| | |  | Kristen Stewart News & Gossip
| Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Accidentally Married | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Robert Pattinson may have accidentally married Kristen Stewart while filming the wedding scene for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1.
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| Kristen Stewart on Glamour UK, 'I?m kind of repulsed by jocks from anywhere' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kristen Stewart covers the December issue of Glamour UK, all to promote Part I of Breaking Dawn. Most of the interview is Kristen discussing the film and there?s very little of her talking about subjects that are often tricky for her - like the paparazzi, or her education (and lack there of) or whether Sparkles is officially her boyfriend. Kristen still curses up a blue streak in this interview (just like her GQ UK piece), but this is one of the friendlier pieces I?ve ever read with Kristen - meaning she came across as open, not so twitchy, and like she?s a reasonably well-adjusted young woman. Here are some highlights from the interview:
The sex scenes had to be re-edited so there wouldn?t be an R-rating: ?It was so weird, it didn’t even feel like we were doing a Twilight film. I was like, ‘Bella! What are you doing? Wow! What is happening here?!? It was very surreal. We [originally] got rated R. They re-cut it.?
More on Breaking Dawn: ?It doesn’t get more action-packed? [But] they definitely get more physical. Well, they get married. We totally have sex ? finally!?
Sparkles on the sex scenes: ?I’m looking forward to the pillow-biting scene. I thought that was so funny. Of all the random things too do, really? He bites the pillow.?
Working out to prepare for the sex scenes: ?Usually we all make fun of Taylor for working out so often, and then suddenly me and Rob were like ‘S***’ and were running around the block while Taylor laughed at us.?
The wedding scene: ?I had to be shrouded in secrecy the entire two days of filming. It was crazy? I was on full lockdown, as if I was wearing millions of dollars’ worth of diamonds. It was one of those moments you go, ‘This is something to remember,’ and you want to put yourself in the experience so that it doesn’t pass you by. It ended up being great for everyone, I think.”
Kristen on her relationship with Sparkles: ?It?s funny when this question comes up, because I sort of feel like, I don?t really care! People can say whatever they want?. [The interest] is totally understandable, but when it?s personal to you, it?s like your life becomes a product and I?m repelled by that. I don’t like to give away gems that people are gonna be like. ‘Oh my God!’ So I’ll always just shrug it off — in fact, I always find it kind of funny, and not just with Rob.?
On how she?s not as nervous as she was in 2007: ?That’s a fair assessment. I don’t think there was much behind it other than I was young, and expecting it, and trying way too hard to be ‘not fake’. When I was younger, I’d look around and see these people, even people I knew, start to do an interview and become a completely different person. I was always scared of being like that. Someone would [ask a question] and you could see my whole thought process on my face. It’s like, ‘Hide that s–t! What are you doing?’”
On whether she ever Googles herself: “Not any more, man. I do like to look at what I wear, though. It’s not like I put on a f–king dress and don’t care about it after.”
On whether she prefers American jocks or British lads: “Well, I’m kind of repulsed by jocks from anywhere, so I have to go with the lads.”
On comparing London life to the States: “In L.A. you have to be fairly selective about where you go, but I’m so fine here. It’s similar to New York, in that people are doing their own thing and they feel like they’re probably cooler than you, so I tend to be able to get around very easily. We have bars, clubs and restaurants [in the US], but here you go to the pub for the afternoon and you have lunch. In an American publication, that would seem like, ‘She’s hitting the bars in London!’ but it’s just a different mentality here.”
On Sparkles being the Sexiest Man In the World: ?The first time Rob was the ’sexiest man in the word’, a couple of years ago, it was the biggest joke in the world. We never stopped taking the piss and neither did he. [But] they’re all great guys and not ? geez, now I sound like I’m generalizing about attractive men, but there’s something a little vain about working out every single day, whereas they’re the greatest guys and all kind of goofy. That’s why it’s so funny.”
