| | |  | Kirsten Dunst News & Gossip
| Kirsten Dunst in an Honor party dress in London: beautiful or boring? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are photos of Kirsten Dunst at last night?s London premiere of Melancholia, that Lars Von Trier film that debuted in Cannes, for which Kiki won Best Actress. The dress is by ?Honor? a label/designer I?ve never heard of, and it?s from their Spring 2012 collection. When I first glanced through the photos, I was all, ?Meh, boring party dress on a girl who does too many too-cute party dresses.? But as I really looked at the dress, it?s actually really, really pretty. The details are lovely, the fabric is pretty, and it looks really nice on Kiki. Unfortunately, none of Kiki?s hot costars made it to the premiere - no Alex Skarsgard, no Kiefer Sutherland. Boo.
As for the public?s reaction to this film? God knows. While promoting it in Cannes, Lars Von Trier got kicked out of the festival for saying nice things about Nazis. So? Kirsten is the one being sent out, front and center, to promote the film. Here?s a recent interview with her:
What was it like working with Lars von Trier, that must have been a huge draw for you in taking on this role?
Kirsten Dunst: Oh yeah. I was drawn to the project because, to me, Lars von Trier is the only film maker who specifically makes films for women, who can be ugly and messy, and not this perfect idea of what women should be in film. I was thrilled at the opportunity to work with Lars, he doesn?t make that many movies. It was an opportunity that I went in with an open vulnerability and trust because of the way that Lars presents himself to you. Now I feel like I have a good friend as well.
If this film is not about the end of the world, it is certainly about the culture of fear and depression in people, how you feel about that?
Kirsten Dunst: The depression and the kind of unravelling of my character Justine at the beginning of her wedding, she feels sort of alienated, that sort of throws her into a depression. But I also think that what?s interesting about her is that as the world is coming to an end, the most horrible tragedy that could ever happen, she gets stronger and stronger and she is the one that brings them together. In terms of Lars and working with women, I commend him, there are not many female roles out there like this, where you can be crazy and vulnerable and strange, you can be whatever you want. That?s a freedom that?s very scary, but also gives you a braveness that I took with me onto other projects after this.
What was the work process like on this film? What sort of state of mind did you have to put yourself in to play Justine?
Kirsten Dunst: I think the intimacy Lars creates on set automatically makes you emotionally available, and then we do as much as we have to do. We do as many takes or different ways until he?s happy, I hope (laughs). The process is very freeing, kind of anything goes, then you rein it in or the other way around. We often did takes that lasted five minutes, when do you get to do that!? With that there?s a freedom and a breaking down of walls. It?s not, ?This is your close-up, this is your wide-shot,? all those things are thrown away and so you are left with a very natural way of just being.
[From Flicks & Bits]
I understand that this is the kind of meaty character study that most actresses want to sink their teeth into, but I feel like there?s a disconnect between ?the kind of part an actress would love to play? and ?the kind of part the audience feels comfortable seeing as the lead of the film.? I?m just saying, a film that centers on one woman?s unraveling, told by a self-indulgent director? it?s not something I want to watch.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Kirsten Dunst Premieres 'Melancholia' in London | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Handling her overseas promotions, Kirsten Dunst was spotted at the UK premiere of ?Melancholia? this evening (September 28).
The ?Crazy/Beautiful? actress stepped out at the Curzon Mayfair in a lovely fall-themed brown dress with a half-up hairdo.
Kirsten has caused quite a ruckus with the new film, as she appears topless in several steamy scenes.
?Melancholia? is a sci-fi drama about two sisters whose strained relationship is further tested when a mysterious new planet threatens to crash into earth.
