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Jennifer Aniston feels 'vulnerable' in NYC, wants to buy another property
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston feels 'vulnerable' in NYC, wants to buy another property
Last week, there was yet another sketchy story about Jennifer Aniston and her womb. It was from OK! Magazine, and it was full of quotes from a ?neighbor? of Aniston?s in NYC. Now, I didn?t really think that one of Aniston?s actual neighbors was talking about Aniston?s fertility treatments and such – I thought it was just random tabloid BS, which Aniston?s rep first denied and then ?joked? about, thus adding fuel to the pregnancy fires. Anyway, I?m starting to wonder about the report and that sketchy, Peeping Tom neighbor. The Mail?s Katie Nicholl claims that Aniston isn?t happy with how much attention she and Justin Theroux draw when they?re in NYC.

Jennifer Aniston shot to fame playing flatmate Rachel in the New York sitcom Friends. But now the 42-year-old is not finding Big Apple apartment life quite so funny ? she is being hounded out of her Manhattan home by the fans.

Only last April the actress, left, splashed out 3.8?million on two luxury flats in New York?s trendy West Village after deciding to quit Los Angeles.

She planned to knock the two together to create a dream home with her new actor boyfriend, Justin Theroux, 40, a cousin of British documentary maker Louis Theroux. But after months of being besieged by photographers, she now wants to relocate to a more private neighbourhood.

?Jennifer is not dealing well with having the photographers loiter outside her building,? says a spy. ?There are also always lots of fans and she feels vulnerable every time she steps out. She?s finding she?s just too famous to live where she wanted.?

Jennifer may now move to the city?s Upper East or Upper West Side, where Ben Affleck and Madonna live.

?Jen wants a place with more anonymity, security and privacy,? adds the source. ?She and Justin will probably keep a small place in LA but the focus for them is living in New York.?

[From The Mail]

From what I?ve seen, looking through photos over the past few months, Justin and Jennifer have learned to avoid the paparazzi when they want. They travel back and forth from LA often enough, and it seems like they do have more privacy in LA, but they?ve figured out a system in NYC too – either that, or they just aren?t leaving the apartment anymore.

Also – I do wonder about Heidi Bivens. Allegedly, she was (allegedly) really peeved that Aniston and Theroux were acting so loved up all around her (Heidi?s) hometown, and it seemed like Justin and Jennifer were walking on eggshells trying to avoid pissing Heidi off to the point where Heidi would give some sordid tell-all interview. Of course, that was before Jennifer Aniston met Heidi face-to-face to tell Heidi that she (Jennifer) has had a really hard time with all of the homewrecking. Maybe Heidi is over it now? Or maybe Heidi got paid.

Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & PCN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston Sort of Admits to Face Injections
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Jennifer Aniston Sort of Admits to Face Injections
Jennifer Aniston talked to InStyle about her beauty regimen and finally admits to using injections on her face. She doesn’t say outright but rather implies it.

She quickly dispels any rumors of cosmetic enhancements, however. ?People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don?t,? she states. ?I?m not saying that I haven?t tried it ? but I see how it?s a slippery slope.? Still, she plans to stay away for the time being. ?All that cosmetic stuff looks ridiculous on me,? she shares. PEOPLE

This explains why I saw Jennifer Aniston walking out of the bathroom that one time with 12 needles sticking out of her face and shouting, “Am I doing it right?!”

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston: 'People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don't'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston: 'People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don't'
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, DirectTV gave me some free movie channels, and at one point in my orgy of turkey, ham and wine, I caught twenty minutes of Just Go With It. It was terrible – much worse than even I was expecting. It?s like everybody in that film just agreed to go to Hawaii and get paid and they didn?t even bother with a proper script or anything. Anyway, I watched a scene with Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Aniston, and it shocked me. Nicole?s face was frozen and jacked, obviously, but she was trying to make some facial expressions, and it worked sometimes. The shocking part? Parts of Jennifer Aniston?s face looked more frozen than Nicole?s. During that film, Aniston had something weird going on with her mouth/cheeks/lower face. Like, Aniston could move her eyebrows but she was talking oddly, like she couldn?t feel her upper lip or something.

So – do you really think Aniston gets injectables? I?ve figured her for a Restylane girl for several years now – they make a face look ?fuller? and younger, and I always think Aniston has gotten some fresh injections when she looks particularly apple-cheeked. In the new issue of InStyle, Aniston comes close to admitting it:

Jennifer Aniston thanks her Greek genes for her cool California glow, but the actress admits she?s starting to see a few negative effects from her years of sun worshiping.