[From ONTD & The Mail]
I imagine she does like it better in England - there are so rarely new photos of her, and she probably is able to keep a lower profile, for whatever reason. I also like her admission about how she used to try so hard to be ?not fake? in interviews. I would argue that she?s still that girl, though, but she is improving. Oh, and ?repulsed by jocks?? Repulsed? Seriously? That?s a sweeping generalization.
Glamour UK photos courtesy of ONTD.
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| Kristen Stewart Does Flaunt | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Here’s Kristen Stewart in a Flaunt photoshoot. Kristen and Flaunt go well together. Flaunt knows trashy glam and Kristen seems like the type to love trashy glam. She’s the type of girl who, if she’s forced to dress up, will dress up like this. Just enough to conform but with enough “edge” to make it seem like she’s not conforming. She’s a rebel. A rebel who works within the rules. So more like a politician. I don’t know where I’m going with this. Just look at the pretty pictures, will ya.
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| Kristen Stewart: 'People are crazy. I never wanted to be this famous' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As CB talked about yesterday, Kristen Stewart?s full GQ UK interview has come out. Last week, I had the earliest excerpts here and here (as well as the photo shoot), but what got the most attention was Kristen?s admission that ALL of her teachers failed her. Would you like some more excerpts from the GQ piece? Sure, why not. You can read the full thing here, and here are a few more excerpts:
On Breaking Dawn: ?Yes, we?re finished. Filmed every scene? It?s so rare in a career to feel that a chapter is closing but there?s something final about this. No more epic, iconic scnenes?I was nervous for the wedding scene. When I looked at the set, with the pews and the lights, and I could see everyone was there in all their outfits, I cried. God, that f***ing dress! I was stuck in that thing for a week; I could hardly move. But it felt incredibly ceremonial. It felt like a real wedding.?
Her bodyguard: ?The big jump for me, I guess, was having security. And I mean, going everywhere with you. Just a big guy standing next to me the whole time. JB is his name ? that?s my guy. And he would kill me for saying this, but even he has a goddamn fan site. All these girls have identified him and he?s now known as ?HBG? ? Hottie Bodyguard.?
On the craziness surrounding Twilight: ?Sure. I mean, people are crazy. Everyone does what they have to do to protect themselves, but it would be fake for me to sit here and say people are not crazy. I?m sure lots of people shy away from this question as they want to make sure they look 100 per cent appreciative all the time and that everything is the most amazing thing always? But at the end of the line, people are f***ing crazy! I would have been very happy just working from job to job, paying my rent one movie at a time. I never wanted to be this famous. I never imagined this life for myself.?
?Her first proper role?: It was in the independent film The Safety Of Objects, originally an AM Homes book about dysfunction and turmoil in small-town America. Kristen played the tomboy daughter of a troubled single mother (Patricia Clarkson). ?I got Safety? towards the end of that period where I thought I should keep acting. As a little kid, you audition for so many f***ing goddamn embarrassing parts ? and my words would have been pretty much the same at that age too??
On her expletive-ridden language: ?I would be like, ?No. Way.? Which is why I never got offered very many of those roles. I would just go though the motions. Even while starting out I took things very seriously; I wasn?t the sort of kid that would do a doll commercial or do a series for Nickelodeon. They asked me to do silly things, and I wasn?t a silly kid.?
She?s always been this hardcore: ?It?s funny. I picked an old backpack out of the closet the other day, one I used to wear all the time as a teenager. It?s covered with anarchy signs, all these quotes and these metal studs. I was like, ?Wow, you must have really liked how that looked!? Despite what people think, I was such a rule follower at school. I loved the whole slacker look, like, ?Hey, I don?t care, whatever,? but if I didn?t turn my homework in, I would panic.?
On acting: ?I don?t want to discredit people?s individuality, bit I think people are pretty much the same. People are very similar. If you have a good enough imagination then you can feel things that you personally have never done before. That?s acting.?
