| | |  | Ellen Page News & Gossip
| Ellen Page got a shaggy pixie cut for 'Freeheld?: adorable or not that great' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Julianne Moore and Ellen Page in character for Freeheld, the true story of a policewoman (played by Moore) and her partner (played by Page) and their fight for marriage equality (amongst other things). Moore?s character is diagnosed with a terminal illness and it?s all about pre-gay-marriage partnership rights and whether Moore can leave her police force benefits to her girlfriend. I?m actually really looking forward to this movie. This was the first project Ellen scheduled after she officially came out, and she?s talked about how much it means to her to be an out-and-proud gay woman playing a gay character. Plus, I just like the idea of Moore and Page playing a romantic relationship together.
Anyway, I just thought I?d pass along these photos. Both ladies changed up their hair significantly for Freeheld. Ellen chopped off her shoulder-length hair for this shaggy pixie. I like it! Her character is a mechanic, so if anything, I think she could totally do it shorter and still look right for the character. Plus, with that face? Ellen could pull off pretty much any hairstyle. As for Julianne, she went for a more dramatic blonde look. I?m not sure if she?s wearing a wig? she might be. I don?t think Ellen is wearing a wig though.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Ellen Page Sexy Black at W Magazine October 2014 | Added 10 years ago | Source: Dickism |
 Here is Ellen Page rocking hard abs are causing us to do a double take in the October 2014 New Royals issue of W magazine.
The 27-year-old actress is not the only cover star this month: Kristen Wiig, Cara Delevingne, Naomi Campbell, and Charlotte Casiraghi also take their own covers as the new royalty of film, fashion, comedy, and more.
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| Ellen Page discusses why she came out: 'I felt guilty for not being myself' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ellen Page has an excellent cover interview in the new issue of Flare Magazine. First, let?s talk about the shoot ? Ellen Page is pretty much the last actress I would expect to do a magazine cover in which she?s showing off a significant amount of skin. But instead of doing it in a cheesecake way, like a Cosmo shoot or something, these photos are so striking and beautiful. I actually love the cover shot. Her stomach is? damn, I wish I was that toned. Anyway, you can read the full Flare piece here, and here are some highlights:
She loves being part of the X-Men franchise: ?I was interested in experiencing what that kind of filmmaking meant. The amazing thing about X-Men is that, despite the extremity of the circumstance and the superhero nature of it, the story is deeply human and deeply moving.?
Her character, Kitty Pryde (a.k.a. Shadowcat): ?Kitty is rad and tough and strong, especially in this new one?she?s older and her abilities have evolved. She has more of an edge because of what she?s been dealing with. They?re essentially running for their lives in a decimated, post-apocalyptic future.?
Her coming out speech on V-Day: ?The more time went by, the more something just happened, an Oh my god?I want to love someone freely and walk down the street and hold my girlfriend?s hand? I was very nervous. I was very nervous, yes. Yes. Very, very nervous. Yes. I was emotional, deeply, deeply emotional.?
Accepting who she is: ?You think you?re in a place where you?re all I?m thrilled to be gay, I have no issues about being gay anymore, I don?t feel shame about being gay, but you actually do. You?re just not fully aware of it. I think I still felt scared about people knowing. I felt awkward around gay people; I felt guilty for not being myself.?
Coming out changed the way she dressed for the red carpet: ?I felt happy and confident and the difference was huge.?
Girlfriends, past and present: Page is single?but would like her future girlfriend, if she?s reading, to know that she can?t wait to hang out with her. She won?t divulge details about past relationships and doesn?t plan to dish down the road, but, she says, she?ll ?always be happy to talk about being gay.? It?s a far cry from just a few months ago, when stressors included not being able to refer to an ex without having to be careful about pronoun use. Speculation surrounding Page?s personal life isn?t likely to die down, though; alleged lady loves have included Clea DuVall and Drew Barrymore.
Being willing to talk about girlfriends: ?You hear things like, ?People shouldn?t know about your life because you?re creating an illusion on-screen.? But I don?t see other actresses going to great lengths to hide their heterosexuality. That?s an unfair double standard.?
She expected the worst when coming out: ?I expected so much more hate. It was just remarkably positive, which is beautiful, because it?s indicative of the change that?s happening.?
