas to screen his films for soldiers. Isn?t that mind-blowing, Ms. Palin? That a Hollywood Democrat would make a KILLING IS GOOD movie and support the troops?
*Many of the trophies handed out in Hollywood are actually not made of plastic. The SAG Award is bronze. The Oscar is a heavy metal with gold plating. The Globe is half marble.
*American Sniper was actually financed and distributed by Warner Brothers, a major studio in Hollywood. It didn?t just spring out of the earth, fully formed, in the midst of a Rush Limbaugh fever dream. It was made with the full compliance of what I assume was an interesting mix of political lefties, conservatives and moderates, all of whom live, breathe and work in Los Angeles, otherwise known as Hollywood.
*Is Palin saying that if you don?t see the movie, you?re spitting on the grave of American heroes? Or if you see the movie and still have qualms about the actual person Chris Kyle and his verified statements about how much he loved killing Muslims, then you?re spitting on the graves of American heroes? What if the American Hero was an American Muslim soldier who gave his life in the service of his country? But that would defeat the purpose of Sarah Palin?s moronic bigotry and her nasty habit of wrapping her ignorance and hate in the flag.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| The Palin Family brawl last month was even bloodier & crazier than we thought | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Remember the Thrilla In Wasilla that went down last month? The entire Palin family was involved in some kind of drunken, bloody, crazy, messy, trashy brawl at a snowmobile party. Sources claimed that the Palins rolled up in a stretch Hummer and that Bristol and/or Willow may have instigated the thing. Several of the Palin kids were injured (not seriously) in the brawl and it was said that Bristol was throwing punches like a champ. Now TMZ got their hands on the police report about the incident and it?s full of even more amazing gems:
Sarah Palin’s family threw down in a massive drunken brawl as violent as any wrestling cage match — with ripped shirts, bloodied faces, and her daughter Bristol getting dragged around a lawn by her legs. The brawl went down last month near Anchorage, Alaska … when the Palin clan — Todd and his kids Willow, Track, and Bristol — went to a friend’s house party. According to the police report … obtained by TMZ … the violence erupted when Bristol went after a woman who had allegedly shoved her younger sister Willow.
Bristol told police the homeowner, Korey Klingenmeyer, shoved her to the ground, dragged her around, and started calling her a slut and a c**t.
Korey and several other witnesses at the party saw it differently … telling cops Bristol punched him in the face — he says he let her hit him 5-6 times before grabbing her fist and pushing back … sending her reeling to the ground. That scrap then sparked the all-out brawl — witnesses say Track and 3-4 other people came running to defend Bristol … and all hell broke loose … with the Palins, including dad Todd, taking on all comers. Willow says several people at the party we’re chanting, “F**k the Palins!”
One witness says Todd got jumped by 4 people, and Track jumped in to help his father. He emerged from the scrum with a torn shirt and bloody mouth. Bristol says she was uninjured, though one cop described her as having “dirt on her knees.”
Worth nothing … cops described almost everyone at the party as being “intoxicated” … including the Palins. As for Sarah … the report says she was sitting in a limo outside the party. She’s not mentioned at all in the fight — but it sounds like she tried to calm things down after the fact. The homeowner, Korey, did not want to press charges. In fact, prosecutors declined to file charges against any of the 20-plus involved in the melee.
Not surprisingly, Korey told cops the Palins lost the fight. We’ve reached out to the Palins … so far no response.
[From TMZ]
Sarah Palin already sort of/not really spoke about the incident when she defended Bristol in general a few weeks ago. You?d think that now Sarah Palin has her own online subscription channel, she would be more willing to tell her side of the story to her paying viewers. But I guess not. As for Bristol?s side of the story, that some dude pushed Willow to the ground and started calling her names? yeah, I don?t believe it. I?m not saying that the Palins are the instigators of every part of this brawl, but I think the Palins were drunk as hell and looking for a brawl and that?s what they got. No one is a winner here.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| The Palins had a messy, drunken, tacky brawl at a Alaskan snowmobile party | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I grew up in the South, not quite the backwoods. I?ve been to, like, farm parties where people are basically doing keg stands in a field and then rolling around in hay. I?ve also been to some rachet parties where there?s hair-pullin?, drug dealin?, bottle-smashin? and cops a? callin?. But none of that would prepare me for a party in Wasilla, Alaska. Our Alaskan fairytale begins with all of Sarah Palin?s family arriving at someone?s birthday party, which was a ?snowmobile party.? Palin and her clan have ancient enemies in Wasilla, so obviously they ran into someone they didn?t like. What happened next was? classy! The whole Palin clan got into a messy, drunken, crazy brawl at a snowmobile party. The basics:
The details are a little sketchy, but there?s enough of them, from enough different sources, that a story emerges, a story that according to the gossip Gods, looks kind of like this: There?s some sort of unofficial birthday/Iron Dog-type/snowmachine party in Anchorage.
