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Is Jennifer Aniston trying to fauxmance Justin Theroux?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Is Jennifer Aniston trying to fauxmance Justin Theroux?
Last week, it seemed like Jennifer Aniston was ?rolling out? a brand-new boyfriend coincidently timed for her promotional duties for Horrible Bosses. X17 and People Magazine both got ?scoops? that Aniston had gone out to dinner with Justin Theroux, that he had been at her LA home, they went to dinner, and then they returned back to her place. A source told People Magazine, “When Justin is in L.A. from New York, he and Jen have spent a lot of time together lately? Jen was in a great mood and seemed happy to take Justin to her favorite restaurant. They seemed happy and were flirty, but didn’t act like a couple.” They also claimed that Aniston had been spotted at the Marmont, visiting Theroux. It all sounded pretty solid as far as publicity-driven fauxmances go.

And then, just hours later, Us Weekly got a blistering denial from Aniston?s rep: ?What X17 neglected to mention was that there were three other people at the dinner. It was a friends dinner.” I put on my Aniston tin-foil conspiracy hat - why the big rollout to People only to do a big denial to Us Weekly? My theory was that it was just the old ploy of getting attention by starting a rumor only to deny it. CB thought that maybe Theroux wasn?t into the whole Aniston thing, and maybe threatened to deny it himself. Days later, even more reports came out about the time Theroux and Aniston were spending together - apparently, they spent the whole weekend hanging out (May 20, 21, 22). They were spotted together at Universal Studios, then Justin was seen entering Aniston?s house, and then Justin met Aniston for lunch the next day. Hollywood Life quotes yet another source: ?These two are jumping into this head-first. They?re together all the time. But they sneak around and do everything they can not to be photographed together. Jen doesn?t like her relationships to go public before she?s ready.? Now Star Magazine/Radar has an interesting piece which includes an interview with Justin Theroux?s GIRLFRIEND?s mother. WTF?

Jen Aniston and Justin Theroux? Not happening. Who says so? The mother of Justin?s gorgeous long-time girlfriend, stylist Heidi Bivens! Speaking exclusively to our friends at Star, Marilyn Bivens said Theroux, 39, and Aniston, 42, are just FRIENDS.

?It?s not true at all,? Bivens said.

?That?s from Justin?s own mouth. He said he was with her at a dinner party with a lot of other people. It?s been just a big, big misunderstanding ? and you can take that as the truth.?

Aniston and Theroux’s supposed relationship was said to be getting serious after the pair spent the entire weekend together. According to shutterbugs, Theroux visited the single Aniston at her home last Friday, before having lunch at The Beverly Hills Hotel on Saturday.

Jennifer then threw a small party at her house on Sunday with the actor and a few other close friends in attendance. But as for her daughter?s lasting relationship with Theroux, all Biven would say was: ?As her mother, I don’t feel comfortable commenting on my daughter’s personal life. That’s her business.”

[From Radar]

This is all so weird to me. Is this a PR ploy gone bad? Or was this how it was supposed to play out? Or did X17 and People Magazine honestly - and with zero help from Aniston?s people - bungle the story? Does Justin really have a girlfriend? If he has a girlfriend, are he and Aniston doing it on the downlow? So many questions.

By the way, for me, Justin Theroux will always be the premature ejaculator from Sex & the City. ALWAYS.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston wins Spike TV's 'Decade of Hotness' Award
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston wins Spike TV's 'Decade of Hotness' Award
I don?t know what to make of this, so I?ll avoid jokes and my default bitchiness. Jennifer Aniston is going to be getting a major award at next month?s Spike TV Awards. She?s following in Halle Barry and Charlize Theron?s footsteps and being given the ?Decade of Hotness? Award. Okay.

Jennifer Aniston has an impressive list of acting credits spanning two decades ? and her beauty has endured, according to Spike TV.

