| | |  | Ivanka Trump News & Gossip
| Ivanka Trump: 'Getting too engaged in the daily chaos is distracting' | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Im always suspicious when Ivanka Trump is too quiet. It?s been happening a lot over the past few months Ivanka will wordlessly show up to some of her father?s events or meetings, but she won?t make any public statements about anything. Plus, Ivanka and Jared do that annoying thing with the media, where they talk off the record with journalists to give their point of view and further their own agenda, then when the articles come out, Javanka denies the story. It?s how they amuse themselves, I think. Like children.
Anyway, these are some photos of Ivanka in New York yesterday. She, Jared and her dad are in town for the United Nations opening session. Trump?s UN visit has been largely ignored because of the dual Kavanaugh and Rosenstein dramas. Ivanka is probably just happy to pose for photos like a Stepford Daughter and give interviews about how she ignores the haters:
Ivanka Trump said Monday morning that unlike some of her coworkers, she withstood the ?daily chaos? of the White House by simply ignoring it.
?It?s been a work in progress, but I?m getting better at ignoring the noise,? she explained at the Concordia Summit in New York City. ?I tend not to respond, I tend not to debunk criticism or say when things are inaccurate. I have seen people care so much and want to do good work, but then they start getting Google alerts. Then it starts to take more of their time, and they get defensive and suspicious of those around them, they start to ask who circulated certain things. It?s pointless, drains energy and causes their internal compass to go awry. Getting too engaged in the daily chaos is distracting, I don?t pay too much attention because it would be unhealthy.?
[From Newsweek]
Bitch, like you don?t have a Google Alert for ?Javanka.? Just because she doesn?t ?respond? and engage, doesn?t mean that she?s not reading everything that?s written about her. Up to and including this new ?Dear Ivanka? campaign on social media women are trying to get Ivanka to say something about Brett Kavanaugh. They?re trying to get her to say that women should be believed. The problem? Ivanka knows that if she ever said ?I believe women,? that would mean acknowledging her father?s many victims.
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Hey @ivankatrump Were you so excited to wear that pill box hat this week? #fun You will be remembered like Eva Braun unless you do something. It?s not too late.
A post shared by @ amyschumer on Sep 21, 2018 at 9:20pm PDT
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| Ivanka Trump is shutting down her clothing & accessories line, but why? | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 This news actually surprised me: Ivanka Trump is shutting down her eponymous clothing, shoe and accessories line. While Ivanka?s label was doing poorly in American stores, the Deplorables were buying her sh-t online, and from what I read months ago, her brand was still pretty strong in Asian markets. Still, her clothing was made in sweatshops and her most of her sh-t was overpriced. I haven?t seen any recent numbers, but I would assume that the Deplorables eventually stopped buying her tacky sh-t too. I?m also pretty positive that Ivanka is NOT shutting down her label because of any ethical concerns. LMAO. How quaint to think this feckless C-U-Next-Tuesday would care about ?ethics.?
Ivanka Trump?s namesake clothing, shoes and accessories brand is closing its doors. After 15 years in the fashion business, the First Daughter?s company, which she re-launched in 2014, will soon close down its operations, according to a statement obtained by PEOPLE.
?When we first started this brand, no one could have predicted the success that we would achieve. After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when or if I will ever return to the business, but I do know that my focus for the foreseeable future will be the work I am doing here in Washington, so making this decision now is the only fair outcome for my team and partners,? Trump said in the statement. ?I am beyond grateful for the work of our incredible team who has inspired so many women; each other and myself included. While we will not continue our mission together, I know that each of them will thrive in their next chapter,? she added.
The move comes after Trump discontinued her fine jewelry line back in March 2017, a decision that was due to ?commitment to offering solution-oriented products at accessible price points,? the New York Times reported. The jewelry line, with prices in the thousands of dollars, had already been dropped by Neiman Marcus before it was officially discontinued.
Just last week, it was also announced that one of Canada?s largest department stores, Hudson?s Bay, had pulled all merchandise from the brand off its 90 stores? shelves across Canada, along with its website. The company also owns U.S. department stores Lord and Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue.
