| | |  | Katie Price News & Gossip
| Katie Price would encourage her daughter to be more like Jordan | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Oh, Katie Price. From Pink outfits for whorish equestrians, to drunkenly throwing food at 3 am, to her orange skin which perfectly matches her husband’s, she never ceases to surprise. She also doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut. Katie has told the press that she would encourage her daughter to become a Page 3 girl, and would show her kids her topless photos when they’re older. For those of you who don’t know (I had to look it up), a Page 3 girl is a glamour girl regular on the third page of the tabloid The Sun. Each week, a girl is featured either nude or scantily clad.
Katie Price has said that she has no regrets about her career as a glamour model and would encourage her daughter to follow in her footsteps.
The reality TV star and entrepreneur told The Sun that she would happily show her children all the topless work she has done when they are older.
Price said: “I don’t have any regrets about who I am. If it wasn’t for the Jordan image I wouldn’t have the house and I wouldn’t be able to support the kids in the way that I do.
“When they’re older I can’t wait to show them everything I’ve done. When Princess goes to The Sun when she’s 18 to be a Page 3 girl, I’ll encourage her.”
She added: “I’ll go: ‘Yeah, get them out for the lads’. I think Page 3 Idol’s brilliant. I started out as a Page 3 girl and it’s a great career.”
[From Digital Spy]
I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, it’s great that Katie is happy with her life and with the choices she’s made. On the other hand, I don’t know if it’s appropriate to be talking about your daughter (who is currently 3 years old) becoming a nude model. In fact, I know it’s not appropriate. Even Jenna Jameson has dyed her hair to a natural color and gotten her implants taken out since becoming a mother to twins. Although it would be next to impossible to hide from your children what you do for a living, you’d think Katie wouldn’t have planned out her young daughter’s future career.
What do you all think? Is it appropriate?
Here?s Katie out with husband Peter Andre in Venice Beach on March 10th. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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| Katie Price blames marital problems on hormones; wants more kids | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 British glamour model/reality star Katie Price and husband Peter Andre are filming their insipid show, “Katie and Peter: Stateside,” all about their attempts to become bi-coastal famewhores just like their idols, the Beckhams. But these two are no David and Posh: their relationship has gotten so bad, they don’t even care anymore if the cameras are on them. The pair fought bitterly during the shooting recently, mostly over Katie’s belief that Peter was cheating on her with another woman. Now, she says she just had bad PMS that day.
JEALOUS Jordan told yesterday how HORMONES made her accuse hubby Peter Andre of cheating on her.
The glamour girl, 30, flies into a rage on a new warts-and-all reality show after catching him deleting texts.
But yesterday she said she no longer suspects him ? and blamed the row on pre-menstrual tension.
She added: ?I don?t think he?s cheating on me any more. We?ve cleared all that up. I had bad PMT that day.?
However, the insecure star ? real name Katie Price ? has still banned 1990s singer Peter, 36, from working with sexy girls, and plans to take their place in his videos.
She said: ?I?m not having another woman writhing around with him. He?s a married man and people need to know that.?
In the show the couple, who have spent the past three months in Los Angeles, have a row when Peter wants to take a late night trip to the cinema with a new pal.
Jordan said yesterday: ?I did think he was cheating on me.
?The sex was different, he was deleting all his text messages and wouldn?t leave his phone on the side.
?He was on the computer all the time, too. I definitely thought something was up.?
But the couple, who are running the London Marathon in just over a week, said their fitness training has helped them stay together.
Jordan said: ?When we were really struggling, the run would keep us together. We egged each other on and supported each other.?
Peter added: ?We are stronger than ever now.?
The couple revealed they plan to try for another baby soon.
Jordan said: ?We said we would start after the marathon, so we?re going to begin trying the next day! I always get pregnant so quickly. I can guarantee I?ll be pregnant this year.?
Jordan and Peter already have kids Harvey, eight ? who is disabled ? Junior, three, and Princess Tiamii, one.
They have also vowed to adopt a child, although Jordan wants to have more of her own children first.
But they are not going to adopt from abroad like Angelina Jolie and Madonna. Jordan said: ?I would never follow any celebrity craze.?
Peter said: ?I can?t understand why everyone is going overseas when there are so many kids in this country who need homes.?
He added: ?We have spoken about adopting a disabled child. There must be so many out there that need a home.?
Jordan said: ?Because we?ve had Harvey, we know a lot about children who have difficulties so it would be nice to use our expertise.?