Aniston, 42, will receive the Decade of Hotness award at the fifth annual “Guys Choice” celebration next month. One of the night’s highest honors, “Decade of Hotness is Guys Choice’s ultimate term of endearment for a woman that we just can’t get enough of,” says Spike TV executive vice-president Casey Patterson.

Aniston is set to personally accept the award during the show ? which airs Friday, June 10, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Spike TV. And she’s in good company; past winners include Halle Berry and Charlize Theron.

[From People]

I mean? of course she?ll show up and accept it. My guess is that ?showing up and accepting it? is one of the main prerequisites for receiving the award - the organizers were looking for a ?hot woman? with a film to promote and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is too young to be given a ?decade of hotness? award without it being pervy. And why wouldn?t Aniston show up? She?ll come to the show hammered, in some tiny little dress, come close to flashing her biscuits and she?ll play with her hair and she?ll get a standing ovation. Surrissly.

Mean? Yeah. Go ahead and yell at me. But I will say this - this is a bigger screw-you to all of the people who continuously throw her pity parties. She?s had ?a decade of hotness,? she?s got no responsibilities, she?s got money, time and a Machiavellian publicist. Why the need to force her into victimhood? The response to Aniston and the pity parties she inspires is Pavlovian at this point. Even her dad comes close to throwing her one, for old times sake! Life & Style has more quotes from John Aniston?s red carpet interview about his daughter, and he claims that Aniston and Brad Pitt don?t keep in touch:

When John Aniston caught up with Life & Style at the 20th annual Hellenic Times Scholarship Gala in NYC on May 14, he couldn?t resist talking about his ideal guy for daughter Jennifer Aniston!

?Honesty is very important,? John reveals about what he thinks Jen needs in the perfect partner. Could he be referring to Jen?s ex-husband, Brad Pitt, who notoriously left the star for Angelina Jolie? He just might be, but there?s one thing he can confirm: ?They do not keep in touch,? he tells Life & Style about his daughter and Brad.

Of course, the Crete-born actor,77, who?s starred as Victor Kiriakis on NBC?s Days of Our Lives since 1985, wouldn?t mind if she settled down with a nice Greek man, ?if he were the right person for her,? he notes. In the meantime, John says his daughter is doing just fine without that special guy in her life! ?She?s doing extremely well,? he says.

?She?s not moving to New York,? John tells Life &Style about rumors that Jen?s trading LA for the East Coast. ?She got an apartment in New York.?

[From Life & Style]

God, even Aniston?s dad is still talking about Brad! Haha. Maybe People Magazine will give HIM a cover: “John Aniston, Six Years After Brad!”

Photos courtesy of WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's dad wants her to find a nice Greek guy
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston's dad wants her to find a nice Greek guy
This story is on People so we’ll repeat it, but it’s otherwise a kind of non-story. A People reporter asked Jennifer Aniston’s dad, Days of Our Lives actor John Aniston, if he would like her to end up with a nice Greek guy. (He was born in Greece and moved to the US when he was two. Plus he was at a Greek event so the question was timely.) Aniston’s dad said yes of course, but it would have to be a good guy and an honest one. You know that people are going to spin this into some condemnation against Aniston’s cheating ex, but I think it’s just a dad saying something nice about his hopes for his daughter. It’s not like he was like “yes, and where are my grandbabies already?”

John Aniston’s advice for his daughter Jennifer when it comes to romance? Go back to your roots.

Greek men are sexier and make better boyfriends, the elder Aniston, 77, who was born Yannis Anastassakis in Crete, joked to PEOPLE Saturday at the Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund’s 20th Anniversary Gala in New York.

Asked if he’d be happy if Jennifer, 42, ended up with a Greek man, he replied, “Yes, I would be glad about that.” But he’d have to be a “good Greek man,” Aniston added.

And what does that entail? “Honesty,” he replied.

Aniston, who has played Victor Kiriakis on NBC’s Days of Our Lives since 1985, was honored at Saturday’s gala along with Gilles Marini, star of the ABC drama Brothers & Sisters.