[From Flare]
You know what? I love the way she talks about all of it, coming out and how she expected it be worse and how she wants to be able to be in a relationship, out in the open. Ellen is such an inspirational young woman. Oh, and I can?t wait to see her in X-Men: Days of Future Past. I saw a Kitty Pryde-heavy clip a few weeks and I was sort of blown away by all of the stunts plus CGI plus whatever else. I feel like this X-Men movie is going to be incredible.
Photos courtesy of Flare.
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| Ellen Page steps out in LA after 'coming out?: did she receive any backlash' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new photos of Ellen Page coming out of a gym in LA yesterday. I like the dude behind her who?s all, ?Why?s this girl being photographed? Hey!? He?s actually kind of hot. Ellen only returned to LA a day or two ago ? in addition to the stop at the Time of THRIVE conference over the weekend, Ellen has been doing reshoots on X-Men: Days of Future Past in Canada for a few weeks.
It?s been less than a week since Ellen came out officially at the Time to THRIVE conference in Las Vegas. Her announcement ? in the midst of a speech about human rights ? has been a topic of conversation all week on blogs, in newspapers and on cable news. You know what I like? I like that Ellen pretty much dropped the news and then stepped back, almost like she was expecting some major backlash. The backlash didn?t happen ? most people tweeted her well-wishes and praise for coming out on her terms and for relating her coming out to a larger message of tolerance.
Ellen did retweet some praise and congratulations from some fellow actors (she retweeted fellow homosexual Patrick Stewart?s well-wishes), and after the outpouring of support, Ellen tweeted: ?Just wanted to take a moment to say how moved I am by all the support. I feel profoundly grateful right now. Xxxx?.
Coming up next for Ellen? she?s going to be playing Julianne Moore?s lover in the comedy/drama Freeheld, based on a true story. Julianne plays a cop dying of cancer who wants to leave her pension benefits to her partner, played by Ellen. The police pension people won?t let that happen, and Julianne?s cop partner ? a conservative man ? takes up the cause of same-sex-partner rights. That sounds like a really good movie, right?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Ellen Page comes out as gay: 'I am tired of hiding & I am tired of lying by omission' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Well, it looks like Ellen Page really was NOT banging Alexander Skarsgard after all. Huh. On Friday, Ellen attended the Time to THRIVE conference (which supports LGBT youths), and during her emotional speech, she came out. I guess this is breaking news, although many people did assume/know about her sexuality before now. Here?s the video of the speech ? I don?t know why the sound quality is so crappy, but you?ll probably have to turn up the volume:
Ellen, 27, says, in part:
“I?m here today because I am gay. And because maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility?. I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be out. My spirit suffered, my mental health suffered and my relationships suffered. And I?m standing here today, with all of you, on the other side of all that pain. It?s weird because here I am, an actress, representing — at least in some sense — an industry that places crushing standards on all of us. Not just young people, but everyone. Standards of beauty. Of a good life. Of success. Standards that, I hate to admit, have affected me. You have ideas planted in your head, thoughts you never had before, that tell you how you have to act, how you have to dress and who you have to be. I have been trying to push back, to be authentic, to follow my heart, but it can be hard.?
[Via THR]
She also talks about gender stereotypes and how she understands that she?s a part of an industry that perpetuated those stereotypes and standards of beauty. She gives a shout-out to Michael Sam, the college football star who came out last week.
I?m happy for Ellen and I?m glad she finally publicly confirmed her sexuality. Not that it?s any of my business, but at least now we can stop trying to fix her up with Skarsgard.
PS? Incidentally, I?m super-excited because my state has become one of the new post-DOMA states to kind of/sort of legalize gay marriage. A federal judge threw out Virginia?s long-standing gay marriage ?ban? following the precedence of last year?s Supreme Court rulings overturning DOMA and California?s Prop 8. HUZZAH! Ellen should come and get married in Virginia. Virginia is for [same-sex] lovers.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sony Doesn't Want You to See Ellen Page's Nude CGI Character | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 The quick version of this story is Ellen Page and Willem DaFoe both did body scans for the video game Beyond: Two Souls. In one scene, Ellen Page’s CG character is taking a shower. You can’t see anything but the back and side of her breasts.
Well, players started noticing that this scene in the game held more data than the other scenes so they did what any enterprising man would do. Set out to find what that data was because there was a 90% chance it was Ellen Page’s CG boobs (David Cage games seem to always have fully nude renderings).