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| Kirsten Dunst thinks it's weird if people don't go through depression | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kirsten Dunst covers the November issue of Flare while wearing a Pink and red Giambattista Valli dress that we’ve already seen on a red carpet situation on Emma Stone. At one point very early in its conception, may have had the potential of being pretty boobtastic but has been rendered ridiculous by the actual shaping of the dress. The shoulders are too boxy, and the flappy details around the waist just look silly. If the dress was merely a two-toned, fitted shape, Kiki probably could have pulled it off in a sophisticated way; that is, she might have done so before the unkindly airbrush patrol took control of the sitation. Kirsten is only 29 years old and still relatively fresh faced, so what need was there to change her face so much? Then there’s the hairstyling, which reminds me a lot of Michelle Pfieffer in Scarface — cocaine is normally not something that comes to mind when thinking of Kirsten Dunst, but I could be wrong on that note.
At any rate, Kirsten appears within the magazine to promote Melancholia, which hits theaters (in limited release) on November 11. For her leading role as a depressed bride, Dunst received the Best Actress award at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Since Kirsten underwent inpatient treatment for depression in 2008, she had plenty of experience from which to draw in playing her role:
On Her Performance In Melancholia: It was really hard for me to watch because I don’t recognize myself in parts of that film. It weirds me out a little bit. Like my voice change, this look in my eye. It scared me a little bit.
On Depression: I think that most human beings go through some sort of depression in their life. And if they don’t, I think that’s weird. People are embarrassed to talk about it - I would never put anyone down that was in that kind of space.
[From Flare]
Naturally, I do agree that almost everyone experiences some degree of depression at some point, but (from what little she says in these excerpts) Kirsten’s not really drawing the distinction between clinical depression based upon one’s body chemistry and the type of depression that is triggered by a tragic or otherwise life-altering event. Everyone is susceptible to the latter form of depression except for those rare people who are fortunate enough to never experience tragedy in their lifetimes. Then there are sufferers of lower-grade, chronic depression that usually indicates a low level of serotonin. Obviously, depression is a very complicated matter, and Kirsten has previously stated that her depression was of a primarily stress-induced variety, so she does know to a degree of which she speaks. Still, to label people who’ve never been truly depressed as “weird” goes a bit too far. Let’s go for “extremely lucky” instead, shall we?
Photos courtesy of Flare; Kirsten at TIFF courtesy of WENN
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| Kristen Dunst Topless in Melancholia | Added 13 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Kirsten Dunst’s new movie “Melancholia” isn’t due to be released in the States until November, but some benevolent soul had the foresight to frame-by-frame her topless scene so we wouldn’t have to waste time watching the actual movie just to see her tits for three seconds. Consider it time management at its finest, for those who have to masturbate on a schedule. Like me, for instance. I’m a busy girl. You didn’t think all those Digimon characters just magically leveled up by themselves, did you?
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| Kirsten Dunst on Her Snaggle Teeth | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Kirsten Dunst opened up about her snaggle teeth in the latest issue of Elle. She says she knows he has gnarly fangs but they give her character and character is sexy. Ergo, she’s sexy. Wait, waht? Quit playing mind games with me, Kirsten Dunst!
On being 29: I’m much happier, more sure, more definite. Who you are as 25 and who you are at 29 is a very different thing. For me it feels like a 20-year age gap. You live, you learn and you come through the drama to more easy, relaxed perspective.
Forever humble: I’m the girl I was brought up by my family to be. I don’t think of myself as any more special than anyone else. OK, I’m an actress, but that’s just what I do [?] it doesn’t give me special powers.
On her teeth: I love my snaggle fangs. They give me character and character is sexy. People comment, but the only person who ever told me to fix them was my mom. Mothers are always like, “Wear lipstick, put on rouge!” They can be shitty about that stuff because they love you. I just went my own way, like daughters do.
Also, she has big boobs which we’ll get to see during her nude scenes in Melancholia.
On her nude scenes in Melancholia: I didn’t work out beforehand, it was all very natural. I don’t have any real body issues. I never really overeat, I shed weight in the summer, put it on in the winter and yes, I do have big boobs. People don’t realise because I cover up a lot, but they are there. Big boobs.