[From People]

Ok I have a confession to make. (One I’ve made before, but hopefully most of you forgot.) I sometimes watch Days. I started a few months ago when I was flipping, saw a hot guy or two, and stuck around. Now I tape it and fast forward through most of it, but I like to keep up with what’s going on. I had no idea that guy was Aniston’s father! I remembered her dad was in soaps but didn’t realize that was him. His scenes are the ones I fast forward through. He’s got a really awesome deep voice though, I’ll say that for him. No comment about Aniston’s lovelife. I really don’t need to say much on threads like this.

John Aniston is shown on 9/28/10. Credit: PRPhotos. Jennifer Aniston is shown on 5/6/11. Credit: Fame

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's latest SmartWater ads: pretty or meh'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston's latest SmartWater ads: pretty or meh'
Here are some newly-released print ads for Jennifer Aniston?s gig with SmartWater. There are so many SmartWater ads with Aniston - I remember the first few campaigns, Aniston was fully clothed, and there was, like, poetry about bottled water as Aniston was seen tossing her hair back. In the past year or so, SmartWater decided to sex it up and Aniston has been seen with less clothes, which I think she enjoys - she loves taking off her kit for photo shoots in general. The above image is the better photo from this latest round, I think. Her body looks great, it?s a cute little outfit, and Aniston?s face is Photoshopped to look like Natalia Vodianova. It?s a lovely pic, but Aniston doesn?t really look like that. Also: why are these images being released now? They were obviously shot months ago, before Aniston?s haircut. Why now? Why this week?

The second image is kind of weird. I?ve never seen a celebrity exit a limo with a dazed look and a bottle of SmartWater in their hand. But sure. Why not? Aniston probably needs to hydrate after doing vodka shots in the back of the limo. Or who knows, the SmartWater bottle could be filled with vodka, like Linnocent fills up her Red Bull cans with? liquid crack, I guess.

By the way, in other Aniston news, I thought this one of the most interesting stories of the week: you know how Aniston is moving to NYC and she bought two huge apartments in the same West Village building that she?s going to turn into one even bigger, two-floor apartment? Well, Aniston purchased the apartments under the name ?Norman?s Nest Trust? - Norman is her dog. Her dog owns the apartments. Well, her dog?s trust owns the apartments. Odd. I?m sure there?s a business explanation for it, but that story just amused me.

Photos courtesy of WENN, SmartWater via The Mail.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's Hot Spinster Cleavage
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jennifer Aniston's Hot Spinster Cleavage
I’m kind of surprised by these Jennifer Aniston pictures, she’s looking pretty damn hot. I think I’m just used to seeing her in boring outfits all the time that when she actually tarts herself up a bit it works. I don’t know where she’s going or what she’s doing, but she’s giving us a nice

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston Shows Off Her Rack in NYC
Added 13 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Jennifer Aniston Shows Off Her Rack in NYC
Jennifer Aniston promoted her new perfume at Sephora in New York City yesterday in a strategically-cut Vivienne Westwood dress that showed off her “peek-a-boo cleavage.” I’ve done the whole peek-a-boo cleavage thing myself, and to be honest, the other ladies I was playing with didn’t seem to be enjoying it all. Patty-cake cleavage was also not a big hit. The arresting officer said it was technically misdemeanor sexual assault and that anything I said could be used against me in a court of law. I guess it’s probably best that I saved the itsy-bitsy-spider cleavage for at home in front of the mirror.

PHOTO SOURCE: Fame Pictures

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston Promotes her New Perfume
Added 13 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Jennifer Aniston Promotes her New Perfume
Jennifer Aniston wearing a strapless red dress as she arrived at Sephora in New York City to promote her new perfume yesterday. As always, she looks fabulous. What do you think?