[From People]
Again, I doubt that Ivanka is discontinuing her line because stores across North America refused to carry it. She was still selling everything online, and that?s how most people shop. Plus, as I said, her label is popular in Asia. No, I think Ivanka is ending her brand because GULP she?s about to take a bigger role in the administration. I think she used to have one foot out the door because she thought impeachment was nigh. But with Brett Womanhater WhatsHisGuts about to be confirmed on the Supreme Court, she?s probably like ?screw it, none of us are going to jail, let?s have a party.?
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Ivanka Trump spoke privately to her dad about his policy of putting children in cages | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here?s something I?ve been thinking about a lot in the past week: while I?ve never any time for the ?family values? Republicans and their brand of misogyny, I think we?re now completely past the moment in time when any Republican can EVER say anything about importance of families and the sanctity of human life. Not when their party is ripping babies away from mothers and putting small children in cages. Speaking of, Ivanka Trump has made ?families and children?s issues? one of her signature issues. She has not said one fking word publicly about the caged children. Apparently, she vaguely brought it up with her father, which we only know because Trump vaguely brought it up in a meeting:
Ivanka Trump met with her father, President Donald Trump, on Tuesday to discuss the images of immigrant families being separated at the US-Mexico border, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley told CNN.
She offered the President her support and she said she would talk to any member of Congress to help find a legislative solution to the issue, Gidley said. After the meeting, Ivanka Trump called House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, both Republican lawmakers with whom she developed a close relationship during her push on the child tax credit. She agrees with her fathers sentiments that he hates the family separation issue and doesnt want it to occur, although she has remained publicly silent on the topic.
Her private conversation with her father was first revealed by the President during a closed-door meeting Tuesday evening with House Republicans.
He mentioned Ivanka talked to him about that, New Yorks Republican Rep. Chris Collins told reporters after the meeting. Collins continued: His daughter had seen the images and said for a lot of reasons we should be dealing with this. And that is what this bill does.
[From CNN]
This is Ivanka wanting you to know that she watches the news and wanders into the Oval Office to say ?daddy, can we do something?? And he says ?no? and then he starts ranting and raving about something else. When really, the best way for Ivanka to get his attention would be to start a conversation about her breasts.
Before she was working for her father?s real-estate company ? and then his White House ? Ivanka Trump tried to make a go of it in modeling. It was a career in which Donald Trump, famous for bedding and wedding models, so keenly wanted his daughter to succeed that he told friends at the time Ivanka would be wise to get breast implants, according to a new book on the Trump family.
?Donald wanted it for her, bad, to the point where he suggested to friends that breast implants might help her along,? author Emily Jane Fox writes in Born Trump, which was released on Tuesday. President Trump?s sister, Maryanne, was so mortified that she petitioned one of her brother?s friends to talk him out of letting her niece get plastic surgery.
?When his friend confronted him about it, he denied that [Ivanka] was getting implants,? Fox writes. ?At the end of the call, he asked, ?Why not, though?? ?
[From People]
Not that it even matters in this horror show, but Ivanka has had a ton of plastic surgery, all bought and paid for by daddy. Of course she got a boob job. She?s also had her eyes done and some other face work. Anything to please daddy.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Ivanka Trump wears her own label 68% of the time, and sales are still down | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 2017 was the year where Ivanka Trump became absolutely abhorrent. At this time last year, many of us hoped that Ivanka could possibly be a moderating influence on her terrible father. It quickly became apparent that the a–hole apple didn?t fall far from the a–hole tree – Ivanka isn?t just complicit in her father?s awfulness, she?s actively a part of it. I hope she gets indicted in 2018. Until then, we just have to comfort ourselves with the knowledge that: A) her shoes suck, B) her White House privileges are slowly eroding, C) her precious husband is truly being targeted by Robert Mueller and D) her stupid clothes are not selling.
Ivanka Trump has stepped away from her namesake label, but that doesn?t mean she?s stopped wearing her brand?s pumps, shoes, dresses, bags, and jewelry. In fact, a Wall Street Journal investigation tracked one hundred of her outfits and found that she wore her own brand to official appearances 68% of the time.
Trump, like her father, put her company in a family run trust, but she still gets some financial information about the brand and a multimillion dollar salary according to the Journal. Still, the product placement may not be having much of an effect. Despite all the photo opportunities, sales at the company are reportedly down, and she was dropped from Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus earlier this year. Ethically, of course, she?s in uncharted territory.
