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Ashley Judd News & Gossip
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Ashley Judd: 'I think it's hatred of women that invites the criticism'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ashley Judd: 'I think it's hatred of women that invites the criticism'
These are some new photos of Ashley Judd and her husband Dario Franchitti at an LA screening of Ashley?s new ABC show, Missing, at the Paley Center. Can I just interject for a moment and tell how crappy that show looks? It looks AWFUL. I don?t know if the show is better than the commercials, because I haven?t watched it, but just the idea of Ashley going all Jason Bourne and running around Europe, kicking ass? it just looks horrible. Now, Ashley looks pretty good in these photos. Is that terribly misogynistic to say that? That Ashley looks healthy and pretty here? Or is it only anti-woman when you point out that a woman looks less attractive? Why are we talking about a woman?s appearance at all? Oh, right. Because she?s a film and television star who has made millions of dollars off of her appearance through Hollywood work and beauty and modeling contracts with Estee Lauder and others.

Some people took offense yesterday to CB?s coverage of Ashley Judd?s Daily Beast essay. I?d just like to say? I cosign CB?s thoughts and then some. In my opinion, Ashley was not making a larger argument about patriarchy and the objectification of women. She was just angry because people talked about how she looked puffy and waxy, much like someone who had recently gone in for fillers and Botox. She was angry because people said she looked BAD, not because people were talking about her appearance in general. And you know what? She had and has every right to be angry, and she has every right to defend herself. But I too think she?s full of it for couching her defense in a larger feminist discourse, especially when her defense includes the phrase, ?When my skin is nearly flawless, and at age 43, I do not yet have visible wrinkles that can be seen on television??

Anyway, Ashley is going to be interviewed tonight on the NBC Nightly News. She basically going to double down on her (flawed) argument, judging from this preview on Today:

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16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd pens wordy essay on patriarchy & Botox, I think
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ashley Judd pens wordy essay on patriarchy & Botox, I think
I’ve written before about how Ashley Judd rubs me the wrong way. We’ve just heard too many stories about how she’s a diva and how she treats people badly. Jason Patric, who worked with her on stage in 2003, even called her “a lazy and arrogant actress.” Well Ashley is back with a role on television in ABC’s “Missing.” She was looking a little puffy during her press duties last month and outlets pointed it out and wondered if she’d had too many fillers. Ashley’s rep responded with a statement that she was getting treatment for a sinus infection. That was in mid March and the press has long since moved on, so case closed. Not so fast. Ashley wants us to have a larger discussion about what this means for our society. At least, I think that’s what she means. You can read her essay here. It’s really long and I’m only excerpting part of it:

As an actor and woman who, at times, avails herself of the media, I am painfully aware of the conversation about women?s bodies, and it frequently migrates to my own body. I know this, even though my personal practice is to ignore what is written about me. I do not, for example, read interviews I do with news outlets. I hold that it is none of my business what people think of me. I arrived at this belief after first, when I began working as an actor 18 years ago, reading everything. I evolved into selecting only the ?good? pieces to read. Over time, I matured into the understanding that good and bad are equally fanciful interpretations. I do not want to give my power, my self-esteem, or my autonomy, to any person, place, or thing outside myself. I thus abstain from all media about myself. The only thing that matters is how I feel about myself, my personal integrity, and my relationship with my Creator. Of course, it?s wonderful to be held in esteem and fond regard by family, friends, and community, but a central part of my spiritual practice is letting go of otheration. And casting one?s lot with the public is dangerous and self-destructive, and I value myself too much to do that.

That women are joining in the ongoing disassembling of my appearance is salient. Patriarchy is not men. Patriarchy is a system in which both women and men participate. It privileges, inter alia, the interests of boys and men over the bodily integrity, autonomy, and dignity of girls and women. It is subtle, insidious, and never more dangerous than when women passionately deny that they themselves are engaging in it. This abnormal obsession with women?s faces and bodies has become so normal that we (I include myself at times?I absolutely fall for it still) have internalized patriarchy almost seamlessly. We are unable at times to identify ourselves as our own denigrating abusers, or as abusing other girls and women.

A case in point is that this conversation was initially promulgated largely by women; a sad and disturbing fact. (That they are professional friends of mine, and know my character and values, is an additional betrayal.)

News outlets with whom I do serious work, such as publishing op-eds about preventing HIV, empowering poor youth worldwide, and conflict mineral mining in Democratic Republic of Congo, all ran this ?story? without checking with my office first for verification, or offering me the dignity of the opportunity to comment. It?s an indictment of them that they would even consider the content printable, and that they, too, without using time-honored journalistic standards, would perpetuate with un-edifying delight such blatantly gendered, ageist, and mean-spirited content.

