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Ellen Barkin News & Gossip
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Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney 'takes great care of George & all his friends'
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney 'takes great care of George & all his friends'
During an episode of Watch What Happens Live this week, Anderson Cooper and Ellen Barkin were Andy Cohen?s guests and a lot of crap went down. Some of it I really don?t care about, like Anderson and Andy apparently got into a tiff about Kathy Griffin leaving Fashion Police, with Anderson sticking up for his friend Kathy and Andy Cohen sort of throwing some shade. None of that is important (to me). Because Ellen Barkin played ?Spill the Tea? about George Clooney & Amal Alamuddin?s wedding last year! And some of her comments were very interesting.

WWHL host Andy Cohen and fellow guest Anderson Cooper took turns asking Barkin questions about the A-list affair, including ?Who got the most drunk?? and ?Did any famous people drunkenly hook up??

In fact, a lot of their inquiries were booze-related. ?I can only speak for myself and that would be a big yes,? she replied when asked if the majority of guests were drunk throughout the festivities. And when pressed about the food, Barkin answered, ?I would say spectacular, [but] I didn?t eat. It got in the way of my drinking. You know what, I?m not lying, I have no f?king idea. I didn?t eat a thing all weekend.?

As to whether any celebs hooked up at the highly publicized event, Barkin first replied, ?Not that I?m aware of,? before asking, ?What do you mean ?hook up???

?Fool around that night,? host Cohen explained. ?Possibly,? she said, revising her answer with a coy smile.

Barkin said she wasn?t surprised that the former bachelor settled down.

?I always felt he would,? she said. ?I felt he was just waiting till he felt like he wanted to.?

As for the Oscar winner?s new wife?

?She takes great care of him and all his friends,? Barkin dished of Alamuddin, 37.

[From Us Weekly]

Amal ?takes great care of him and all his friends.? That?s interesting. Really. I?ve always thought that was the dynamic of George?s relationships, like the ladies had to fit into his life, spend time with his friends and organize their schedules around him. But Amal was supposed to be different! Amal and George were supposed to be equals! He was supposed to take care of her as much as she took care of him! As for Ellen never doubting that George would get marrie eventually, that he was ?just waiting till he felt like he wanted to,? sure. I guess we can go with that.

I?m including the video below. Beware, Ellen?s face work will make you wince a little bit.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

5-Feb-2015 :Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney?s weddi...
30-Nov-2012 :Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of ?The New Normal??
23-Sep-2011 :Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
2-Jun-2011 :Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
16-Feb-2009 :Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriag...
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Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney's wedding'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney's wedding'
Can you believe that it’s already been four months since George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin got married? I cannot. It seems like I just figured out how to spell Amal’s maiden name, and she’s already changed it. Well four months is long for Clooney to be married, but relatively short in the scheme of some things, like engagements. Wedding guests Ellen Barkin, a friend and co-star of the groom, and Ben Emmerson, a friend and colleague of the bride, made a love match at the reception and are reportedly already engaged.

I’m surprised that Barkin, 60, is allegedly engaged again. No shade on her age at all, it’s just that I still remember how she sold all her jewelry after her high profile divorce from billionaire Ron Perelman in 2006. She made around $20 million for her jewels, and said that she sold them “so I ? and my children and my mother ? would be taken care of.” It was unknown if she made any kind of settlement in her divorce. After that she scored Oceans 13 and a bunch of other acting gigs. Plus Barkin was dating a much younger man for years. In 2011 she had a boyfriend who was just 26 at the time and she had reportedly been with him for four years at that point. So that’s another reason why I’m surprised.

Here’s more on Barkin’s maybe-engagement, thanks to US Magazine:

Ellen Barkin has found love again ? and she has George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin to thank. The Sea of Love star is engaged to Alamuddin?s colleague, British barrister and Queen?s counsel Ben Emmerson, a source reveals exclusively to Us Weekly.

?She is so happy and in love again,? the source confirms to Us, adding that the actress and lawyer got engaged over the holidays, after meeting at Alamuddin and Clooney?s September 2014 nuptials.

?Ellen met him at George and Amal?s wedding and they totally hit it off,? the insider explains. ?It happened quickly but she?s totally fallen for him and flies to see him all the time.?

Aside from intelligence ? Emmerson specializes in human rights law, public international law, and international crime law, among a bevy of other accolades ? the source tells Us that Barkin, 60, fell in love with the 51-year-old?s charm.

?He is really handsome and smart and charming and swept her off her feet,? the insider says.