A nice, mellow party, until the Palins show up. There?s beer, of course, and maybe other things. Which is all fine, but just about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow?s. Track isn?t happy with this guy, the story goes. There?s words, and more. The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn?t. At this point, he?s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it?s something to hear when Sarah screams, ?Don?t you know who I am!? And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, ?This isn?t some damned Hillbilly reality show!? No, it?s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking.
As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.
[From Amanda Coyne?s blog]
Bless their hearts. So trashy. You think this is just a one-off story? Nope. All of Alaska is buzzing about what went down and the Anchorage Police Department had to issue a statement about the Palins? involvement:
On Saturday, September 6, 2014 just before midnight Anchorage police responded to a report of a verbal and physical altercation taking place between multiple subjects outside of a residence located on the 900 block of Harbor Circle. A preliminary investigation by police revealed that a party had been taking place at a nearby residence and a fight had broken out between multiple subjects outside of the residence. At the time of the incident, none of the involved parties wanted to press charges and no arrests were made. However, the case is still an active investigation and is being reviewed by APD and the Municipal Prosecutors Office. Alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident. Some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party.
[Statement via WaPo]
Yeah, so this happened. Maybe you can question some of the minor details (Willow?s ex-boyfriend? Drunkenly falling out of a Hummer?) but this happened. For some reason, the part I find most believable and Palin-esque is the part where Sarah screamed ?Don?t you know who I am!? Lady Grifts-A-Lot, at your service.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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| Sarah Palin has some thoughts about 'intolerants' hating on Duck Dynasty, y?all | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Yesterday, Sarah Palin decided that she needed more attention. Not content to merely hawk her ?War on Christmas? book farce, she chose to chime in on the story of the day, the Duck Dynasty controversy. While there were people defending Phil Robertson, I?d like to think that the overwhelming majority of people found Phil?s GQ interview to be bigoted, offensive and ridiculous. But not Sarah Palin. Palin posted an older photo of herself with the Duck Dynasty people and she wrote on her Facebook:
“Free speech is endangered species; those ‘intolerants’ hatin’ & taking on Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing personal opinion take on us all.?
[Via Palin?s Facebook]
Instead of merely ripping out my hair and banging my head against a wall, I am going to try to break this down for all of the people who agree with Palin on this and so much more.
First of all, none of us said that Phil Robertson doesn?t have the RIGHT to say whatever he wants. He can say whatever he wants. We have the right to say whatever we want about it. ?Free speech? doesn?t protect you from people reacting to your crazy, offensive hate-speech. I have the right to say that Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of cheap skunk weaves, and she has the right to react to that.
Second of all, the ?personal opinion? argument. I think this argument might hold water if we came by Phil?s quotes second-hand, if this was a tabloid story about how someone said that Phil said something homophobic. But that?s not the case. He?s a public figure (a reality star on a very successful and lucrative show) who gave a direct, on-the-record interview to a major American publication. This was a public statement made by a public figure, for public dissemination. As Phil said in the interview and in his clarifying statement, he wanted this to become public. In his mind, he?s spreading his own bigoted version of the Gospel.
And my last and final point ? like it or not, Phil Robertson is not just some duck guy in the boonies with nothing to lose. He is a commodity, part of an empire worth a lot of money. As the GOP always says, money is speech. The LGBT community, the African-American community, the tolerant community and many more communities have the right to withdraw their support (money) from advertisers who work with Duck Dynasty, because that?s ?speech? too.
Photos courtesy of Palin?s Facebook, Fame/Flynet.
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| Sarah Palin's 'fitness & self-discipline' book might be a dumb money-making hustle | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As we saw last week, Sarah Palin has become dramatically thinner all of a sudden. I wrote about the recent photos of her, noting her shrinking figure and asking what was going on with her. (Sidenote: in an awesome turn of events, Wonkette linked to that story! Hello, Wonkette! I?m a big fan.) Just hours after it seemed like everyone was all ?Hey, what IS going on with Palin?? she issued an oddly-worded statement to People Magazine. Palin basically said that she was fine and that she?s working on a book about ?fitness and self-discipline.? Which sounds sketchy. Now The Enquirer has the ?scoop? on the weirdness that is Palin?s self-discipline book. Basically, it?s just a crack hustle to make money because Palin knows her Fox News contract won?t be renewed?
