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Nicolas Cage News & Gossip
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Nicolas Cage Is in on the Joke
Added 11 years agoSource: The Blemish
Nicolas Cage Is in on the Joke
The Guardian has a somewhat lengthy piece on Nicolas Cage where he clears up a few misconceptions about himself. A few of which include:

There is a misperception, if you will, in critical response or even in Hollywood, that I can only do exaggerated characters. Or what they would call over-the-top performances.” He pauses, as if issuing an historic statement from the podium: “Well, this is completely false.”

“Another misconception about me is that Ijust do movies for pay cheques.”

“That I’m obsessed with comics.”

“The other big misconception, which needs to be cleared up in my opinion, is video on demand.” (His new movie,

The Frozen Ground, has a limited cinema release and will be available on demand, which, given the demand for on demand, Cage wishes critics would stop using as shorthand for failure.)

Also, his reputation for excess. “For a while there, it was the three Cs; castles, comic books and cars.” He gives me a doleful look. “I just can’t get that stuff off of me.”

Nic also doesn’t really know why he’s become an internet meme of sorts. His hair being a bird thus invalidating your argument, numerous Tumblr blogs like this of him as everyone and most notably, this mashup calledNicolas Cage Losing His Shit.

He then wanted everyone to know that he’s in on the joke. Nic talked about his role inWicker Man and said he and everyone else knew how absurd the movie was.

And then there’s The Wicker Man, the recent Neil LaBute remake that I didn’t think was as appalling as everyone else did. “The issue with The Wicker Man is there’s a need by some folks in the media to think that we’re not in on the joke. But you don’t go around doing the things that character does ? in a bear suit ? and not know it’s absurd. It is absurd. Now, originally I wanted to play that cop with a handlebar moustache and like a really stiff suit, and the producers wouldn’t let me do it.” Oh, Nic! “And then you would have known how in on it we were, Neil and myself. The fact that that movie has been so lambasted means there’s an inner trembling and power to that movie. It has become an electromagnetic movie! And so I love it.”

Sadly, he didn’t end the interview by screaming, “No, not the bees. Not the bees!” But I bet he would have if The Guardian threw a beehive at him like any other Nic Cage fan would have. Rookie mistake.

There’s also one last thing I wanted to mention. Nic explained why he started buying castles and mansions at one point. He said they were investments.

“I had to put the money somewhere, and I was a big believer in real estate, and I got caught up in that bubble that exploded. I thought it was real. I didn’t trust stocks and I didn’t trust just leaving it in the bank. I believed in real estate. So now I’m working through all that.”

So someone needs to sit Nic down and explain to him that when people say real estate is a wise investment, they aren’t talking about luxury houses and places where they filmThe Game of Thrones. They’re talking cheap $200k houses in the suburbs where the mortgage is covered by rent.

The post Nicolas Cage Is in on the Joke appeared first on The Blemish.

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
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Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage's wax statue: incredibly unflattering or good likeness'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Nicolas Cage's wax statue: incredibly unflattering or good likeness'
I’m kind of fascinated with Nicolas Cage. He continues to star in ridiculous action movies, and his looks are surely fading/faded, but there’s something compelling about him. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s wacky and seems like he would be fun to hang out with, until a few hours into it when you realize how crazy and borderline unhinged he really is. So here we have Nic posing in Paris at the Musee Grevin next to what has to be one of the ugliest wax statues I’ve ever seen. It’s not that it’s a technically inept wax statue, like these likenesses of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez that don’t look like real people. The issue is that the statue looks like a very ugly, old version of Cage. Granted Cage’s looks have faded, but he’s not this bad looking. The guy had to see this statue and think “Do people really think I look like this?” but he sucked it up, smiled and posed happily next to a very ugly version of himself. It’s like they took the worst features of Cage and magnified them: big ears, receding hairline, jowls. Poor Cage.


