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LeAnn Rimes News & Gossip
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LeAnn Rimes 'acting unstable, might end up in rehab again' according to Star
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes 'acting unstable, might end up in rehab again' according to Star
Before I sat down to write this, I hadn?t checked LeAnn Rimes? Twitter in about a week. Considering I didn?t see any coverage along the lines of ?LeAnn sets fire to Twitter, demands friends call her LeBrandi Ranville,? I assumed that LeAnn?s dumbass publicist was sitting on her, or had possibly broken LeAnn?s tweetin? fingers. Considering that Brandi Glanville?s book has come out and Brandi has become the latest darling of the publishing world (she?s seriously moved a lot of books so far), it?s kind of miracle that LeAnn is keeping it somewhat together. Of course there are cracks in LeAnn?s faade of sanity. There was the Instagram belonging to ?Eddie?. There was that cracked-out statement allegedly made by LeAnn?s publicist. And on and on. But seriously, it could be SO MUCH worse. Star Magazine is now trying to claim that LeAnn?s friends worry she?s on the verge of another breakdown:

Less than five months after completing rehab for social-media-

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes: 'People have been judging me, I felt a need to explain & apologize'
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes: 'People have been judging me, I felt a need to explain & apologize'
Here are some photos of LeAnn Rimes wearing a really unfortunate pair of pants while performing in Vancouver on Saturday. At one point, she put on a Canucks jersey and fans booed her when she said she needed an LA Kings jersey too. As for how she looks ? those bangs are not settling in, are they? Sometimes bangs look better after a few weeks of growth and styling, but LeAnn?s are just? bad.

In other LeAnn news, Us Weekly reported last Friday that she?s ?in talks? to get her own TV series. A source told Us Weekly, “LeAnn has been approached about doing both scripted and nonscripted shows and [she?s] hearing people out.? I still think that Simon Cowell needs to approach her about being a judge on The X-Factor. Think about it ? the whole show wouldn?t have to rest on her shoulders, but if she has any kind of emotional or psychological breakdown, the cameras would be there and it would make for ?compelling? must-watch TV. But the idea of LeAnn doing, like, a talk show? No. NOOO. Also: LeAnn is still doing press for her new album (out this month). This interview is epic:

Metro: You?re doing a country music festival in London later this month. Are you looking forward to it?

LeAnn: I am. I haven?t performed in Britain for a while and my British audience is very eclectic. I remember looking out and seeing kids and guys with a million piercings and wearing leather. I have a lot of gay fans in Britain.

What can people expect from your new album?

It?s a very honest album, very personal. I co-wrote most of the songs and it?s about my life over the past few years. I?m proud of it and it tells a story ? not just mine but a lot of other people?s too. I?m not the only person to have gone through these issues.

Was it a cathartic experience?

Very much so. I got out what I needed to get out. I?ve been making music professionally for 20 years but this is the first time I?ve made a record that?s been completely me from start to finish. Being able to turn something crappy into something beautiful, angry and heartbreaking ? every emotion you can think of is on this record ? is an amazing thing to be able to do.

Have you missed recording?

The last album I did was a covers album. It was five years ago and I won?t leave it as long next time. I was living life, took a break and came back to it. I had a lot to draw from. It feels like the second coming of me. It?s to do with growing up and not being apologetic for who I am.

Did you feel a need to explain yourself?

You?ve done a lot of frank US TV interviews recently? Yes. People have been judging me, so I felt a need to explain and apologise, which I?ve done many times. Now I no longer feel that need. I?m happy and happily married and have a wonderful family. I?m living life as best I can ? but I?m not exempt from failure and making bad choices.

You?ve been written about extensively in the US tabloids for three years since you got together with your husband. Has the coverage worn you down?

It has been an ongoing story for them. At least I sell magazines for them ? I guess that?s the positive ? but it?s involved some very wrong information. Sometimes I comment on it, sometimes I don?t. They?re going to write what they want to write anyway. I just read I bathe in Evian water ? some of the stories are so insane. I try to let it roll off my back but it?s gone on for a long time. I have a talent, I can sing. I don?t earn my money from trying to hurt people or get in the tabloids.

Did you ever consider leaving the music industry?

There have been many times I?ve wanted to but I?d be lost without music. I?ve thought about taking a back seat and doing more writing. This is the last album with the label I?ve been signed to since I was 11 ? it?s been 20 years and it feels like this is a new start for me.

Would you let your own child pursue a showbiz career?

I?d let them develop their talent but it?s important to let kids be kids. I wouldn?t encourage them to enter the industry at a young age. I?d be honest with them about what goes on ? it?s not a fairy tale. Wanting to be a superstar is all very well but don?t believe the facade. Especially because it?s getting harder to get into the industry anyway.