There?s a budding new fitness guru in town ? former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Now that her political career has hit a brick wall, scary-skinny Sarah is hoping to turn an upcoming workout book into a fitness empire, which would include DVDs, workout gear, health food products and even a gym franchise, say sources.
But friends of Palin fear her extreme workout and diet regimen is threatening both her career and her health, as she?s carrying just 93 pounds on her 5-foot-5 frame.
?Sarah?s become a shadow of her former self and it?s really alarming,? a close friend told The Enquirer. ?Her cheeks are sunken, her legs are pin-thin, and she has no hips. Her complexion looks leathery and her skin?s hanging off her bones. She?s even developed a turkey neck!?
According to the friend, Palin hatched a plan to launch her own fitness brand after realizing her $3 million Fox News contract as a political commentator probably won?t be renewed.
?Not that long ago, Sarah would never have considered doing something like this. She was hoping to parlay her brief political ascension into a long-range career as a pundit and power broker. Now, Sarah?s desperate to stay in the limelight and make money any way she can. It?s sad? Sarah?s dreams of a fitness empire will never become a reality if she stays a stick figure.?
[From The Enquirer, print edition]
I had actually forgotten the Fox News thing ? that was a big deal around the time of the Republican convention in August. Fox News pulled all of Palin?s appearances on the network halfway through the convention, and media analysts describe Palin?s contract renegotiations as ?protracted? ? which is media-speak for ?Sarah Palin wants Fox News to give her a bucket of money and Fox News wants to shove her out the door.? Palin?s contract expires in January ? my guess is that Fox News is waiting to see who wins the presidential election before they decide who they want on-air for the next few years.
As for all of the weight loss stuff? I still have no friggin? idea. And I?m offended on Katey Sagal?s behalf that you keep comparing these Palin photos to Katey?s Sons of Anarchy character.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Sarah Palin explains her makeover, she's writing a 'fitness & self-discipline' book | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I was actually pretty pleased that so many of you commented on the Sarah Palin post yesterday, and that we managed to keep it mostly about superficial things. My intention was not to discuss Palin?s politics whatsoever ? I was just startled by these recent photos of her, in which she looked drastically thinner. Most of you agreed with me ? she?s lost a lot of weight recently. Some pointed out that her hair style is doing her no favors, and that she seems to have gotten some kind of dental work that?s changed her face. But dental work and new hair doesn?t explain why she?s barely filling out these super-slim jeans.
Well, Sarah Palin reads Celebitchy (maybe?!) and she wants us to STFU. She emailed People Mag to tell them that she?s doing fine, thank you very much, and that she?s even planning to do a book about ?fitness and self-discipline.? Er??
New photos of Sarah Palin looking very thin have caused a stir online, and now the former Alaska governor and 2008 VP nominee tells PEOPLE she’s just fine and is, in fact, working with her family on a new fitness book.
In an email to PEOPLE on Tuesday, Palin ? who’s known to treat houseguests to a smorgasbord of homemade treats such as moose chili, chocolate cream pies, pecan pies and lemon meringue pies ? wrote, “Our family is writing a book on fitness and self-discipline focusing on where we get our energy and balance as we still eat our beloved homemade comfort foods!”
Palin, 48, says she will discuss the topics in “our unique and motivating book.”
“We promise you what we do works and allows a fulfilling quality of life and sustenance anyone can enjoy,” she adds.
It is unclear if Palin has a contract for the upcoming book or when the work will be published.
[From People]
This feels strange. Like, a strange PR move if it is in fact a PR move. So, Palin was photographed looking really, really skinny all of a sudden, and when various blogs and sites carried the photos, Palin?s first reaction is to email People Mag and describe how she?s going to do a book about fitness and ?self-discipline?? Obviously, I doubt the whole ?Sarah Palin is sitting there, trying out recipes and dutifully taking notes in some kind of scientific method? thing. I?m sure this book will be ghost-written. But that still doesn?t answer the fundamental question: what?s going on with her? Why does she looks so different so suddenly?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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 After sparking interest in the media with new thin photographs, Sarah Palin has revealed that she is working on a new fitness book with her family.
The former Alaskan governor emailed PEOPLE and wrote, "Our family is writing a book on fitness and self-discipline focusing on where we get our energy and balance as we still eat our beloved homemade comfort foods!"
While the Palins have been known to serve homemade goods such as moose chili and a variety of pies to guests, the former Vice Presidential nominee insists, "We promise you what we do works and allows a fulfilling quality of life and sustenance anyone can enjoy."
As of right now, it is unknown if the family has a book contract or even when the "unique and motivating" guide will be published.
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