7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
Nicolas Cage photos
Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage Gets Waxy in France
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Nicolas Cage Gets Waxy in France
He?s always up for a good time, and yesterday (January 29) Nicolas Cage was spotted unveiling his new wax figure in Paris, France.

The ?National Treasure? actor looked impressed at the likeness created at Musee Grevin and was more than happy to pose for pictures with fans.

As for upcoming projects, Cage has made no secret of the fact that he wants to be a part of a sequel to his flick ?The Wicker Man.?

Nicolas told press, "I would like to hook up with one of the great Japanese filmmakers, like the master that made Ringu, and I would like to take The Wicker Man to Japan, except this time he's a ghost."

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
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Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage Takes 'Ghost Rider' to Germany
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Nicolas Cage Takes 'Ghost Rider' to Germany
Showing some love to his German fans, Nicolas Cage was spotted at a photocall for his new film ?Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance? today (January 23) in Berlin.

The ?National Treasure? star showed up at the Hotel de Rome where he posed for pictures and chatted with the press ahead of the film?s premiere.

In a recent interview, Nicolas explained that while the new ?Ghost Rider? flick is the second in the franchise, he considers it an independent work.

?I don?t see this as a sequel at all. I see this as Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance. The other movie was Ghost Rider. This movie is Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance.?

?Johnny Blaze is in a much different place in this movie. It?s a much edgier, almost cynical interpretation compared to the firstGhost Rider. Because in that movie, Johnny was trying to keep everything at bay, to keep things from erupting.?

Cage added, ?I couldn?t get my head around how I was supposed to perceive something like that to be a hero, so I was automatically attracted to that complexity. It?s easy to love Superman, it?s easy to love Captain America, but it?s a challenge to love the Ghost Rider. As I got older that carried on into my dramatic work ? I?m always looking for flawed characters who have a pathos and a kind of tragedy to them.?

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
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Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage's home was invaded by a naked dude with a Fudgsicle
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Nicolas Cage's home was invaded by a naked dude with a Fudgsicle
Before jumping into this story, I just want to make it clear that home invasion is not a laughing matter. Luckily, I haven’t ever lived through it, although my old apartment was once robbed while I was away at law school classes for the day. It happened in a bad neighborhood where lots of homes were broken into during a relatively short period of time, and the two guys (who were later arrested while trying to cash one of my blank checks) tore the place up while (presumably) looking for valuables, drugs, or weapons. The entire thing was horrifying for me simply by virtue of them being in my space, so I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be at home when someone makes their uninvited entrance.

While promoting Trespass at TIFF, however, Nicolas Cage, has revealed that he experienced a home invasion of his own a few years ago. Somehow, Nic’s story is really weird though, and I have to resist the urge to stifle a giggle because of the details. Apparently, Nic woke up in the middle of the night to see a naked guy standing in his bedroom while holding a Fudgsicle. It’s almost like because it’s Nic Cage, the story has to be the most bizarre thing one can imagine, right? In fact, the only reason I’m certain that this guy wasn’t just his crazy son, Weston, showing up to say hello to dear old dad is because no roundhouse kicks were mentioned in the story. I know, I’m a jerk. Really, this is something that no one would never want to live through:

For actor Nicolas Cage, making the new thriller movie Trespass hit close to home.

Cage, at the Toronto film festival along with director Joel Schumacher promoting the film about a home invasion, said that he has actually lived through the nightmare in real life.

“It was two in the morning. I was living in Orange County at the time and was asleep with my wife. My two-year old at the time was in another room. I opened my eyes and there was a naked man wearing my leather jacket eating a Fudgsicle in front of my bed,” he told reporters on Wednesday.

“I know it sounds funny … but it was horrifying.”

A Fudgsicle is a frozen, ice cream-like snack.

Cage said the ordeal ended after he talked the man out of the house and police arrived. He did not press charges, as the man had mental problems, but Cage, who now lives in Nassau, Bahamas, said he could not stay in the house after that.

In Trespass, which is scheduled for release in October, thieves con their way into the opulent mansion where Cage’s character lives with his unhappy wife (played by Nicole Kidman) and their daughter.