In what way? Do you need to do a TV talent show?

It?s easier if you go down that route. A lot of us before those shows were around had to work our butts off to get our music heard. Those shows give you an in-built audience. It?s harder for artists to get heard on the radio now ? it?s not as much of a broad spectrum as it used to be.

What lessons has 20 years in the music industry taught you?

It?s made me a fighter. Everyone fails sometimes, especially when you become as successful as quickly as I did, and I?m proud I?ve been able to pick myself up and keep my head above water for as long as I have.

What else would you like to achieve in your career?

I used to set myself big goals and I?ve achieved most of them, luckily. Now I define success differently to how I did as a kid. I want to continue making music and for people to see me as a complete artist rather than just a voice. It feels like I?m just coming into my own after being in the business for 20 years.

[From Metro]

LeAnn sounded almost normal for some of those questions. But there?s still the humblebragging and the narcissism. ?I have a lot of gay fans in Britain.? And ?At least I sell magazines for them ? I guess that?s the positive?. Yeah. She LOVES the attention. She always has loved it. And her explanation of why she hasn?t had an album in while ? ?I was living life, took a break and came back to it? ? is ridiculous. Her label dropped her for a few years, right? And she was recording music for the past five years, trying to get a comeback going and it just didn?t take.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes at a DC event for Youth National Guard: does she look pregnant?
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes at a DC event for Youth National Guard: does she look pregnant?
These are some photos of Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes arriving in DC two days ago, and then photos of just LeAnn at an event last night for the Youth National Guard Challenge. LeAnn had been tweeting a lot about doing a ?show? in DC, and I thought she was actually going to have a real concert, but I guess it was just this event for the Youth National Guard. Considering the event seems to be for ?the youth,? do you think thigh-high boots and a mini-dress are appropriate? Hm.

I don?t really have much to say here, I just wanted to post these photos because we had them. Should we talk about the rumors that LeAnn is knocked up? To me, her face looks fuller, but I can?t tell if it?s because she?s gained a little weight (from a possible pregnancy) or because her newish bangs change her face. I think it?s a little bit of both ? LeAnn has put on a little weight recently ? I think since Brandi accused her of being addicted to laxatives ? and I won?t criticize her for it. She needed to gain some weight! And it looks fine on her. It actually makes her look younger ? is anyone else getting ?vintage country star LeAnn? vibes? As for the alleged pregnancy? we?ll see. Her people denied the pregnancy reports last week, but God knows.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes wants you to know that she went to the Oscars too, you guys
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes wants you to know that she went to the Oscars too, you guys
LeAnn Rimes went to the Oscars TOO, you guys! No matter that no one got any photos of her at any of the Oscar parties or anything. No matter that the only photos of LeAnn in her Oscar gear are from her Twitter account. PAY ATTENTION!!! So, yes ? these are a few photos of LeAnn from her Twitter. It seems that she and Eddie got all dressed up so that she could appear on Piers Morgan? I guess Piers did some kind of ?Live After the Oscars? thing on CNN, and LeAnn was one of the guests. Sure. I tried looking for some coverage of it, but no one seems to care so I won?t either. LeAnn?s green dress is vintage (according to her). It looks nice on her.

We?ve also got some photos of LeAnn, Eddie and Eddie?s sons earlier on Sunday. According to Fame/Flynet, they were ?running errands and then watching her son play T-ball with husband Eddie Cibrian in Los Angeles.? STEP-son, Fame/Flynet. Step-son. LeAnn?s outfit in these photos is? um? I was going to say ?cracked-out? but that?s not it. Even a crackie like Lindsay Lohan wouldn?t have put this combination together. Maybe it?s just a case of LeAnn throwing together whatever was clean? but I think she actually looks like she was TRYING for some kind of interesting look.

As for those rumors that LeAnn would possibly join the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Brandi Glanville told People Magazine: “That’s all a farce. She wouldn’t do it. They didn’t offer it. She squashed it on Twitter. My people would never do that to me. It wouldn’t happen.” As you know, Brandi was also at the Oscars, but she had a real job with ABC. You can see photos of Brandi here. She looked super-trashy, but at least she was following the biggest trend of the evening: boobs.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and LeAnn?s Twitter.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
LeAnn Rimes photos
LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes is not pregnant, her rep disputes Star Mag's preggo claims
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes is not pregnant, her rep disputes Star Mag's preggo claims
Star Magazine has a story this week which is already getting a lot of play, and the issue isn?t even out yet. Apparently, LeAnn Rimes is pregnant and Star Magazine knows this because she?s gained some noticeable weight, she stopped drinking (according to friends), and she stopped dyeing her hair. Unfortunately for all of us, we can?t get all excited/schadenfreude-y about this because LeAnn?s rep has gone around denying it to everybody who will listen:

LeAnn Rimes has denied reports she is pregnant. Rumours had surfaced that the country star is expecting her first child with husband Eddie Cibrian.