Running the game in debug mode, they managed to enable free view. That just means they were able to change the viewing angles. Lo and behold. Ellen Page’s boobs. Well, CG Ellen Page’s boobs which are almost as good because she did a body scan. You can read the Reddit thread here courtesy of DGMockingJay. Direct link to NSFW images here.
Anyway, this happened over a week ago. The past few days, Sony has been trying to scrub the images from the net. No word on why but some believe it’s because Page may have threatened a lawsuit against Sony.
Meanwhile, no one has bothered to search for nude images of Willem DaFoe in the game. Probably because if they wanted to see his giant penis flopping around, they could just watch this(NSFW).
The post Sony Doesn’t Want You to See Ellen Page’s Nude CGI Character appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Ellen Page: Business & Shopping in West Hollywood | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking care of her to-do list, Ellen Page showed up at Whole Foods grocery store in West Hollywood on Thursday afternoon (August 1).
The ?Inception? hottie picked up a few items following her business meeting at a nearby office building.
And while she?s had plenty of success in Tinseltown, Ellen previously lamented the plight of females in Hollywood.
Page explained, "Oh my God, yeah! It's constant! It's how you're treated, it's how you're looked at, how you're expected to look in a photoshoot, it's how you're expected to shut up and not have an opinion."
"If you're a girl and you don't fit the very specific vision of what a girl should be, which is always from a man's perspective, then you're a little bit at a loss. Only 23 percent of speaking roles in films today are for women. It feels we've gone backwards."
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| Ellen Page: 'We still live in a patriarchal world [where] feminism is a bad word' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
![Ellen Page: 'We still live in a patriarchal world [where] feminism is a bad word' Ellen Page: 'We still live in a patriarchal world [where] feminism is a bad word'](https://eu4.besteyecandy.com/rss_photos/20130705/20130705_DtgDmwenn20394637.jpg) Ellen Page sat down with the Guardian to promote The East, but she barely talks about the movie at all, which is slightly amusing, but I’m sure producers weren’t thrilled with that move. The journalist makes note that Obama’s administration had just announced that Plan B (i.e., the morning-after pill) would be available without a prescription immediately prior to the interview, and Ellen was really, really stoked about the announcement. Perhaps that’s why the entire interview ended up shifting gears to a discussion of women’s rights, and Ellen is not at all shy about declaring her feminist colors. This is a rather refreshing stance compared to that of several of today’s “role models,” including Beyonce (who says feminism can be “extreme“) and Katy Perry (who who publicly denounced feminism). Here’s what Ellen had to say about being a female in contemporary society:
“Feminism” is not a dirty word: “I think if you’re not from America you read this stuff and you’re like, ‘What?’ But I don’t know why people are so reluctant to say they’re feminists. Maybe some women just don’t care. But how could it be any more obvious that we still live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word?” she asks in her quiet voice that belies the firm opinions it is often expressing. “Feminism always gets associated with being a radical movement — good. It should be. A lot of what the radical feminists [in the 1970s] were saying, I don’t disagree with it.”
The journo brings up The East: “Why do you want me to do movie promotion stuff when we can talk about radical feminist Shulamith Firestone instead?”
She seeks out tough, independent women characters “Yeah absolutely. Also if I played those other kinds of roles I would just die a slow death. But yes, I think it’s really important, but it can be hard. Only 23% of speaking roles in films today are for women. It feels we’ve gone backwards.” Partly in response to this, she has started writing her own script “which is definitely feminist — definitely. But of course, if you just write a script in which the woman has control over her destiny and love isn’t the main thing in the film, that’s seen as super feminist. It’s hard to get stuff made, especially if it’s about women. Everything’s about in-ter-nat-ion-al bank-a-bility.”
Does sexism exist in Hollywood? “Oh my God, yeah! It’s constant! It’s how you’re treated, it’s how you’re looked at, how you’re expected to look in a photoshoot, it’s how you’re expected to shut up and not have an opinion, it’s how you … If you’re a girl and you don’t fit the very specific vision of what a girl should be, which is always from a man’s perspective, then you’re a little bit at a loss.”
She loves jeans and t-shirts: “There are moments when you are, um, encouraged to dress a certain way. But I can’t. It just erodes my soul,” she says with a nervous laugh. “That’s no criticism to girls who can wear a tiny dress and kill it – that’s awesome. People always attribute being a feminist to hating girls being sexual, and that’s not it at all. I’m just not into it.”