On pretensions: ?I think when I was younger, I was trying very hard to sound unpretentious. At that age, I was so bitterly self-conscious, and so desperate not to sound like a total douche. I don?t feel like that at all now. I think it was something I heard my parents say.? Kristen?s parents work in the film industry, as crew members, solid blue-collar liberals, behind the camera. ?My folks have always given me hell for how easy I have it,? Kristen admits. ?My dad would say stuff like, ?Oh, just go and sit in your trailer, practise your lines, and go lie for a living.? It was something I said as a kid. Don?t worry, I have a much more pretentious view of acting nowadays.?
On working out: ?I?ve never worked out before. Now I?m only allowed to eat stuff out of a box. It works. Also, I feel more energised and stronger. It took me a long time to realise that I was a girl as a teenager. At that point I never really believed it. I looked like a boy for a long time. Now, finally, I feel like a woman.?
[From GQ UK, via Kristen Stewart Web]
I?ll say what I always say about Kristen: it?s takes a lot of thought and a lot of effort to be that self-aware, neurotic and ?uncomfortable?. I think it?s just an act, her public persona, but feel free to disagree. In addition to those additional GQ excerpts, there?s also this expletive-ridden piece too:
You know this character so well, what’s it like to take her through this huge change when she becomes a vampire herself?
Kristen: It felt good. It was really weird. It was such a long process of the two movies being shot at the same time as if they’re one. You shoot, obviously, out of order and you keep going back and forth between pregnant, human and dead vampire Bella. There’s so many different versions of Bella in this, it’s insane. It was a strange experience walking on set the first time I played a scene as a vampire because I’d watched everyone around me doing it all the time. I sound so lame, but vampire Bella really is my favorite character?she’s very representative of a matriarch. She’s very intuitive on almost a psychic level and no one ever acknowledges it, which is interesting. Maybe that says something about Stephenie that she doesn’t get respect for all of her f–king amazing qualities. And that’s also one of the things that makes her appealing to me, so that’s not a strike at it?that’s something that I like about it. And I think it’s nice to see her finally get what she wants. That’s probably the best thing, even if it sounds simple and indulgent, which is why the f–king thing is criticized all the time. It’s nice to see people be happy. And she really?if I’ve played it right?is born to be where she is.
You’re shooting Snow White and the Huntsman right now which imagines Snow White as this warrior princess. What’s her fighting style like?
Kristen: Not to trivialize it at all, but it’s hard to play an action hero who is also the most compassionate person on earth. You can’t hate. You epitomize bleeding hearts, so how the f–k do you do an action movie like that? She is sort of the last shred of hope for her land. She has this ethereal, spiritual connection to her people?she really feels things-and so it’s like we don’t really feel empathy. I’ve had some f–king eye-opening experiences on this movie. I think that to truly care for something isn’t just putting yourself in that situation aesthetically and then going, “Oh my god, I feel so bad for them.” It’s truly not thinking of yourself at all. The way that you fight is that you must take out anything that hurt your people. Basically, I’m fighting evil?I’m fighting the most evil motherf–kers-and it’s fine that they’re being killed. It’s anguish. It’s literally f–king anguish. She takes absolutely no pleasure in ever hurting anything. I’m exhausted right now and I was thinking, “The fight stuff is coming up, maybe that won’t be so bad.” And then I realized that they’re probably going to be my most emotional scenes because I’m killing people and I’m Snow White. It’s a really f–king cool way to approach a movie where so many people die. Not that I’m criticizing violent movies?I love them, generally?but it is nice to do it this way.
[From Box Office Magazine]
I was feeling nothing but disgust at the idea of Kristen as a ?warrior princess? version of Snow White, but then I saw those images from the other Snow White, the one with Unibrow McBusted and Julia Roberts. Now I?m kind of looking forward to Kristen?s version. And just a word about Kristen?s language? look, I cuss like a sailor too, but once again, Kristen?s ?blue language? seems like a put-on. Like she?s doing it for a more ?hardcore? effect, like a little girl who just learned those words and now thinks she?s all hip.