?Ivanka Trump is testing the boundaries on federal rules that bar government employees from using their position to promote brands that personally enrich them,? Guian McKee, an associate professor in presidential studies at the University of Virginia?s Miller Center told the Journal.
But in a statement to the Journal, Trump insisted that she was not trying to profit from her time in Washington: ?If what motivated me was to grow my businesses and make money, I would have stayed in New York and done just that.?
[From The Cut]
I?ve thought for some time now that Ivanka?s stupid international outreach is some kind of multifaceted scam – on one level, it?s a scam to gather money from shady donors for a questionably defined ?women?s initiative? whatever. On another level, Ivanka is traveling the world – on taxpayer money – for an international fashion show to promote her clothing and accessory lines. Ivanka?s clothing sells in Asia – therefore, she?s been traveling to Asia. It?s all pretty tacky and illegal.
Also: Ivanka and Jared went on vacation to a place where the boats have Confederate flags.
To any kid, this fish is a trophy! ? ? ? pic.twitter.com/wSpMZ0aFkQ
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) December 26, 2017
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| Ivanka Trump's big sexual harassment speech in Tokyo was sparsely attended | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Before Donald Trump flew to Hawaii and then onto Japan for a 12-day Asian tour, Ivanka Trump flew to Japan. She flew out last week, perhaps to ?soften the ground? for her father, and perhaps because Ivanka is quite popular in Japan, at least that?s what her press office would have you believe. We?re supposed to believe that Japan adores Princess Complicit and that she was going to be overwhelmed by fanatics wherever she went during this Asian tour. It turned out to be quite different on the ground though.
Attendance was low for Ivanka Trump?s speech on women?s empowerment on Friday in Tokyo, despite her glamorous initial arrival, which included a luxurious dinner (and the media in tow). In what has become something of a pattern for the Trumps, a White House spokesperson had to justify the lackluster crowd size at the event (or ?pull a Spicer?), this time saying that security measures had delayed audience members.
For those who did hear her speech to the World Assembly for Women, Trump said that sexual harassment in the workplace ?can never be tolerated,? and that ?all too often, our workplace culture fails to treat women with appropriate respect.? That statement provoked some outrage, considering that her father, President Donald Trump, was recorded saying about women: ?Grab ?em by the p–sy. [When you?re a star] you can do anything.?
Wouldn?t zero tolerance mean that a man who has espoused a gross misunderstanding of consent, and against whom some 12 women have alleged sexual harassment, should be barred from the highest office of the United States? Ivanka?s exploitative, hollow touting of feminism continues to wear thin, even on the other side of the world. A survey last month found that less than 25 percent of the Japanese population believes that President Trump will ?do the right thing in world affairs.? Why would Ivanka be any different?
Perhaps the attendance was low due to another area of disconnect between Ivanka?s messaging and her actions: Trump, whose clothing brand has factories in China and Indonesia, addressed her father?s proposed tax changes, which she claimed would ?put more money back in the pockets of hardworking Americans.”
Officials moved the crowd several rows forward, so that it would not be obvious how empty the room was for Trump?s speech. Though her spokesperson said that there was a security delay, writers from The Guardian reported that they arrived 10 minutes before the address was to start and saw no lines of people waiting to get inside.
[From Vogue]
Thank you, Japanese people, for not buying what Ivanka is selling. Ivanka giving a lecture on zero tolerance for sexual harassment is? well, cognitive dissonance at its finest.
Also: just in case anyone was wondering, Ivanka was still using her personal email account after she was officially employed by the White House. BUT HER EMAILS. LOCK HER UP.
The hall is half empty as Ivanka Trump gives a speech in Tokyo at the Japanese government?s ?World Assembly for Women? (WAW!) pic.twitter.com/8OchiSzgHa
— Anna Fifield (@annafifield) November 2, 2017
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| FYI: Ivanka Trump was never there to be a 'moderating influence' on her father | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 This is a sideshow story to the real story of Donald Trump pulling America out of the Paris Climate Accord. But we still have to talk about it, because there are still some people out there who want to believe in Precious Ivanka Trump. They want to believe that she?s a good – or at least moderating – influence on her father. They want to believe that she?s more than just his enabler, more than just a complicit, baby-whispering a–hole. She is not. She is complicit. She is little more than her father?s enabler. Ivanka has to take the L for what happened this week too, because she actually tried to use her questionable influence to change her father?s mind on the Paris Climate Accord. And she failed.