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston in a red, cleavage-y Vivienne Westwood: fabulous or meh?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston in a red, cleavage-y Vivienne Westwood: fabulous or meh?
Here are some new photos of Jennifer Aniston outside of Sephora in NYC yesterday afternoon. At first I thought the Vivienne Westwood dress was orange, but it?s more of an orange-pink-red, right? And there are peekaboo boobs! And a wonky hemline. But still, it?s nice to see her in a bright color, and she should work these kinds of colors more often - they suit her so much more than the neutrals and black stuff she usually wears. Also, while she?s finally changed up her hair, it?s still in her face, isn?t it? Ugh. I won?t nit-pick, sorry. It?s a good look for her, overall.

Aniston was all dressed up for Sephora because she?s finally (?) launching her fragrance ?Jennifer Aniston? stateside. Celebuzz is still calling it ?Lola V? while WENN calls it ?Aniston? so who knows? You too can smell like you?ve just been Butler?d: boned, then left on a beach naked and hungover, with a great pedicure. You too can smell like ?Aniston: The Perfume?.

In other Aniston news, I got a chance to read the full Star Magazine cover story this week, the one where her brief 2008 lover Brian Buomo tells Star all about Jennifer?s hopes, dreams aspirations and her future. Now that I?ve read the whole thing? it?s really sketchy. I don?t know any straight man who speaks of his heterosexual ex-lover the way Brian talks about Aniston. Brian and Aniston only dated for, like, a month, and the way he talks about her? well, I?m a conspiracy theorist, you know. Here are a few ?WTF?? lines from the interview:

?Jen approached me? I was only on the set for seven hours, but the old quote says it best, ?She had me at hello!? I had a huge crush on her? it was impossible not to! After all, she?s certainly not hard to look at, and when you combine that with her smarts, her intelligence and her sweet nature? I just let my guard down and was open to letting her in.?

?I?m one-hundred percent sure she?ll make a great parent! She is a smart, intelligent women who knows what she?s doing.?

?I stuffed my face with her sweet conversation, her beauty, the attention she showed me? I didn?t spend time with Jen because she was famous or successful. It was because of the conversation, the very first time we spoke. She?s genuine, sincere and charismatic.?

?Actors obviously have to get used to living that kind of lifestyle. When you?re in that situation as a celebrity, it?s much like you?re a prisoner in a very expensive jail cell. It?s got to be tough for Jen to have to live in that kind of bubble. Not that I feel super sorry for her, mind you - her bubble has a few killer perks! But when you?re under the kind of scrutiny she is, it makes it hard to find somebody romantic? I just want to set the record straight. Of course Jen is capable of happiness. I want her to be happy, and I think she is. She?s a lovely, smart woman and a fabulous person!?

?She did tell me that I was too Mr. Pure. This makes smile and laugh still to this day. It was fun. But we were not meant for each other. Jen and I had a moment in time, period.?

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

He sounds like? Aniston. This is exactly how she sounds. This is the kind of phrasing she uses. ?I just let my guard down and was open to letting her in.? Ugh, it’s like boning a self-help book. Now, let me put my conspiracy hat on. Some theories:

*Aniston or someone in her PR team wrote this junk for Brian, and he just said to make a quick buck from Star, and from Aniston.

*He?s totes gay, and HE is the one who is truly fabulous, and he was just helping a sister out. FABULOUS!!!

*He?s straight, and his relationship with Aniston consisted of reading self-help books together and building up each other?s self-esteem (Brian: ?You?re so pretty!? Aniston: ?You deserve love, you are amazing!?). This 2008 relationship was the last time Brian ever had that kind of happiness.

*It?s all some kind of drunken scheme by Aniston and/or Chelsea Handler?? It probably made more sense in Cabo, when they were doing shooters with the cabana boys.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's NYC Perfume Launch Event
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston's NYC Perfume Launch Event
Hoping to make a few sales during the Mother's Day holiday, Jennifer Aniston turned up for perfume promotions in New York City on Thursday (May 5).