At least she has the big boob thing going for her. Some people don’t even have that. Like they always say, when one snaggly-toothed door closes, another, much bustier one opens.
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| Kirsten Dunst: 'I love my snaggle fangs, they give me character' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kirsten Dunst is the cover girl for the September issue of Elle UK, and these are several pics from the cover shoot. I?m not a huge fan? I?ve grown tired of this airy-fairy, washed-out photography style, especially when the subject is herself airy-fairy and washed-out. Kiki can be photographed to look stunning and beautiful, but you have to take the time to light her properly, get her hair done, put her in good clothes, etc. You can?t just mess up her bangs trauma and shoot her through a hipster mist. That?s fashion, and it?s not a good editorial style. Just my opinion. Anyway, in the Elle piece, there are some half decent quotes from Kiki - I especially like the ones about her too-girly style and her ?snaggle fangs?.
On her style: ?I?m 29. I keep thinking, ?Stop with the cutesy dresses.? I?m trying to, I honestly am. I have things in my wardrobe that are too girlie for my age. But I like simple, feminine, casual. I don?t like overdone.?
On her happiness: ?I?m much happier, more sure, more definite. Who you are at 25 and who you are at 29 is a very different thing. For me, it feels like a 20-year age gap. You live, you learn, and you come through the drama to a more easy, relaxed perspective.?
On her teeth: ?I love my snaggle fangs. They give me character and character is sexy. People comment, but the only person who ever told me to fix them was my mom?. I just went my own way, like daughters do.?
Kiki on her split with Razorlight frontman, Johnny Borrell: ?We all want the bad guy who doesn’t give you what you want. I did a lot of sitting in my car, listening to sad music, crying over boys.?
Now she?s with Jason Boesel: ?[Jason's] not into partying and it works. We have similar schedules: long periods of time off and periods of mad work. When I?ve finished work, I travel to be with him. It?s special.?
Working on On the Road: ?I know how big it is. Every time I’ve been on the set, I’ve thought, ?This is On the Road.??
[Elle UK excerpts courtesy of The Mail, transcript of interview]
I have to agree with Kiki about her snaggle fangs, honestly. I don?t like talking about teeth very often because I know I?m in the minority - most people prefer teeth that super-human white and straight as can be. That?s fine, but I won?t hate on someone for having weird teeth. As for Kiki on her ripe old age of 29… Meh. If she wants to think the difference between 25 and 29 is huge, more power to her. But I suspect she doesn?t even remember 25. Bitch was hammered for nearly the entire year.
Elle UK photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot.
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| Kirsten Dunst, drunk-faced in a Patrik Ervell tux: cute or fug? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Historically, I?ve never been the biggest Kirsten Dunst fan. I?ve always found her rather annoying, honestly. But over the past year or so, I?ve noted time and time again that Kiki seems to be trying to get her act together. She?s made the effort to not look or be so wasted in public, she?s shown up to many events looking sober and pulled-together, and at times flat-out beautiful. Reportedly, she?s even been acting more professionally behind the scenes too. All of which I respect. That being said, the girl still has some misses, and last night was one of them. Kiki wore this Patrik Ervell tux and shirt? and I really, really dislike it, in total. I dislike everything put together - the slim-cut pants, the poorly-cut jacket, the old-fashion tuxedo dress shirt, and the turquoise lapel detail. It looks like Kiki is trying too hard to look impossibly chic, like she?s wearing vintage YSL instead of this budget crap. And that too-high hair bun isn?t helping either. Oh, and she?s back to looking drunk/high too.
Just to show you that I?m not a complete hater of the tuxedo look for ladies, here?s LeeLee Sobieski, wearing a fresh white suit/tuxedo designed by her husband Adam Kimmel (the shoes are Givenchy). THIS is a beautiful look on a woman. Not so much with Kiki?s tux.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Kirsten Dunst Thinks Lars Von Trier is an Idiot | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Kirsten Dunst, who won Best Actress for Melancholia at Cannes, was asked what she thought about Lars von Trier’s ban from the film festival as a result of his joke about Nazis. Despite him being the director, she thought it was justified.