Photos courtesy of Fame.
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| Kristen Stewart: 'My Teachers Failed Me. Not One, but All of Them.' | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 A lot of people think celebrities are self-entitled brats who have no concept of the real world anymore because they’re surrounded by sycophants. Luckily Kristen Stewart is here to dispel that myth.
In Britain’s GQ magazine, Kristen says her former teachers “failed” to support her while she was out acting and refused to help her catch up on school work while she was shooting on location. She explains that they pretty much forced her into home schooling.
“School became genuinely uncomfortable,” she says.
“I was feeling a little self-conscious about the acting thing with my peers, but also my teachers became a problem. They didn’t want to do the extra work or put packages together so I could keep up while away.
“They failed me. My teachers failed me. Not one, but all of them. I’m always slightly ashamed in a way, about what I do. I’m slightly embarrassed as I had such serious ambitions when I was younger, I just never imagined that I would ever have a reason not go to school. But then this happened.” The Age
Yea, f**k those teachers for not giving actresses special treatment. You’re telling me these teachers could manage a classroom full of kids for 8 hours at a time but couldn’t take three hours out of their day to create a package tailored to one of their students who’s never in class because they’re traveling around the world shooting movies? This is what’s wrong with the American education system these days. Not enough preferential treatment.
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| Kristen Stewart: 'My teachers failed me. All of them.' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 There are celebrities that Kaiser doesn’t like that I find relatively harmless, but I inevitably end up totally getting why she dislikes them. See: Jennifer Garner’s comments on motherhood, Amanda Seyfried saying her legs will never get fat, and now Kristen Stewart claiming that her teachers failed her by not preparing more work for her while she was off being a child actress. Yes, it was all her teachers’ fault for not doing more for her when her parents made her work as a small child. This is very similar to what Leah Michele said how her teachers were “too threatened by her to teach her anything.” At least Kristen didn’t call her teachers jealous, they were just lazy for not bending over backwards to accommodate her!
Actress Kristen Stewart has lashed out at her former teachers, insisting they “failed” to support her while she was away from class on acting jobs.
The Twilight star began performing when she was just eight years old, and balanced work with attending school before deciding to drop out of mainstream education in the seventh grade when she was in her early teens.
And Stewart tells Britain’s GQ magazine she felt forced to have home schooling because her teachers refused to help her catch up when she was working on location.
“School became genuinely uncomfortable,” she says.
“I was feeling a little self-conscious about the acting thing with my peers, but also my teachers became a problem. They didn’t want to do the extra work or put packages together so I could keep up while away.
“They failed me. My teachers failed me. Not one, but all of them. I’m always slightly ashamed in a way, about what I do. I’m slightly embarrassed as I had such serious ambitions when I was younger, I just never imagined that I would ever have a reason not go to school. But then this happened.”
[From The Age, via Film Drunk, ONTD]
Obviously this chick has some real issues that go back to her childhood. Instead of realizing that her parents had pushed her into acting when she should have been in the third grade, she’s blaming a bunch of teachers that had 20 plus other kids to teach who actually came to class. She doesn’t get that she was earning money and her parents could have hired her a tutor and/or personally put the work in to make sure she kept up with her peers. The mind boggles that anyone could be this clueless and entitled. I guess now that we know that she was made to work at a young age and that no one looked out for her education, it makes sense.
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| Kristen Stewart is 'selfish' & she calls Sparkles 'my boyfriend' finally | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Finally! We?ve got some excerpts from Kristen Stewart?s cover profile in the November issue of GQ UK, which we previously previewed here. The Twihards are really excited about this one because A) Kristen is showing some skin and looking ?girlish? and vampy and B) Because she calls Robert Pattinson her BOYFRIEND. That?s right! Little Miss Lip-Bite, the girl who caused a major kafuffle over at Vogue by shutting down Anna Wintour?s request to talk about Sparkles in exchange for a cover, says the words ?my boyfriend? in reference to Sparkles in this interview. Praise Jesus.