But a representative for the singer told Mail Online: ?LeAnn is not pregnant.?

A source had claimed to Star magazine: ?LeAnn is staying coy, but her friends say she?s beyond excited to be having a baby.?

The publication alleged that LeAnn learned shortly before the holidays that she had a little one on the way.

?That?s why she didn?t have a single margarita in Cabo over Christmas and New Year?s,? the source claimed. ?Normally she can?t get enough!?

The star has come under much criticism for her too-thin figure in the past but has been cutting a far healthier shape of late.

And the insider said of LeAnn?s newly healthy figure: ?LeAnn has stopped bleaching her hair, and is relaxing her diet to gain weight the way a pregnant woman is supposed to. She hasn?t always taken the best care of her health, and she?s determined to get it right. She?s wanted Eddie?s baby ever since they got together.?

However on Sunday LeAnn was off to dye her locks and tweeted: ?Hair color, then bang trim and dinner w/ the hubs. It’s gonna be a warm evening, so a patio w/ yummy food we must find.?

The 30-year-old?s husband already has two sons, from his first marriage to Brandi Glanville, and the insider has claimed that he does not want a girl.

?He knows how badly he?s already treated the women in his life,? the source alleged. ?It would drive him crazy trying to take care of a girl.?

[From The Mail]

Gossip Cop also got a comment from LeAnn?s rep, who told them: ?LeAnn is not pregnant, as I told Star Magazine but they chose to ignore it.? And Eddie?s rep also commented, saying that the story ?is not true.? Too bad. Also: I hope that if and when LeAnn does get knocked up, she does have a girl because OMG that will be amazing.

So? take off your party hats and take down the streamers. LeAnn is not knocked up, and I really don?t think she would have ordered her rep to GO HARD against the rumors if she was just going to have to admit a pregnancy in a month, you know? So I believe that she just gained some weight and it doesn?t equal baby. But here?s the question I always have about the way celebrities deny some stories and let other stories sit around, gaining traction ? why did LeAnn feel so strongly about letting everyone know she wasn?t knocked up, while her rep couldn?t be bothered to comment on that story about the Instagram account which belonged to ?Eddie??

Photos courtesy of ?Eddie?s? Instagram (now defunct) and WENN.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes: Calabasas Cupcake Cutie
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
LeAnn Rimes: Calabasas Cupcake Cutie
Taking care of some last minute Valentine?s Day preparations, LeAnn Rimes hit up Susie Cakes in Calabasas, California for some gourmet cupcakes yesterday (February 14).

Clad in a red top and black trousers, the ?How Do I Live? singer also paid a visit to Planet Beauty for some new makeup along the way.

In legal news, LeAnn has filed a lawsuit against her dentist for giving her the wrong veneers and crowns, leading to nine root canals, bone grafting, and a host of other complications.

Rimes claims Dr. Duane C. McKay?s errors caused ?severe tooth pain, gum inflammation, and chronic gum bleeding.?

She also maintains her "ability to perform as an artist has been and will continue to significantly compromised until all re-treatment is completed," and she?s seeking an undisclosed amount of money.

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
LeAnn Rimes photos
LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes got long, shaggy bangs over the weekend: unflattering or cute?
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes got long, shaggy bangs over the weekend: unflattering or cute?
At this point, I could probably just post this photo with the text ?LeAnn Rimes. Bangs.? And it would get 300 comments. Y?all love to hate on LeAnn, and I love to hate on bangs, so this is where we?re at. LeAnn posted the header photo on Saturday on her Twitter with the message: ?Love my Andy Lacompte! I got banged - love em! Was time for a fun change.? I just spent a few minutes trying to see if Andy LaCompte is Brandi Glanville?s hair stylist, or if Brandi had suspiciously debuted some new bangs on Friday. No and no ? at least not that I can find! Lots of ladies go to LaCompte?s salon though ? Kim Kardashian, Nicole Richie, Ashley Tisdale, etc.

As for the bangs? well, you know I have a tic about bangs. But truly, it makes my life when bangs-defenders come in and yell at me! I have moved away from my bangs absolutism and I am willing to admit these days that SOME (not all and not many) women can work some fringe. Is LeAnn one of those women? Well, to start with, LeAnn got those too-long shaggy-dog bangs which, I?m sorry, never look good. If you?re going to get bangs, make sure that you can see. They shouldn?t block your field of squinting/vision. I just don?t think this is the best look for LeAnn?s face. She should have started with some shorter layers framing her face (like ?The Rachel?) and then played it out from there.