[From The Daily Beast]

So she didn’t really deny getting anything done. Reading that made me confused, but I don’t see a denial in there anywhere. It’s all about how other people are at fault for pointing it out, and how the media is focusing on the wrong thing. When someone gets plastic surgery and it’s noticeable people are going to point it out. Plus there’s this thing called The Internet where a lot of people talk smack. Yes it can be annoying, but it exists and it’s human nature. It’s not some horrible conspiracy to keep people down.

I do believe her that she was taking steroids and that she gained a little weight, it’s basically what I wrote at the time. She already addressed this in a statement from her rep back when we were talking about it a month ago. What changed? Did it take her this long to whip out her thesaurus and condemn everyone? She actually talks like this, and it’s just as mind-boggling, if not more so, to her her speak. As she wrote at the beginning, she’s above all this anyway so why bother? Is it because she wants to point out how above it she is and how wrong we are? When it doesn’t personally affect her, does she even care?

16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd Says 'Good Morning America'
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashley Judd Says 'Good Morning America'
Taking care of some press duties, Ashley Judd's was spotted arriving at ABC Studios in New York City this morning (March 15).

The ?Dolphin Tale? dame donned a University of Kentucky t-shirt to show her support during the first day of March Madness as she chatted about her new show ?Missing.?

And of course, Ashley was well-spoken and articulate as always while talking about her character Becca on her new gig.

Ms. Judd explained, ?Well when the show?s creators came to me, I felt Becca was a very complete, dynamic, and complex person. I?m a mother, I?ve overcome great tragedy, I finally have this safe lovely life that I have fought so hard to make for myself. I don?t want anything to do with my former way of life. I think I?m actually quite ashamed of it. And yet when a mother?s worst nightmare comes true, my son goes missing while studying in Europe, I have to try to find him and then reluctantly try to reconnect with that whole world using skills, and assets, and old lovers and enemies to try to find him.?

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16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd's rep explains her puffy face: she has a sinus infection
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ashley Judd's rep explains her puffy face: she has a sinus infection
Yesterday we ran a story about Ashley Judd’s face looking puffy. News outlets were speculating that she’d had fillers. I wrote that her face may have been filled out due to a medical condition and/or steroids, and a lot of you agreed. Some of you mentioned that Ashley is rumored to be bipolar, and that a side effect of bipolar medication can be weight gain and water retention. Also, Ashley had her adorable dog Buttermilk with her during an interview, and Buttermilk was seen at the airport with her wearing a “service dog” vest for some reason. So it sounds like something is going on medically with her. We do know that she sought treatment for depression several years ago as she was open about it at the time.

Ashley’s rep has issued a statement to explain his client’s changed appearance. He claims that Ashley has a sinus infection and is on medication for it. I don’t think that it explains what’s going on. They don’t owe it to us to explain or anything, but given all the coverage of this, I definitely get why they did. Here’s

16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd's Face Looks Different
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Ashley Judd's Face Looks Different
That’s because, according to Radar, who asked celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn, Ashley Judd has pumped her face full of botox. Judd debuted her new face on The Marilyn Denis Showin Canadato promote her TV show Missing.

?I suspect that she’s had a good dose of Botox in her forehead to smooth it and injections of fat into her cheeks to plump them up,? he went on to explain.

?Ten years ago Ashley had some of the best cheeks in the business. Unfortunately, now they look too puffy. Hopefully they’re swollen from a recent treatment and will settle down soon,? he concluded.

Other reasons for the puffy cheeks may be weight gain. Granted, that doesn’t make me feel any better. She’s either pumping chemicals into her face or getting fat. Jesus. Are those my only two choices? This is so depressing.

Side note: Her dog looks pretty suspicious in the photo below.

16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd's Memoir Book Signing
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
 Ashley Judd's Memoir Book Signing
Continuing to plug her new book ?All Things Bitter and Sweet: A Memoir,? Ashley Judd was spotted at Barnes & Noble on 5th Avenue in New York City today (April 6).

The brunette beauty donned a pretty floral dress and signed books while meeting and greeting her fans.

In the book, Ashley slams P. Diddy and Snoop Dogg for being counterproductive figures used in the YouthAIDS campaign.

"YouthAIDS created hip public service announcements for TV and radio using popular local and international celebrities and athletes and was participating in the MTV World AIDS Day 'Staying Alive' concerts. Along with other performers, YouthAIDS was supported by rap and hip-hop artists like Snoop Dogg and P. Diddy to spread the, who? Those names were a red flag.?