The family is held for ransom and the movie follows a path of twists and turns as negotiations with the intruders ensue.

Schumacher, who earlier cast Cage in his film 8MM, and Kidman in Batman Forever, said Trespass is also about extremes between the rich and the poor in America.

“It’s a class warfare movie too, about the haves and the have-nots.”

The diamond-dealing Cage character and one of the invaders are two versions of the same man, in that they have both “overreached to have their share of what used to be called The American Dream,” Schumacher said.

[From Reuters]

Cage is actually fortunate in a sense — if you have to experience a home invasion, it’s inarguably preferable to experience the mentally-ill, “Fudgsicle” variety rather than a sociopath with a gun. Of course, one ideally never has to experience either of these scenarios, but I’d be willing to be that Nic has not eaten nor stored a Fudgsicle in his house since this incident took place.

As for Trespass, the trailer and poster for the movie pretty much rule out watchability, and it’s also discouraging that Schumacher (he of the ubiquitous bat nipples) felt the need to point out the film’s political message. Yes, suspenseful and horrific movies often go the sociopolitical route, but that’s supposed to be a more subtle aspect that one reflects upon after watching a movie as opposed to what pulls people into the theater. I think the best home invasion movie that I’ve seen lately was The Strangers, and it nearly made me pee my pants in the theater, which is a good thing in a sense, unlike the impression given by the promotional material for Traspass. I’m not even sure why they’ve bothered to screen the film at TIFF either when it’s only scheduled for a two-week run in theaters, which will be followed by an immediate DVD release.

Also, here’s a photo of Nic, his wife Alice Kim, and son Kal-El in London on July 11 of this year. Although Star claimed that Nic and Alice were headed for divorce and he was already trolling for strange, I guess they decided to stay together?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame, and All Movie Photo

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
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Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage Premieres "Trespass" in Toronto
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Nicolas Cage Premieres
Stepping out for the premiere of his latest film project, Nicolas Cage arrived on the red carpet at the Toronto Film Festival on Wednesday evening (September 14).

The ?Ghost Rider? star happily posed for pictures before heading inside the Roy Thomson Hall to speak to audience members before the debut screening of ?Trespass.?

According to IMDB, the crime/thriller revolves around a husband and wife being held ransom whose predicament grows more dire amid the discovery of betrayal and deception.

Also starring Nicole Kidman, ?Trespass? hits US theaters on October 14th.

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
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Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage's 'Trespass' TIFF Press Conference
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Nicolas Cage's 'Trespass' TIFF Press Conference
Taking his turn to promote his new movie ?Trespass,? Nicolas Cage was spotted at a press conference at the Toronto International Film Festival today (September 14).

The ?Gone in 60 Seconds? stud was in high spirits as he took the center stage to chat with press members ahead of tonight?s big premiere.

Also starring Nicole Kidman, ?Trespass? is ?a seemingly straightforward home invasion that evolves into something far more complicated.?

?Full of double-crosses, explosive violence, and riveting performances, Trespass doesn?t waste any time penetrating boundaries or getting under our skin," the movie's press release adds.

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
Nicolas Cage photos
Nicolas Cage news

Star: Nicolas Cage is headed for divorce, trolling at the Chateau Marmont
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Star: Nicolas Cage is headed for divorce, trolling at the Chateau Marmont
The story is kind of obvious, but I found it interesting anyway. According to Star Magazine, Nicolas Cage?s marriage to Alice Kim is in shambles. This comes less than two months after his drunken rage in New Orleans, in which he ended up being arrested for public intoxication (repeat: in NOLA, which is super-difficult) and domestic abuse. Those charges were later dropped, and Alice claims he didn?t abuse her, they were just fighting in the street or wherever. Oh, and Nic drunkenly dropped his kid too. I remember that. Anyway, Alice and Nic were married in 2004, when she was either 19 or 20 years old. They have a son, Kal-El (no joke). And it?s looking like Alice thinks seven years is more than enough time spent with Nic?s shrunken-head-buying dumbass, and she wants out. Meanwhile, Nic?s partying at the Marmont like a Lohan. Hilarious (and sad, but mostly kind of funny).