Kirsten called him inappropriate and idiotic and that he paid for his comments. She added that she was pleased the festival and the jury “could see beyond his words” (gave me a shiny award). Actually, Kirsten seemed pretty indifferent to the whole thing. The glare from the award probably distracted her. “Yesss, yess, come to me my pretty,” Kirsten was muttering when she accepted her award.
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| Kirsten Dunst Wins Best Actress Award at Cannes | Added 13 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Kirsten Dunst was presented with the Prix de l’Interpretation Feminine in Cannes yesterday for her role in the Lars von Trier film “Mein Kampf” “Melancholia.” The Daily Mail says:
Kirsten Dunst conquered the Cannes Film Festival by taking the best actress award from a jury led by Robert De Niro and for a movie made by banned film-maker Lars von Trier.
The 29-year-old star thought her chances of winning at Cannes were dimmed after Von Trier was [banned] by the festival’s board after telling a press conference he understood Hitler and that he ‘was a Nazi’.
She gives a terrific, deeply felt performance in Melancholia as a newly-wed bride who instantly regrets her marriage while at the same time the planet Earth is on collision course with another planet.
Imagine my surprise when I learned that “Prix de l’Interpretation Feminine” wasn’t French for “Teeth Like Nasty Bits of Broken Tile.” And for the record, the banning of Lars von Trier marks the only time in history the French have ever successfully forced a Nazi out of France.
PHOTO SOURCE: Fame Pictures
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| Kirsten Dunst in Chanel, winning Best Actress at Cannes: meh or stunning? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are some photos from the closing ceremony - Kiki Dunst, The Gerard Butler-Hater, took home the festival?s ?Best Actress? prize for Melancholia, the Lars Von Trier film. Kiki actually attended the closing ceremony, almost as if she had been tipped off that she was going to win something (note: I think the winners ARE actually notified ahead of time). Kiki threw on this Chanel Haute Couture gown. It reminds me of what she wore for the AmFAR gala last week - Kiki does love her frothy, tulle-heavy gowns. I?m kind of meh on the gown, but the shoes kind of ruin what could have been a solid look. Closed-toe black with that frothy Chanel? It doesn?t work. Here?s more about the winners:
As the 64th Cannes Film Festival came to a close Sunday, its jury awarded the top prize to a movie that split the critics: director Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life, starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn.
Jury president Robert De Niro made the announcement, while the reclusive Malick was not in the French town to accept his Palme d’Or (Golden Palm).
Other winners Sunday evening included Kirsten Dunst as best actress for controversial director Lars Von Trier’s Melancholia. Earlier this week, the Danish filmmaker had been banned from the festival for rambling remarks he made at a press conference about how he sympathized with Hitler.
Dunst alluded to her director’s outburst during her acceptance speech Sunday, saying, “What a week this has been.”
French actor Jean Dujardin was named best actor for a popular silent, black-and-white comedy, The Artist ? to be seen in the U.S. later this year. Best director was Nicolas Winding Refn, for Drive, which stars Ryan Gosling.
Other members of the Cannes jury included Jude Law and Uma Thurman.
[From People]
Ryan Gosling was there to celebrate his director?s win. He and Refn are in the midst of some kind of homoerotic bromance, from the looks of it. I?ve never really had a homoerotic fantasy involving the Gosdong, but I may have to start. He?s just not like that for me - I look at photos of Daniel Craig or Javier Bardem, and I imagine them kissing, licking and biting each other. When I look at Gosling, all I see is a good-looking Canadian kid with no sexual dramz.
Also in the photos - Jean Dujardin, who is rather handsome, Robert DeNiro and Uma Thurman, who was WEARING THE HELL out of that blue gown.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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