"As far as I'm concerned, most rap and hip-hop music -- with it's rape culture and insanely abusive lyrics and depictions of girls and women as 'ho's' -- is the contemporary soundtrack of misogyny.?

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16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd Was Sexually Abused
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Ashley Judd Was Sexually Abused
A new memoir released by Ashley Judd reveals a childhood that is completely out of sync with the childhood her mother, Naomi Judd, has painted. Naomi has been quoted as saying the Judds put the “fun” in dysfunction. Ashley, however, disagrees.

Ashley reveals that although her mother led her father, Michael Ciminella, on to believe he was the father of Wynonna, it was actually another man, Charlie Jordan, who was the father and upon hearing of the pregnancy he wanted nothing to do with it.

The 42-year-old Kentucky native said that “there was always marijuana inside the house” and that her dad “was prone to taking hallucinogenics with friends on Saturday nights. When she was a toddler, her parent’s marriage dissolved, and Naomi had a new man move in with them who Ashley describes as an “abusive full-blown heroin addict with a criminal record.”

“I was taught to believe that our lifestyle was normal and never to question it or complain, even when I was left alone for hours, sometimes days at a time, or when I was passed without warning to yet another relative,” Ashley wrote. “I loved my mother, but at the same time I dreaded the mayhem and uncertainty that followed her everywhere…I often felt like an outsider observing my mom’s life as she followed her own dreams.”

Ashley adds that she was sexually abused during as a kid. An event which sent her into a deep depression.

“An old man everyone knew beckoned me into a dark, empty corner of the business and offered me a quarter for the pinball machine at the pizza place if I’d sit on his lap,” Ashley said.

“He opened his arms, I climbed up, and I was shocked when he suddenly cinched his arms around me, squeezing me and smothering my mouth with his, jabbing his tongue deep into my mouth.”

25 cents? Not to sound like a jerk, but that’s a little cheap, don’t you think? I wouldn’t get up on an old man’s lap for less than a dollar. A guy’s got to have standards.

16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd's Trauma-Filled Memoir
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashley Judd's Trauma-Filled Memoir
She had a traumatic childhood, and Ashley Judd details the events of her youth in a new memoir titled ?All That Is Bitter & Sweet,? out today.

Growing up in a showbiz family proved to be too much for the ?Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.?

She writes, "My mother, while she was transforming herself into the country legend Naomi Judd, created an origin myth for the Judds that did not match my reality."

"She and my sister [Wynonna] have been quoted as saying that our family put the 'fun' in dysfunction. I wondered: 'Who, exactly, was having all the fun? What was I missing?'"

"I was taught to believe that our lifestyle was normal and never to question it or complain, even when I was left alone for hours, sometimes days at a time, or when I was passed without warning to yet another relative.?

"I loved my mother, but at the same time I dreaded the mayhem and uncertainty that followed her everywhere...I often felt like an outsider observing my mom's life as she followed her own dreams."

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16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd's memoir: repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ashley Judd's memoir: repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse
A few of you commented on our Reese Witherspoon People Magazine story that you were interested in hearing about Ashley Judd’s upcoming memoir,

16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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Ashley Judd Lands "Missing" Role
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashley Judd Lands
She?s most known for her roles on the big screen, but Ashley Judd will now be recognized as a television star once again.

It is being reported by the Hollywood Reporter that the ?Tooth Fairy? actress has closed a deal to star in the new ABC series, ?Missing.?

The show centers around a worried mom Rebecca (Judd) who travels to Europe to find her son, who has disappeared in Italy while on a summer internship. It soon becomes clear that this isn't any ordinary woman, but a former CIA agent who will stop at nothing to bring her son home alive.

Judd once starred in the 1990s TV series, ?Sisters? and her next film ?Dolphin Tale? will hit theaters this year on September 23rd.

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16-Jul-2024 :Ashley Judd is friends with racists & bigots, therefore Pres. Biden must ...
26-Oct-2017 :Ashley Judd to Harvey Weinstein: ?I love you & I understand you are sick ...
7-Oct-2015 :Ashley Judd talks about an unnamed movie mogul who sexually harassed her
15-Apr-2015 :Ashley Judd?s Hotness Comeback
17-Mar-2015 :Ashley Judd will press charges against online trolls threatening her with...
17-Dec-2013 :Ashley Judd accused sister Wynonna Judd of putting a tracking device on h...
8-Nov-2013 :Star: Dario Franchitti has a new girlfriend, doesn?t want to get back wit...
21-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd: Reuniting with Dario Franchitti
7-Oct-2013 :Ashley Judd by Estranged Husband Dario Franchitti's Side After Houston Gr...
10-Apr-2013 :Ashley Judd: Slammed By Would-Be Political Opponents
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