When it comes to marriage, the third time is not a charm for Nicolas Cage. The twice-divorced actor appears on the verge of another split, this time from his wife of seven years, Alice Kim. After his arrest for domestic abuse following a drunken night in New Orleans, it looks like things are getting worse.

?Alice is sick of Nic?s extreme mood swings and violent temper tantrums,? says a source. ?One moment he?s on top of the world, and the next he?s miserable to be around.?

Nic recently stayed at the celeb-friendly Chateau Marmont hotel in West Hollywood without Alice.

?Nic stayed at the Chateau for a week,? the insider tells Star. ?he looked terrible - like a guy whose world is crashing down on him. Plus, he was in a foul mood and acted incredibly rude to the staff.?

Nic, who has a 5-year-old son, Kal-El, with Alice, won?t face charges over the Louisiana incident, but his marriage is definitely at a crossroads.

Says the source: ?If Nic can?t pull himself together, he?s going to find himself single again pretty soon.?

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Nic?s always been such a strange bird, but at this point, I?m wondering if this kind of behavior overall adds up to an actual chemical imbalance or psychological problem. Like, I?ve always thought that Nic was weird and eccentric, but now I?m thinking ?Bipolar?.

So? I wouldn?t be surprised if Alice pulls the plug (so to speak). Seven years plus one son must equal a decent settlement plus a lot of alimony and child support, right? Oh, wait - if he still bankrupt? I wish Alice good luck in trying to divide up their assets, like those shrunken heads, the dinosaur bones and albino king cobras. And I wish Nic good luck in his continued trolling of the area high schools.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
Nicolas Cage photos
Nicolas Cage news

Nicolas Cage Might Be Charged with Child Abuse
Added 13 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Nicolas Cage Might Be Charged with Child Abuse
Nicolas Cage didn’t just shove his wife around the night of his drunken arrest in New Orleans last week — it seems he also found time to drop his 5-year-old son while staggering around and shouting belligerently. And people say you can’t multi-task when you’re drunk! TMZ says:

According to the police report, Cage’s wife Alice told police she and Nic had been arguing on the night of April 15 “due to his intoxicated state” when they went to pick up their son from a friend’s house.

Alice and Nic continued to argue until they arrived at their home — at which point “Mr Cage fell while holding their son. The fall caused the 5 year old to suffer a minor abrasion to his left knee.”

But a witness told cops he saw “Mr. Cage pull the male child to the ground by his hand.”

According to the report, “A child abuse detective was notified.”

Cops say they wanted to interview Cage’s son — but Alice wouldn’t let that happen.

Honestly, I’m just surprised that child protective services hasn’t been called to Nic Cage’s home sooner. He named the poor kid Kal-El, for chrissakes. Kal-El. As in Kal-El, Superman’s birth name on his home planet in the DC universe. If that’s not child abuse, I don’t know what fucking is. He could kick his kid in the balls every day of his life and it still wouldn’t be as painful as being named after The Last Son of Krypton.

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
Nicolas Cage photos
Nicolas Cage news

Dog The Bounty Hunter bailed Nicolas Cage out of jail, update: screaming in street
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Dog The Bounty Hunter bailed Nicolas Cage out of jail,  update: screaming in street
As we heard over the weekend, Nicolas Cage was arrested for generally being a drunken dumbass early Saturday morning in New Orleans. He was so drunk he didn’t know where he lived, and instead of listening to his wife tell him that he’d picked the wrong rental house, he argued with her and dared some cops who were called to the scene to arrest him. They charged him with domestic violence (for allegedly grabbing his wife by the arm) and disturbing the peace and took him into custody. Cage wasn’t in with the general population and was just kind of hanging out there at the station. He was eventually bailed out by Dog The Bounty Hunter, who issued a statement showing his pride at having such a famous client without revealing much about Cage’s state of mind or how blotto he was. Cage was surely sobered up at that point anyway, Dog’s wife Beth tweeted that their latest client had been in “jail” for 8 hours, as if that’s not typical in New Orleans. It’s probably not typical for their clients to get to hang out behind the counter with the police officers, either.