[From The Sun]
I would have to say, from personal experience, that when a guy is suddenly hiding his text messages, spending a lot of time on the computer, and acting different sexually, those are three very strong red flags right there. Those, in my situation, were the trifecta of “he’s cheating.” I’m not saying that’s the case here, but it does ring some bells! She can blame it on PMS this time, but chances are, if things have gotten to the point where they don’t even care whether the cameras are rolling when they fight, these two aren’t heading for a good place. Oh, yeah, that’s just what some poor unsuspecting child needs - to be brought into these two twits’ psychodrama as a means to prop up a failing marriage. That’s a great idea.
Here are Peter Andre and Katie Price at the press conference to launch ‘Katie & Peter: Stateside’ held at The Soho Hotel in London yesterday. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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Jordan is back in her home country and she is back to her old ways…wearing a see-thru dress that is leaving very little to the imagination. Thankfully her hubby, Peter Andre is covering her bum with his hand in the first picture, too bad it wasn’t covering their smooch in the second one.
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| Katie Price Rocks A See-Thru Dress | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Katie Price and Peter showed they really have embraced the American way of life when they draped themselves in a US flag this afternoon.The couple put on a number of raunchy poses as they cavorted in front of cameras to promote their new ITV2 reality series ? with glamour girl Katie hitching up her leg and planting a big smacker on Pete?s lips. Katie and Peter: The Next Chapter Stateside charts the pair after they moved to LA earlier this year with kids Harvey, Junior and Princess Tiaami. It starts on ITV2 this Thursday at 9pm.
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| Jordan/ Katie Price turned down offer to dine at Buckingham Palace | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 According to the Daily Mail, Katie Price (I think that’s what she likes to be called nowadays) was invited to have lunch with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace. The palace regularly sets up luncheons with guest lists including “people representing a cross-section of society, the arts, sport, academia and the media.” Where exactly does Katie fall in here? Too classless for society, too trashy for the arts, too slutty for sports, and too dumb for academia.
The invitation came on the heels of Katie being barred from a presigious VIP champagne luncheon at a polo match because she was “too chavvy.”
A year ago she was barred from the prestigious Cartier International Polo contest at Windsor because she was deemed ‘too chavvy’.
But topless model turned TV star Katie ‘Jordan’ Price may have had the last laugh - an invitation to dine at Buckingham Palace, no less.
Miss Price claimed yesterday that she was asked to lunch at the royal residence. Unfortunately she was forced to turn it down because she and her husband, singer Peter Andre, are in America filming a reality television series.
But sources close to the star say she is a big fan of the Queen and is hopeful of receiving another invitation sometime soon.
[From Daily Mail]
Katie claims that she and Princess Anne have a shared love of horses, and she has also gotten an invite to the her home for some tea and crumpets. She says, “Even Princess Anne knows how much I love horses and has invited me to her house to watch polo. I’ll definitely go for lunch with her, so my Princess can meet a real-life princess.”
Last we saw Katie, she was getting smashed at a pub while training for the London marathon. Not the kind of behavior that gets you invited to the royal palace. On the other hand, in recent years British royalty has been trying to become more accessible to the public, and there was quite a bit of hooplah about Katie’s non-invite to the polo event, so perhaps this is some kind of damage control. That is, if Katie is telling the truth. It’s not as if she is lacking in funds - you’d think that she’d be able to hop a plane to the UK for a day. Wouldn’t dining with the Queen be worth the jet lag?
Here?s Katie Price and husband Peter Andre leaving their Manhattan hotel on Saturday. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Katie Price is a good mother | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Katie Price, the big breasted English reality tv sensation (is sensation the right word?), went back to the UK to visit friends in her hometown. This included spending Mother’s Day eve in a drunken stupor and ending the night passed out over a table in an all-night cafe in Brighton. Just in time for actual Mother’s Day!
The model, who now writes her own children’s books, spent the Saturday night partying with three friends at the Oceana nightclub where they downed champagne and cocktails.
At one point she climbed into the DJ booth and began slurring down the microphone, ‘Hello Brighton! I love you all, this is my hometown and I love it here!’
At 4am, the group left looking bleary-eyed and headed to 24-hour seafront cafe, Buddies, to continue the festivities.
Customers looked on in shock as she reportedly began throwing food at her friends.
An onlooker said: ‘She looked totally out of it. She could barely stand up when she was in the cafe. By the very end, she had stopped drinking and asked the waiter to bring her a hot chocolate.
‘She left some money for a tip but it was literally about 10p, despite being a millionaire. She would have had a huge hangover on Mother’s Day and I imagine spent a lot of time recovering in bed.’