In one of the most revealing interviews she?s ever given, Kristen Stewart calls Rob her English boyfriend! Plus, she talks about having babies and getting married! For nearly three years, we?ve watched Kristen Stewart?s every move, using it as evidence she?s actually dating her Twilight co-star, Robert Pattinson. Now, in the British GQ, the 21-year-old actress accidentally slipped on the one secret she held near and dear: her relationship with the English actor.
While discussing her time in the UK, Kristen said she was excited to see more of the country because ?my boyfriend is English.?
However, when the interviewer pushed her to elaborate, she got frustrated.
?I never would have said that if I knew you were going to be interviewing me,? she said. ?Yeah, I know it is. So much of my life is so easily Googled. I mean, it?s like, ?C?mon guys. It?s so obvious.?
She added, ?But this subject, I don?t think you realize what a big deal it is for people. Well, it is a big deal. And right now, even me talking about it like this is a big deal. They would be, ?Oh. My. God.? There would also still be a 50/50 split. Some people would still be, ?See, told you they?re not together.??
Kristen went on to explain her rationale behind trying to keep her relationship with Rob private.
?I don?t worry about it at all,? she admitted. ?It?s just one of those things. I?m selfish. I?m like, ?That?s mine!? And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. It?s a funny little game to play and it?s a slippery slope. I always say to myself I?m never going to give anything away because there?s never any point or benefit for me.?
She continued, ?I guarantee whenever I get married or have a baby, everyone is going to want to know my kid?s name and I?m not going to say it for ages. That?s just the way I want to do it. It?ll come out but it won?t have come from me. They?re going to be really p***ed off that I won?t say it and I?m going to say, ?No!? I also have that desire to blurt stuff out, but I?ve learned I can?t do that. Now when you realize the whole world is listening. That?s why perhaps I look so uncomfortable in interviews at times. I mean, we?ve talked about hiding things and I?ve had to get much more adept at that, sadly. But I?m glad I?m not one of those actresses who is just so ready to open up for everyone.?
[From Hollywood Life]
First of all, I totally understand the whole, selfish, ?That?s MINE? thing. I feel that with Michael Fassbender. That ginger bitch is MINE, and it upsets me when other people claim him as their own. Second of all, ?I never would have said that if I knew you were going to be interviewing me? - she says DURING AN INTERVIEW. Oh, Kristen. Update: It seems like Kristen said the “boyfriend” comment separately from the interview - but at the magazine’s photo shoot. So… I still think she probably doesn’t mind that it’s out there.
Thirdly - that whole part about not revealing the baby?s name? I understand what she?s trying to say, and I find her whole rationale very Gwyneth Paltrow-esque. Goop and Chris Martin put so much effort into not being seen together, just as Kristen will put so much effort into being ?different? and ?private?. It?s not that Kristen (or Gwyneth, for that matter) doesn?t care what we think or knows we?ll never be able to understand her. It?s that she cares what we think and she’s sensitive about it.
Photos courtesy of Norman Jean Roy/GQ UK.
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| ?Twilight's' Kristen Stewart in GQ and Glamour | Added 13 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 I can’t imagine why “The World’s Leading Men’s Magazine” would put the world’s most pale, boring, and flat-chested actress on their November cover. Unless they’re lthey’re trying to get people to cancel their subscriptions, in which case, keep ‘em coming, GQ!