On those gay rumors: Page responded to the gossip in characteristically unabashed style, neither confirming nor denying it but rather mocking it on Saturday Night Live in 2009. (In the skit, Page is accused of being “a primo lesbian”: “Gay, no way!” Page cries, rolling around on the floor with her legs in the air. “Why does everything have a freaking label? Why can’t I just hug a woman with my legs in friendship?”) “It will sound like I’m making this up but I don’t think I even thought about it at the time. I just thought the skit was funny. All of that gossip is silly — people caring about [celebrities' personal lives] — I just don’t get it.”
On environmental activism: “I’ve really gone back and forth and thought: ‘OK, do you become a really intense activist, whether it’s civil disobedience or monkey wrenching or whatever? Or do you live in the infrastructure and navigate it as best as possible?’ I don’t know what the answer is. Right now I am trying to make movies because I love it, and I think telling stories is meaningful. Um, but maybe it’s not and maybe that’s just an excuse for my selfishness.”
[From Guardian]
Obviously, Ellen is very passionate about feminism, and she’s even recently been talking up the need for feminist pr0n. I also like her attitude about the gay rumors that have plagued her for several years. That particular type of gossip is silly (unlike most other forms of gossip!). Some people actually pointed towards that “SNL” episode as some sort of evidence that Ellen is gay, which is ridiculous because she was totally making fun of her image. Who knows if she’s gay? It doesn’t matter at all.
The journo also makes mention of how Ellen uncomfortably refers to Alexander Skarsgard as her “um, male friend” at one point during the interview. That’s all she says about him though! Too bad.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Ellen Page Wants Porn for Women Made by Women | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 The majority of porn made today is catered more to the male demographic. Of course, everyone already knows this because men consume around 99% of all porn. Ellen Page, however, would like that to change. She wants more porn for women made by women. Woo hoo, girl power and all that.
At a recent panel she explained,”To only have porn from the male perspective is damaging. Women are sexual creatures, as much as men, and that needs to be embraced.”
Her point is admirable but it’s just not going to happen. Porn for women is terrible. 30 minutes of foreplay with a couple shots of penetration and grinding all accompanied by Enya singing in the background. Instead of a guy obscenely grunting while finishing on the girl’s face, the girl would just roll over and they’d spoon until the scene fades to black. It’s like watching Skinemax but way more awkward when your friends walk in on you. I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said, “A person’s worth is judged by the quality of porn they watch.”
Ellen also talked about the lack of roles for women in the entertainment industry.”Considering there are so few roles for women and the roles that do exist can be so narrow in their idea of what a woman can be, it is extremely important to me to be involved with projects where the girl is in charge of her own destiny and is honest and well-written.”
Well, yea, but that’s true for any minority. Just replace “women” with “black, latino, asian” and you’d have the same argument.
The post Ellen Page Wants Porn for Women Made by Women appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Alex Skarsgard & Ellen Page looked friendly, coupled up at 'The East' premiere | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of the LA premiere of The East, that environmental-thriller starring Brit Marling, Patricia Clarkson, Ellen Page and Alexander Skarsgard. I?m just choosing to discuss the photos of Alex and Ellen because they are SO CUTE together. I still have no idea if they are actually together, if they are friends with benefits, if they?ve been secretly hooking up this whole time, or if they are just friends and he?s never put the p in the v. I don?t know. There are rumors about Ellen?s sexuality (as in, she?s only into ladies), but she?s never verified or confirmed anything and if ?rumors? were proof, everyone in Hollywood is gay.
Some backstory: soon after Ellen and Alex worked together on The East, they were spotted hanging out around LA. They took in a few games, they partied together, they seemed to get along. It was adorable because she?s so tiny (I bet she?s barely above 5 feet tall) and Alex is HUGE. He?s super-tall and he?s just the giant Viking. Anyway, the rumors about Ellen and Alex subsided a little until they were at SXSW in March, when once again they seemed rather couple-y. And Alex and Ellen traveled back to LA together and he carried her bags at LAX.
So, what do these photos tell you? They tell me that Alex and Ellen are close. They enjoy each other?s company. The base of their relationship is probably a substantial friendship. But I also think there?s some attraction going on somewhere. Look at his hand on her side ? obviously, he?s really tall and he?s having to reach down, but he?s almost touching boob in a lot of those photos. Huh.
Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame/Flynet.
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