Did I read that correctly? Katie Price writes children’s books? What life lessons can she possibly teach kids? Beer before liquor makes the panties come off quicker? That the fastest way to get what you want is to get double D’s and pose topless? Reading her book is like giving a 10 year old birth control. Yea, the message is there, but it’s six years too soon.
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| Jordan/Katie Price gets smashed; throws food at her friends | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Katie Price is currently living in LA with her husband Peter Andre and her children while filming a reality show about their family and trying to make it in the US. She decided to take a weekend to fly back to England to be with her friends, and things got sloppy at a club in Brighton and later on at a restaurant, where she was unable to stand alone and was throwing food at her friends. The drinking session was particularly surprising because she plans on running the London marathon next month and had announced her decision not to drink until her training was over.
And it ended in typically undignified fashion just before 6am with the 30-year-old former page three girl slumped over the table of an all-night cafe.
Miss Price is currently living in Los Angeles where she is filming a reality TV show about her life with her husband, one-time pop star Peter Andre, 36. But she briefly jetted back to the UK to visit friends in her hometown of Brighton 11 days ago.
Andre, meanwhile had been left Stateside while to look to after their two children Junior, three and Princess Tiaamii, one and her six-year-old son from her relationship with Sunderland footballer, Dwight Yorke. And she took the chance to let her hair down in spectacular fashion which ended in the early hours of Mothering Sunday.
The model, who now writes her own children’s books, spent the Saturday night partying with three friends at the Oceana nightclub where they downed champagne and cocktails. At one point she climbed into the DJ booth and began slurring down the microphone, ‘Hello Brighton! I love you all, this is my hometown and I love it here!’
At 4am the group left looking bleary-eyed and headed to 24-hour seafront cafe, Buddies, to continue the festivities.
Customers looked on in shock as she reportedly began throwing food at her friends. An onlooker said: ‘She looked totally out of it. She could barely stand up when she was in the cafe. By the very end she had stopped drinking asked the waiter to bring her a hot chocolate.
‘She left some money for a tip but it was literally about 10 pence, despite being a millionaire. She would have had a huge hangover on Mother’s Day and I imagine spent a lot of time recovering in bed.’ Her excesses on the night come amid a rigorous training programme adopted by Miss Price, who is planning to run the London Marathon next month.
She hopes to raise 250,000 for charities NSPCC and Vision. She has been seen jogging around Malibu in an attempt to try and help her complete the 26-mile run and recently claimed that she had stopped drinking while she trains.
[From Daily Mail]
British tabloid Heat has turned this into an expose on her rocky relationship with Peter Andre, comparing a photo of a smashed Katie with a picture of Peter kissing one of their kids. There have been rumors of their breaking up for some time now, and they’re probably based in some fact, and it’s also true that the couple has a verbally abusive relationship. I’ve seen their reality show and all they do is bash each other - but while to outsiders it’s rude, they seem to revel in it.
The drinking session was probably just that - a respite from the pressures of her TV show, her kids, and hawking her line of slutty equestrian gear. The bit about Katie drunkenly throwing food at her friends is priceless, and reminds me of weekends at college. But we should probably give her a break - it’s hard out there for a former glamor model.
Here?s Katie having a family lunch with Peter Andre with daughter Princess Tiaamii at Tony Taverna in Malibu on Sunday. Images thanks to WENN .
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| Katie Price Unveils New Equestrian Range | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Now that she?s back in the UK, Katie Price is all about hitting the ground running. And earlier today she was spotted at a photo session for her new spring range of equestrian gear.The British babe worked it for the cameras over at the Worx, looking sexy in a blue velour zip-up jacket with matching short shorts and blue knee-highs with silver heels.
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| Katie Price Needs a Paper Bag! | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 These are some photos of Katie Price, aka Jordan, for her new Equestrian clothing line. I know Katie has some big, fake boobs that I enjoy staring at, but I can't get past her face. It's atrocious! All that make up! Not to mention the clothes do a great job of hiding her breasts, the one thing I like about Katie. I hopefully can get to sleep later, and I don't keep thinking of these pictures. If the little ponies/horses don't get you, then the face of Katie Price will make up for that. Definitely will need a paper bag for that!
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| Katie Price Is A Big Boobed Rollergirl | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Katie Price has been training almost every day ahead of her and husband Peter Andre’s entrance in the London Marathon.So today the couple swapped their running shoes for roller skates for a relaxed alternative to the track as they raced along Venice Beach in California.
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