As for their celeb BFFs Clooney and Alamuddin? The insider says they couldn?t be happier for their friends.

?George and Amal love them together! They both love Ellen and Ben so they think this is so great and love that they made a great match happen,? the source says.

[From US Magazine]

Human rights lawyers for all the celebrities! Impressive that he’s a lawyer for the queen too. I wish Barkin well for her third marriage. (She was also married to actor Gabriel Byrne from 1988 to 1998.) Maybe she should enjoy her engagement and not rush to make it official after less than a year with someone. Especially when they’re living in different countries. Still, this guy seems much more suited to her than her last boyfriend, a director who was over 30 years younger than her.

After I wrote this story, Kaiser pointed me to E!, which has a denial from Emmerson’s camp. All the statement says is that “Mr. Emmerson is not engaged to Ellen Barkin.” So, maybe they’re dating and not engaged then? It’s bizarre, because US Magazine would not have run this story without a solid source. They’re usually very good about that.

I couldn’t find any photos of Emmerson at our agencies, but you can see a photo of him on US’s site.

20-Mar-2015 :Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney ?takes great care of George & all his friends?
30-Nov-2012 :Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of ?The New Normal??
23-Sep-2011 :Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
2-Jun-2011 :Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
16-Feb-2009 :Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriag...
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Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of 'The New Normal?'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of 'The New Normal?'
These are some photos of Ellen Barkin at LAMCA about a month ago, and I would venture a guess that Ellen is probably wearing a Gucci dress since that was basically the whole event. Ellen looks a bit tweaked here (which, sadly, is nothing new these days for her), but her bod looks fantastic. Looks certainly aren’t everything though, and word on the tabloid street is that Ellen is a nightmare on the set of her new television show, “The New Normal.” I wonder if she’s always just like this or if this is something new. Back in 1993, the New York Times painted a wonderful portrait of her: “A visit with Ellen Barkin is not like a visit with a typical movieland diva: no sign of pampered, baroque behavior.” So should we believe this new, nasty Ellen really exists? Here’s the story from Star:

Ellen Barkin plays a witch with a capital B on the hit NBC sitcom “The New Normal,” but a source says she’s even more of a meanie off camera!

“Ellin is always barking at her castmates and cursing out the crew,” the insider tells Star exclusively. “One time she blasted the poor sound guy, spewing out a string of profanities.” Ellen plays snooty, condescending Jane Forrest on the popular show — which may not be much of s stretch.

“She insists on only high-end designer clothes,” snipes the spy. “At first the crew let it go because she’s famous, but now they are getting fed up,” reveals the spy, adding that producers are also wondering if the show’s success is a gift … or a curse! “The cast is worried that they will be stuck with her bizarre behavior for many seasons to come!”

[From Star, print edition, December 19, 2012]

Hmm, I wonder where Kaiser would place Ellen on the diva scale. Probably somewhere between Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow. I always wonder if diva behavior (especially if it’s new) stems from problems at home. Maybe she and her late 20s boytoy aren’t getting along so well. Or maybe Ellen’s still upset that she couldn’t get into Henry Cavill’s pants. Yeah, that’s gotta be the answer. Get in line, Ellen!

Photos courtesy of WENN

20-Mar-2015 :Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney ?takes great care of George & all his friends?
5-Feb-2015 :Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney?s weddi...
23-Sep-2011 :Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
2-Jun-2011 :Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
16-Feb-2009 :Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriag...
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Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
We’ve heard that famous divorcee and actress Ellen Barkin was dating a much, much younger guy, but I assumed it was just a fling. Re-reading an article on this that Bedhead covered in June, I realized that Ellen has lived with her young lover for two years and that they’ve been together for four years! Things seem really serious between the two no matter the age difference.There’s a new tabloid report that Ellen popped the question during a romantic beach stroll. If the roles were reversed and Ellen was a rich old 57 year old dude with a fiance 31 years his junior would we think twice about it? Probably not.

Ellen Barkin, 57, is so smitted with her 26-year-old director beau Sam Levinson that she popped the question - and the two are planning an early 2012 wedding, sources say.

“Ellen is madly in love with Sam and wants to spend the rest of her life with him,” a close pal told The Enquirer.

“She proposed marriage while they were walking on the beach on late afternoon in August. Sam didn’t skip a beat before accepting. ”

Even better, the groom-to-be has the blessing of his father - Oscar-winning director Barry Levinson - who guided Ellen in her breakout role in the 1982 classic “Diner…”

[Ellen] has previously been married to billionaire businessman Ron Perelman and Irish actor Gabriel Byrne, father of her 21-year-old son Jack and daughter Romy, 18.