During her father?s presidential transition, Ivanka Trump hauled Al Gore into Trump Tower to discuss climate change with Donald Trump. She sat down with actor and activist Leonardo DiCaprio, who gave her a copy of his climate-change documentary, ?Before the Flood.? She told friends and associates that she was picking and choosing the issues where, as a one-time Democrat, she might be able to influence her father. Climate change was on the list.
On Thursday, in a peppy Rose Garden ceremony that included a brass band, Trump announced he was withdrawing from the Paris climate accords ? a fulfillment of a campaign promise, but also a major blow to global efforts to combat climate change. After she organized five weeks of meetings focused on the Paris agreement ? including her own sit-down with EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and enlisting people like Apple CEO Tim Cook to speak to the president about climate ? Ivanka Trump appeared to have lost on one of the issues where she at one point expected to hold some sway.
?I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh ? not Paris!? a defiant Trump proclaimed, pitching his decision as a move that ?represents a re-assertion of American sovereignty.?
Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have taken the defeat in stride, according to two people familiar with their thinking on the issue. Their view of their roles in the White House is that they’re playing the long game, helping the president to be successful. And they don’t tally their own influence day-by-day or bill-by-bill. But they were notably absent from the row of top aides gathered in front of the podium for the announcement. There, Trump’s top political strategist Steve Bannon, who has clashed with Kushner in the past and had been pressing Trump to withdraw from the climate change agreement, smiled happily under the beating sun.
Ivanka Trump was out of the office observing the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, a White House official said. Kushner walked to the White House after attending synagogue in the morning for a long-standing meeting that was on his schedule before Trump?s remarks were put together, and he also did not attend the Rose Garden event. But the White House official said Kushner was ?fully involved with the process of the announcement.?
[From Politico]
Here?s my real question: if Ivanka can?t actually influence her father, why the f–k is she there? She might as well pack her bags and move her family back to New York. Oh, right. You mean that she was never there to actually influence policy and moderate her father?s most unhinged views? You mean she was always there just to be the chipmunk-veneered, baby-whispering catface of fascism? Oh, right.
Meanwhile, the walls are closing in on Precious Ivanka?s husband, Precious Jared. It?s all very complicated, but please read the latest on The Mystery of Why Jared Kushner Spends So Much Time With Russians and Russian Bankers. It is going to feel so sweet when Precious Jared is frog-marched away in handcuffs.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, WENN.
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| Ivanka Trump cried after her father's p-ssy-grabbing tape came out | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sometimes I really do have to sit here and contemplate what it would be like to be in Ivanka Trump?s position and what I would do if I found myself in similar circumstances. To be your father?s favorite child, to have make such terrible, gross comments regularly, and to see him elevated to the highest position in the country, if not the world? what would you do? I?m not trying to be sympathetic towards Precious Ivanka at all, that?s not what I?m saying. I guess I just wonder about what it costs Ivanka on a deeper level to be so complicit, to be her father?s accomplice. So, there?s a story about Precious Ivanka?s reaction to her dad?s grab-them-by-the-p-ssy tape. Precious Ivanka cried!
Ivanka Trump pleaded with her father to issue a heartfelt apology in October after the leaked Access Hollywood tape was released showing him boasting about grabbing women by their private parts, The New York Times reports. Donald Trump, then the GOP nominee, at first denied making the comments after an aide rushed into his Trump Tower office to reveal that The Washington Post was about to break the story. With his daughter by his side, the soon-to-be president and members of his team eventually watched a video of the 2005 episode that quickly proved him wrong.
?Mr. Trump?s reaction was grudging: He agreed to say he was sorry if anyone was offended,? The Times reports, citing several sources who were present as the crisis unfolded. Advisers warned Trump that would not be enough, and Ivanka ?made an emphatic case for a full-throated apology,? The Times writes.
?As she spoke, Mr. Trump remained unyielding. His daughter?s eyes welled with tears, her face reddened, and she hurried out in frustration.?
Trump was widely criticized for the ?apology? he issued later that day, in which he dismissed his comment ? ?When you?re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ?em by the p?y. You can do anything.? ? as ?locker room banter.?
Facing extraordinary backlash, including from Republican leaders, Trump released a videotaped apology hours later, saying, ?Anyone who knows me knows these words don?t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.?