The former "Friends" star brightened up the Big Apple streets in a strapless red dress as she arrived at Sephora for the fan meet and greet session.

The new scent, called Aniston, is described as "evoking memories of sunny days at the beach and happy summer nights" while including "light, blooming floral notes set against a sensual base of musk and woods."

Of her perfume offering, Jen previously said, "I wanted this fragrance to be a personal library of scent memories. For example, my love of night blooming jasmine has lasted a lifetime. Growing up in California, I distinctly remember the scent of jasmine on summer evenings. I consider the scent of the ocean to be one of life's most uplifting sensual experiences. No aroma is quite so purifying, humbling and exhilarating. The combination of the salty air and tropical oils reminds me of long sunny days on the beach-pure happiness."

More Photos Here

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's 'natural beauty' secret: Radiesse fillers, not Botox'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston's 'natural beauty' secret: Radiesse fillers, not Botox'
For a little while now, some people were wondering what Jennifer Aniston has been doing to her face. I noticed it off and on - when she was promoting some stuff last year, her face looked so tight that when she spoke, she looked like she was wincing in pain. But I?ve thought Aniston has been experimenting with fillers for a while - you can see it in Marley & Me, where all of sudden her cheeks looked super big and tight. Over the past year, though, lots of people have been asking, ?Botox? Fillers? A subtle facelift?? Now OK! Magazine might have an answer. It sounds like their ?insider? source is someone at Aniston?s filler-injection doctor?s office, though:

Jennifer Aniston is often described as one of Hollywood?s most natural beauties and at 42, she?s staying gorgeous without any surgical face or eyelifts - and sans Botox!

?I didn?t like the hard aftereffects,? Jen admitted after trying the treatment once.

?Aging naturally is beautiful,? says Jen, who exercise and eats well to keep herself healthy and looking good. But of course, that doesn?t mean she?s just letting nature run wild. A source close to Aniston tells OK!, ?She?s had Radiesse.?

According to the insider, Jen has the fuller injected into key areas of her face. ?She has it done long the marionette lines [the vertical lines that extend from the bottom of the nose to the chin],? says the source. ?It is also injected ever so slightly into her lips to give fullness - but not a fake bee-stung look. It is done strategically to look natural and subtle and lasts up to eight months or so.?

And Radiesse has an added benefit that Botox doesn?t: it actually helps speed up the productioon of natural collagen, a building-block of healthy skin, by up to 20 percent - even the first time you use it.

[From OK! Magazine, print edition]

OK also claims that Aniston gets laser treatments and chemical peels, and that she drinks 12 glasses of water a day. Sure. ?Water.? As for this advertisement for Radiesse, I tend to think it?s probably true. I think Aniston has Filler-Face, not Botox-Face. And while I think it?s kind of funny that she still gets to be called a ?natural beauty? who is ?aging naturally,? I applaud her for going in for more subtle work. It could be much, much worse. But this way, her supporters get to scream about how she?s NATURAL and we?re all haters while the rest of us are examining the photo evidence.

In other Aniston news, her (alleged) stalking of Bradley Cooper has taken the cover of this week?s InTouch Weekly. Now, Bradley Cooper?s people already denied any romance with Aniston in last week?s Us Weekly. But don?t let that stop Team Aniston?s press machine! According to In Touch (via Jezebel), Aniston has been ?throwing herself” into the relationship with B-Coop, and she?s been texting Bradley all the time, which is apparently her pattern, according to an insider: “she has a pattern of texting and emailing with guys for months, and by the time they see each other again, they’re serious.” According to the same source, though, Bradley is trouble because he is a “known fame-seeker who uses his charm and good looks to get close to A-List actresses, only to cut and run.” Um, really? Because he maintained a steady relationship with Renee Zellweger for nearly two years, he?s some kind of famewhore who will only date certain people for attention? Oh, wait. The source was talking about Aniston, right?

Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & CoverAwards.

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