As you may have noticed, LeAnn did not attend the Grammys or any of the post-Grammy events ? although she did appear at one pre-Grammy event last Thursday. I have no idea if LeAnn was even invited, but I suspect that she probably could have wrangled an invitation if she had really wanted one. One of the Twitter followers asked if she was going, and she tweeted: ?no, cause I’m hanging with my hubby and his babies almost did, but I like my pj’s better. Next year FO SHO.? I guess it?s ?fo sho? because LeAnn expects to get lots of Grammy nominations for her new album?

LeAnn on Thursday, pre-bangs.

Photos courtesy of LeAnn?s Twitter, WENN.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
LeAnn Rimes photos
LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes Goes Bang-tastic!
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
LeAnn Rimes Goes Bang-tastic!
Looking to change things up a bit, LeAnn Rimes sought the services of her hair dresser for a fresh new hairdo, just in time for the winter thaw.

The ?Can?t Fight the Moonlight? singer showed off her new coif over the weekend by posting a photo of her bangy style to her Twitter account.

A thrilled Ms. Rimes added the caption, ?Love my Andy Lecompte! I got banged. Love ?em! Was time for a fun change.?

After her trip to the salon, LeAnn hit the road and performed a gig in Palm Springs. She tweeted, "Meeting my hubby and the boys there. Love when I get to have fam around when I'm workin."

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
LeAnn Rimes photos
LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes in a beige-y dress at a pre-Grammy event: cute or terrible?
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes in a beige-y dress at a pre-Grammy event: cute or terrible?
Once again, I?m going to ask all of you to stop with the trolling. We can talk and laugh about LeAnn Rimes and this whole budget mess/situation without everybody ganging up on LeAnn or each other. These are new photos of LeAnn last night at a pre-Grammy event for the Music Preservation Project ‘Play It Forward’ Celebration. I can?t find the designer ID for her dress, so I?m sorry about that. I don?t like the dress very much at all? the design doesn?t flatter her figure and that beige-y color doesn?t suit LeAnn?s coloring either. She would look so much better in jewel tones. And I?m sorry, but those shoes look like bandages.

LOL ? I just realized that you can completely see through the midsection of the dress ? you can see LeAnn?s belly button! That?s so? ugh. I mean, it?s for a pre-Grammy event so it?s not like people were walking around in ball gowns or anything, but this feels like a really trashy style choice. Also: where was Eddie? He didn?t come or he didn?t walk the red carpet with her? Maybe he had to stay home and spend the evening taking down his Instagram account. LOL.

I?m also including two of LeAnn?s Twit-pics from last night. The closeup is tagged ?Glamour night!!!!? and the red carpet photo is tagged ?Grammy Foundation carpet craziness? only that carpet looked pretty subdued to me. I looked through the red carpet photos too, and LeAnn was seriously the biggest name there, except for maybe Emmylou Harris (whom I love). LeAnn tweeted: ?Tonight, “Play It Forward” for the Grammy Foundation kicked serious ass!!! I adore Kenny Wayne Shepherd It felt soooo good to just sang!? To just sang? Epic.

LeAnn has also been tweeting some cryptic stuff, directed at no one and everyone I suppose. Yesterday she tweeted, ?To deflect the truth is just plain admission?. Was she saying that to herself or Brandi? LeAnn also retweeted this: ?Hurt people hurt people, n she is so hurt that she wants u to feel that pain and its killing her that u are happy. @leannrimes?. SMH. I think my favorite is this though ? from today: ?’Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.? John F. Kennedy?. LeAnn is so deep.

Photos courtesy of Try CW/

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes Talks Brandi Glanville on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
LeAnn Rimes Talks Brandi Glanville on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'
She stole Brandi Glanville's husband Eddie Cibrian a few years back, and LeAnn Rimes is sick of hearing about her hubby?s ex-wife these days.

During her interview on ? Jimmy Kimmel Live,? the ?How Do I Live? songstress declared that she is ready to tell Ms. Glanville, ?Screw you!?

Rimes ranted, ?I do know what?s going on because I have to deal with my publicist every Monday [after Brandi?s ?Real Housewives? show airs].?

?It?s kind of interesting how it seems very one-sided most of the time, with people lying about you and you?re like? [curse] words here! I usually don?t engage [in the feud], but there comes a time when you?re just like, ?Screw you!??

?That?s it, and that?s all you wanna say and you?re like, ?I?m done with this now for another three months.??

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5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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