She’s dated Sam for four years…

“It will be an intimate ceremony in Manhattan,” said the pal about the upcoming wedding. “They’re both so happy that Ellen says she and Sam are even considering adopting a baby!”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, October 3, 2011]

The Enquirer usually gets it right when they cover the not-so-popular celebrities, so I would bet this one is accurate. It skeeves me out in the their age difference is exactly the same as my son and me, but at least Ellen’s son is a whole five years younger than her boyfriend and isn’t around the same age. (That’s sarcasm-lite. Like I meant to be sarcastic there but realize that I did have a minor point to make that isn’t convincing at all.)

This reminds me of Sam Taylor-Wood and Aaron Johnson, who have a 23 year-old age difference, but they got together when he was just 18. At least Ellen’s boyfriend was all of 22 when he hooked up with her. (Again, I’m kind of torn on whether I’m being sarcastic. They’ve been together long enough for this relationship to be legit at least.) I have a live and let live attitude usually but this does seem strange to me. My kid is little now but I totally think I would throw a fit if he reached 20-something and wanted to marry a woman my age. Anyway… go Ellen?

They’re posing here with Kate Bosworth because she stars along with Ellen in Sam’s directorial debut, Another Happy Day, which was shown at the Deauville film festival. (These photos are from 9/4/11. Credit: WENN)

20-Mar-2015 :Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney ?takes great care of George & all his friends?
5-Feb-2015 :Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney?s weddi...
30-Nov-2012 :Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of ?The New Normal??
2-Jun-2011 :Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
16-Feb-2009 :Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriag...
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Ellen Barkin news

Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
As a woman, I find myself incredibly sensitive to the effects of the aging process, which isn’t helped by the general public’s acceptance of the word “cougar” as a metaphor to describe women who go after younger men. Of course, I am actually married to a younger man; that is, if a difference of two years even matters at all in the grand scheme of things, which it really doesn’t at all. This is in sharp contrast to Ellen Barkin, whom Page Six describes as a “supercougar” (ugh) since she’s apparently shacking up in a long-term relationship with 26-year-old Sam Levinson. Sure, Barkin’s got the body of a 30-year-old, but all the busted-up plastic surgery in the world can’t disguise the fact that she’s actually 57-years old. Exactly what these two have in common beyond the obvious — sex — is beyond my comprehension, but admittedly I cannot see past the fact that Barkin has a 21-year-old son. This is pretty gross, right?

When Tony front-runner Ellen Barkin opened her home for a magazine profile in April, one detail the reporter managed to miss was the 20-something boyfriend residing in Barkin’s bedroom.

The 57-year-old supercougar has been living with Barry Levinson’s son, 26-year-old writer-director Sam Levinson, in what sources tell Page Six is “the worst-kept secret in New York.”

“I’ll show you more than the living room . . . the ‘public’ room of my West Village townhouse,” Barkin told the New York Times Magazine. Upstairs in Barkin’s boudoir the writer found “hundreds of DVDs,” as well as “scented candles near her bed” — but apparently no sign of Levinson.

But Barkin and Levinson, who’s only five years older than her son, Jack, have previously been “linked” in reports. The couple has actually cohabitated for two years, and been an item for longer — despite the 31-year age gap, multiple sources said.

“They go out, they’re photographed together, they don’t keep it secret,” said a person familiar with the May-December duo. “It works, but it’s weird,” added another.

A rep for Barkin said the star does not comment on her personal life.

Barkin launched her career in Barry Levinson’s 1982 film Diner. Sam was born three years later. But Barkin’s relationship with her young hunk is no fling: She’s been overheard saying she’ll part ways with him when “they roll me out in a wheelchair.”

Barkin is in a wheelchair nightly as a polio-stricken doctor fighting the AIDS epidemic in Larry Kramer’s “The Normal Heart,” which is a favorite to win the Tony as best play revival June 12.

Barkin met Sam Levinson when he was writing the film Operation: Endgame more than three years ago. It was released last year. She then produced and starred in his feature directing debut, Another Happy Day.

[From Page Six]

What I find amusing is that Page Six talks as if the NYT Magazine reporter was supposed to have entered Barkin’s bedroom to find her young lover sprawled out on the bed wearing nothing but a loincloth and holding a rose between his teeth. While it’s true that these two have been photographed together on at least one occasion (we don’t have access to that particular picture, but PopEater does), it’s not as if they walk the red carpet together or even get papped on the streets of New York City. Mostly, the paps get pictures of Barkin walking her dog, so maybe Levinson is the puppy she keeps at home? I think I just grossed myself out.