Nicolas Cage received the help of an unlikely ally after his arrest in New Orleans this weekend ? Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Reality star Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman posted the actor’s $11,000 bond after he was charged with domestic abuse and disturbing the peace Saturday in the French Quarter.

“I am a truly dedicated fan of Mr. Cage and will not be granting any interviews about my client as I wish to respect his privacy,” Chapman, 58, tells E! News in a statement.

“I performed my duties as a bail bondsman and not in connection with our show. This is what I do for a living. There are two sides of my job: I release my clients after they have been arrested; and pick them up if they don’t show up in court. I do not believe the latter will be the case for Mr. Cage.”

[From People]

At some point before taking a cab to a house he mistakenly believed he was staying at, Cage, his wife and some buddies went into a tattoo parlor. TMZ reported that Cage was “throwing his clothes around” there and “demanding” to get a tattoo. They’ve since posted the surveillance video without audio and you can see Cage’s wife pleading with him (probably to go home). He keeps arguing with her and at some point they seem to make up because she goes upstairs with him, presumably while he gets a tattoo.

You can see Cage’s “mug shot” on TMZ and Radar. It looks like a cell phone pic and they didn’t even make him stand up against a white walll. Cage is scheduled to appear in court on May 31 for these charges. He’s in New Orleans making his latest POS movie, The Medallion. Dude still has to pay for all those castles, exotic pets, dinosaur bones and luxury cars he blew all his money on.

Update: People has more on the night in question, and it paints a pretty vivid picture of just how much of a belligerent drunken out of control ass Cage was:

The couple were fighting over which house they were renting in the French Quarter, and Peter Bennett, a local street performer who lives near the property, tells PEOPLE he came home to two cop cars on each end of his block.

“Apparently he had mistaken the house of my neighbors for the other house up the block that he is actually renting,” he says. “His wife was trying to persuade him from disturbing the elderly couple who do in fact live in that house.”

Cage is actually renting the house three doors down, according to Bennett. When cops arrived, the barman says the actor started to get into the back passenger-side door of the police car.

“But the cop got out, walked around, and Cage ran a block south toward the river, where he tried to get into a cab,” he says. “There was a woman outside with a baby in her arms shouting, ‘Please don’t hurt us.’ ”

[From People]

You know you’re out of control when your wife is telling you you’ve got the wrong house and women with babies in their arms are pleading for their lives.

Dog and his wife are shown on 3/19/10 and 11/29/09. Nicolas Cage is shown on 2/22/11 and on 7/12/10. Credit: WENN

7-Jan-2022 :Nicolas Cage, 57, is expecting his third child with his fifth wife Riko S...
8-Mar-2021 :Nicolas Cage got married for a fifth time, this time to 26-year-old Riko ...
17-Jan-2020 :Nicolas Cage thinks everyone should watch ?Marriage Story?
24-Nov-2019 :Nicolas Cage: ?I?ve always responded to cats. As a child they were my be...
17-Sep-2019 :Nicolas Cage looks like this now, and honestly, we should be happy for hi...
8-Aug-2019 :Nicolas Cage?s NYT profile is completely bonkers, it involves his quest f...
1-Apr-2019 :Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike were drunk as skunks when they eloped in Vegas
26-Mar-2019 :Nicolas Cage will likely marry his young girlfriend of one year, Erika Ko...
9-May-2014 :Nic Cage Is Still an Action Star in ?Rage?
24-Oct-2013 :Nicolas Cage ?takes great umbrage? with Hollywood?s lack of roles for Asi...
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