[From People]
Did Ivanka cry because she was frustrated because her dad wasn?t listening to her, which must have been a moment she rarely faces? Did she cry because she thought her father would never win the presidency if those comments floated out there without apology? Or did she cry because somewhere deep in her soul she realized that her father was admitting to sexual assault, and she perhaps had a moment of genuine empathy towards all of her father?s victims? One thing I do know is that Precious Ivanka wants you to know that she cried. This is part of her strategy, and I believe that when it comes down to the line, Ivanka will always chose her own interests above her father?s interests or the nation?s interests.
Ivanka also told the NYT: ?I?m his daughter. I?ve known him my entire life. He trusts me. I don?t have a hidden agenda. I?m not looking to hit him to help myself.? That?s an interesting way to phrase that. ?I?m not looking to hit him to help myself.? Because right now, helping daddy is helping herself. When helping daddy stops helping Precious, then you better believe she?ll hit him.
Photos courtesy of Getty.
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| Chinese workers earn $62 a week making Ivanka Trump's clothing line | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It?s not like this information is new or shocking, but I want to make sure that the Trump family?s incessant hypocrisy and immorality doesn?t go unnoticed. It?s important not to normalize this sh-t through shrugs, eye-rolls and ?everybody knew that.? So, Ivanka Trump?s clothing line? It?s made in China. We knew that. More specifically, Ivanka?s line is made in Chinese sweatshops with workers making about $62 a week. We don?t know that specifically, although I think most of us assumed it was that kind of situation. The Washington Post reports:
Workers at a factory in China used by the company that makes clothing for Ivanka Trump?s fashion line and other brands worked nearly 60 hours a week to earn wages of little more than $62 a week, according to a factory audit released Monday. The factory?s 80 workers knit clothes for the contractor, G-III Apparel Group, which has held the exclusive license to make the Ivanka Trump brand?s $158 dresses, $79 blouses and other clothes since 2012. The company also makes clothes for Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger and other brands.
Now an official adviser to her father?s White House, Trump stepped down from her management role but retains an ownership interest in her name-brand company. Its assets were moved into a trust that is now overseen by her husband?s siblings. Trump is the sole beneficiary of the trust, which is valued at more than $50 million.
Chinese factories are by far the dominant suppliers for Ivanka clothes, though G-III also works with manufacturers across Vietnam, Bangladesh and South America. G-III factories overseas have shipped more than 110 tons of Ivanka-brand blouses, skirts, dresses and other garments to the United States since October, shipping data shows. The clothing line licensed by President Trump?s private business is also almost entirely made in foreign factories. Trump last week signed an executive order that he said would push the government to ?aggressively promote and use American-made goods and to ensure that American labor is hired to do the job.?
Workers at the G-III factory in China were required to work 57 hours a week ?on a regular basis? to hit production targets, inspectors found. Though Chinese law sets the limit for overtime at 36 hours per month, workers in all of the factory?s departments exceeded that limit, working up to 82 hours of overtime a month between September 2015 and August 2016. The factory?s workers made between 1,879 and 2,088 yuan a month, or roughly $255 to $283, which would be below minimum wage in some parts of China. The average manufacturing employee in urban China made twice as much money as the factory?s workers, or roughly 4,280 yuan a month, according to national data from 2014.
[From WaPo]
WaPo also says that fewer than a third of the factory?s workers are given social insurance benefits and workers only got five days of ?leave? a year. While it?s not breaking news that Ivanka?s clothing line is made in Chinese sweatshops – nor should it come as a surprise that most brand-name clothes are made in similar sweatshops – it is particularly noteworthy at this time because of Emperor Bigly?s big push for America First, bring back our manufacturing jobs, etc. It?s also noteworthy because Ivanka just announced this week that she?s started a ?massive fund? to benefit female entrepreneurs around the world. The fund will be a ?pool of capital? to finance businesses started by women. No one knows who will control the money (Precious Ivanka, I bet) but we already know that Canada, Germany and ?a few Middle Eastern countries? have made ?quiet commitments? to the fund. If only there was some way to encourage female entrepreneurs in China? Like, paying female sweatshop employees a living wage, maybe.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.