Interestingly enough, Barkin was recently snapped on the red carpet while holding hands with 32-year-old Lee Pace and his porn ’stache at the 56th Annual Drama Desk Awards.

Photos courtesy of WENN

20-Mar-2015 :Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney ?takes great care of George & all his friends?
5-Feb-2015 :Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney?s weddi...
30-Nov-2012 :Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of ?The New Normal??
23-Sep-2011 :Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
16-Feb-2009 :Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriag...
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Ellen Barkin news

Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriage
Added 16 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ellen Barkin sold jewels because she 'wasn't able' to work during marriage
Ellen Barkin is trying to correct the record about her divorce to billionaire Ron Perelman. The high-profile New York couple broke up in 2006 - allegedly, Barkin came home one day from shopping and found all of her clothes packed up in boxes and sitting outside the apartment with changed locks. But that was just the rumor at the time.

The other rumors were that Barkin either got something in the neighborhood of a $60 million divorce settlement, or that she got next to nothing because of a pre-nup. The only thing that?s certain is that Barkin very publicly put all of her jewelry up for auction at Christie?s. Most of the pieces were given to her by Perelman, and auction ended up as one of the most successful private collections ever offered. Barkin ended up pocketing in the neighborhood of $20 million dollars.

Barkin gave an interview to the New York Daily News about her divorce, and her new pilot for HBO - it?s a show about ?a sassy blond divorcing a powerful husband?. But the ?sassy blond? doesn?t get even - the husband in the show dies in the pilot:

Ellen Barkin is pressing ahead with her HBO pilot about a sassy blond divorcing a powerful husband. But Barkin and her co-producers have decided to kill off her TV husband in the first episode.

?The bastard dies before she can divorce him,? says writer-producer Shauna Cross.

You can bet Perelman, or his lawyers, will still tune in to see if there are any scenes reminiscent of his nasty 2006 split with Barkin. But Barkin swears she?s not a person driven by revenge. Many applauded her when she auctioned off all the jewelry Perelman had given her (for $20.3 million).

?Everyone thought it was a big bleep-you [to Ron],? she tells us. ?That?s bull?. It was a purely practical decision. I sold them so I ? and my children and my mother ? would be taken care of. I sold the jewelry because I?d been out of the movie business for seven years. I was 52. There was a good chance I would never get my spot back again.?

What about the $60 million she?s said to have scored in their divorce settlment?

?It?s a myth,? she says.

So does Perelman understand the auction wasn?t a dis?

?I have no idea. I have no communication with that human being at all. Outside of through our lawyers.?

During her marriage to Perelman, she says, ?I wasn?t free to work.? And yet six weeks after she won her freedom, she found herself crying one day.

?[Producer] Jerry Weintraub called. He said, ?How are you feeling?? I said, ?Not very good.? He said, ?You?re going to feel a whole lot better in 60 seconds.? He told me about ?Ocean?s 13.? I couldn?t have asked for a better way to say I?m back in the game.?

To her astonishment, the small caper part led to dozens of other offers. ?People seemed to say, ?Wow, we haven?t seen her in a while,?? says Barkin, who?s also developing films with her brother, George.

And is there any guy in her life now? Turning on her shapely calf, she shot us one of her signature winks.

?Sorry, I?m not talking.?

From The New York Daily News

I tend to believe that Barkin walked away from the marriage with very little money - probably only a small cash settlement and her jewels, which is why she sold everything she had. The HBO show sounds interesting, but a lot will depend on the writing. It sounds a little bit like a more graphic version of ?The Starter Wife?, and that show was horrible, and just got cancelled. I?m glad she?s getting work, but she was just horrible in Ocean?s Thirteen. She?s better when she plays badass rather than demure or ditzy.

Ellen Barkin is shown on 4/27/08. Credit: WENN

20-Mar-2015 :Ellen Barkin: Amal Clooney ?takes great care of George & all his friends?
5-Feb-2015 :Is Ellen Barkin engaged to a British barrister she met at Clooney?s weddi...
30-Nov-2012 :Is Ellen Barkin a total diva nightmare on the set of ?The New Normal??
23-Sep-2011 :Ellen Barkin, 57, asks 26 year old boyfriend to marry her
2-Jun-2011 :Ellen Barkin, age 57, shacks up with her 26-year-old boyfriend
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