Her Glamour shoot was slightly more tolerable than her stupid GQ one, so here you go:
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| Kristen Stewart on GQ UK: 'I looked like a boy for a long time, now I feel like a woman' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Well well well. Little Miss Lip-Bite is getting fancier and fancier with each magazine cover, isn?t she? Three years ago, if a magazine stylist had handed Kristen Stewart a bikini, K-Stew would have rolled her eyes and set fire to the instrument of hipster DOOM, all while smoking a joint. Now Kristen is at the precipice of her post-Twilight career, and maybe she?s not up for the parts she wants. Thus, a Valley of the Dolls-inspired photo shoot in W Magazine, then some legsy shots in Glamour, and now some skin-baring, bikini-wearing, selling out on the cover of GQ UK?s November issue. DOOM.
But seriously, the cover shot is interesting and unexpected. The swimsuit is retro, and there?s so much skin showing, Kristen must have been either stoned or drunk to agree to it. The only thing I really dislike is her hair - instead of looking retro, it just looks kind of gross. And that sucks, because K-Stew has good hair!
There isn?t much in the way of interview excerpts - nothing is getting released until later on this week. GQ UK?s preview just says that Kristen ?goes for chilled beers and nachos with GQ to talk candidly about the phenomenon, fame and the future, starting with another book adaptation: next year’s On The Road.? According to Us Weekly, Kristen tells GQ that she thinks her evolution is great - ?I looked like a boy for a long time. Now I feel like a woman.” I?m not sure what that?s in reference to, though. Is she talking about aging in the series, or her new-found sex appeal, or is she discussing losing her Bella-virginity on-screen? Who knows?
Photos courtesy of GQ UK.
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| Kristen Stewart: 'I?ve always just loved Jacob and Bella so much' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 We’d all be well-advised to prepare for the impending publicity onslaught of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part One), which shall arrive in U.S. theaters on November 18. As part of the early assault, Kristen Stewart covers the November issue of Glamour and is also interviewed by Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. The resulting article is not an illuminating one at all, and Meyer’s skills as an interrogator are about on par with her abilities as a novelist, but I guess most of us have no room to talk without our own wildly and inexplicably successful book series to match, right? Here are a few excerpts:
On Shooting Breaking Dawn’s Wedding Scene: [T]he last night…I was exhausted, and it’s funny, Rob [Pattinson] was actually way more energetic than I was at the end of it. Even thinking about it now kind of freaks me out. On the final night of filming, I was literaly pulling out my hair and crying and having to walk away for a second because my voice wasn’t working anymore.
On Embracing Bella: I like Bella so much. In order to play a part like that, you have to believe in every crazy decision that she makes.
On Whether She Wants To Direct: Yeah, really, really badly. Me and Dakota [Fanning] were having this conversation the other day actually, and she also wants to do it really bad. It will happen, I think. I also really enjoy being an actor, so I’m fine. I mean, I’m not finished …
On Being Misquoted: It bugs me! False impressions are the worst! It definitely makes me watch my words. Even right now, I’m going, OK, how do you walk about this? And you’ve got to have a filter.
On Watching Breaking Dawn For The First Time: [I]t’s fun to watch it with [Taylor Lautner] because we actually sit and watch it. Me and Taylor are actual Twilight fans, so we can sit there and be totally into it! Whereas I sit there with Rob … he likes it, but he has such a different energy. I’ve always just loved Jacob and Bella so much. Taylor is great in this one.
On Her Style: I have a uniform of sorts — I will be comfortable in a certain hoodie of mine no matter what mood I am in. And there’s nothing better than a new stack of white V-necks. For me, “changing” is either a new T-shirt … or an old T-shirt. And I need pockets, ’cause if I carried a bag, I’d lose it purposely.
Somehow, I’m totally not surprised that Taylor Lautner not only really enjoys watching the Twilight movies but is also an authentically enthusiastic fan of the books as well. It’s also similarly predictable that Kristen speaks through a very sophisicated pattern of ellipses, but I am honestly perplexed to read her claims of loving both Bella and the Twilight Saga as well. Her general attitude of being above it all (i.e., her “affected emo shtick“) would lead one to believe otherwise, but maybe she just hates the red carpet and all of the publicity-
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