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| The Trump kids & their Secret Service details are causing problems in Aspen | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Ivanka Trump and her daughter out and about in Aspen, Colorado this week. Ivanka, her brothers and all of their kids have been in Aspen since the weekend, minus Jard Kushner, who stayed in DC to help Baby Fists. Apparently, all of their kids have off this week for Spring Break, and the Trumps thought it would be a good idea to spend Spring Break in Aspen. That?s quite common with rich people – only middle-class peasants spend Spring Break on a beach somewhere, getting day-drunk and making bad life choices. Apparently, Aspen society wants no part of the Trump family though. From Vanity Fair:
Over the weekend The Aspen Times reported that about 100 Secret Service agents were expected to travel with them. As a matter of protocol, the Secret Service would not comment on the number of agents it sent to protect the First Family. A representative told me I would have to file a Freedom of Information Act request in order to find out how much the government spent on sending agents on a Trump spring break. Bill Linn, an assistant chief of police in the town of Aspen, said that the Secret Service had been in touch with the police department and had not asked for any kind of support.
For many, a chance to spot the First Family is a draw. Dinner reservations and spots at events held at Mar-a-Lago, for instance, are now hard to come by. But for many New York families vacationing in Aspen, the presence of the Trumps is nothing but trouble. ?They?re everywhere. There are so many of them,? one New York mom who is vacationing in Aspen told me. ?Everyone is complaining. Everyone is annoyed.?
Another New York mom who took her kids to Aspen for the week said that with so many agents about, it is hard to get around the mountain. Because the Trump group is so big, and security is so tight, it?s harder to score tables at the few local restaurants at which New Yorkers normally dine. Traffic, too, they said, is a nightmare. (Linn said that there were no reports filed about traffic
More Photos Here
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| Ivanka Trump is making it easier for the Deplorables to buy her jewelry | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 While hundreds of department stores have dumped Ivanka Trump?s brand, her sh-t is still selling. Her perfume (Complicit!) is selling like crazy, and online sales of Ivanka?s clothing line have skyrocketed. What does it all mean? It means the Deplorables – the Americans who love everything about the Trump Family – are trying to ?send a message? with their wallets. The Deplorables believe that Poor Ivanka has been unfairly maligned by the media and the ethics experts and the Constitution. They feel sorry for their Martyred Favorite Daughter so they?re making a point to buy her sh-t. The thing is that many Trump supporters can?t afford to buy an Ivanka-branded $10,000 bracelet just to prove a point. So Ivanka is making it easier for the Deplorables to buy her sh-t.
It’s been a busy couple months for Ivanka Trump’s fashion and accessories brand?and now, it appears the company has decided to undergo some big changes as a result. First reported by Vanity Fair last Friday, the Ivanka Trump brand is officially getting rid of its fine jewelry line, and replacing it with a more affordable line of fashion jewelry in an effort to better appeal to its customer base.
“As part of our company’s commitment to offering solution-oriented products at accessible price points, we have decided to discontinue the Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry collection,” president Abigail Klem told Racked in a statement. “We will be focusing our efforts on existing and new categories that are most relevant to our loyal customers?including fashion jewelry, which successfully launched last fall with price points that are aligned with the rest of our collection.”
As both Vanity Fair’s Emily Jane Fox and Racked’s Eliza Brooke point out, the decision appears to be a part of the Trump family’s greater attempts to better relate to working class Americans by playing down their wealth. The New York Times reports that the Ivanka Trump fashion jewelry line is “aimed at a mass-market audience,” with many items priced at under $100?considerably less than her fine jewelry line, where multiple items cost well over $10,000.
[From Elle]
If Ivanka was just some normal C-list celebrity, I wouldn?t care. Like, if this was Lauren Conrad, I would actually think it was a smart move, except that LC already does an inexpensive mass-market line at Kohl?s and it sells really well (I bought my mom some cute LC earrings for Christmas). That?s the demographic Ivanka is trying to appeal to now – middle class consumers who will spend $20-80 on a cute necklace and some earrings. My problem is that Ivanka is still in control of her brand while she ?works? in the White House, which is unethical. It?s unethical for Ivanka – or Kellyanne Conway, or Baby Fists – to promote her label or make business decisions about the label while she works in the White House. If Michelle Obama had even tried to do even a fraction of this, Republicans would have thrown a six-month-long party decrying MObama as a tacky, unethical grifter.
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Photos courtesy of Getty & Ivanka’s Twitter.
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