?I?ve started getting those little sun spots,? she tells InStyle. ?Things are beginning to pop out. Even the texture [of my skin] is changing. So I?ve recently started zapping the spots and getting spray tans whenever I can. And I?ve graduated to using SPF 60 sunblock when I?m on the beach.?

She quickly dispels any rumors of cosmetic enhancements, however. ?People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don?t,? she states. ?I?m not saying that I haven?t tried it ? but I see how it?s a slippery slope.? Still, she plans to stay away for the time being. ?All that cosmetic stuff looks ridiculous on me,? she shares.

Revealing that she tints her eyelashes every three weeks (?I hate wearing mascara,? she says) and that she used to keep scissors in her car?s glove compartment to trim split ends (?It was a weird tic,? she admits), the star says she wasn?t always confident about her looks.

?I was a dumpy teenager,? she shares. ?My mom was a model and was all about looks, so I rebelled by going goth. It took me years of peeling back the onion to finally stop using makeup as a mask and feel comfortable in my skin.?

But these days, the ?Sexiest Woman of All Time? takes comments on her looks in stride.

?I quit smoking a few months ago and I put on a couple of pounds,? she says. ?Normally I?d be like, ?Oh my god, I gained weight! Everyone is going to think I?m pregnant!?? Not anymore. ?Now,? she says, ?I just don?t care.?

[From People]

Tinted eyelashes? I?ve never done that. Is it a quick process? Why does it have to be done every three weeks? So many questions. As for her skin care – well, yes, of course. She?s been an unapologetic sunbather for years and years. She loves to roast herself under the hot Mexican sun. Of course there?s going to be long-term skin damage, and fake-baking isn?t really going to help, either. That will just turn the skin damage a nice shade of orange!

But let?s talk about: ?I?m not saying that I haven?t tried it ? but I see how it?s a slippery slope.? Meaning what? That she has tried it and she found the maintenance of monthly injections exhausting? Oh, and I also think she?s been fooling around with collagen lip injections too – at least she was when she was promoting Horrible Bosses.

PS? Do you think Aniston (and Theroux) will make it to the Golden Globes now that Brad and Angelina have gotten their nominations? I say? no. I think she?ll make it to the Oscars, though. Maybe she and Theroux will present together (ha). If she managed to get John Mayer into a tux for Oscar night, OF COURSE she?ll show up to the Kodak with Theroux.

Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston Dishes On Her Perfect Complexion
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston Dishes On Her Perfect Complexion
After being voted Sexiest Woman of All Time by Men's Health, Jennifer Aniston opened up about her ridiculously simple skin regimen women everywhere are sure to be jealous of.

The ?Just Go With It? hottie, who thanks her Greek roots for her near-perfect complexion, told InStyle, ?I?ve recently started zapping the spots and getting spray tans whenever I can. And I?ve graduated to using SPF 60 sunblock when I?m on the beach.?

As for the constant rumors that she?s into botox and cosmetic surgery, Aniston quipped, ?People think that I do a lot of injections, but I don?t. I?m not saying that I haven?t tried it ? but I see how it?s a slippery slope.?

The 42-year-old big screen star added, ?All that cosmetic stuff looks ridiculous on me.?

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Star: Jennifer Aniston is 'pregnant with twins,' but her rep jokes about 'triplets'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Star: Jennifer Aniston is 'pregnant with twins,' but her rep jokes about 'triplets'
Jennifer Aniston?s womb takes the cover of this week?s Star Magazine. Apparently, she?s totes preggo with twins. OMG! I mean, the Womb Watch on Aniston will never stop, ever. Even if she actually does get pregnant at some point and gives birth to the most perfect America?s Sweetheart Baby, there would still be Womb Watch. I?ve thought in the past that Aniston likes for us to discuss the state of her gut, but I think even she gets tired of it sometimes, especially after she and publicist went to all of that trouble to get her named ?the hottest woman of all time.? Would the hottest woman of all time ever let Justin Theroux impregnate her with receding-hairline twins?

Jennifer Aniston has only been dating boyfriend Justin Theroux less than a year, but she can?t wait to have kids with him! And now she?s finally pregnant, according to a new report in Star magazine.

?She?s been taking fertility drugs, which can lead to multiples,? a friend close to Jen revealed to Star. ?Jen thinks she?s having twins.?

Friends say that the couple have been planning on babies for months now. ?Jen was sure early on that Justin was The One, so they?ve been trying for a baby for a while,? a source said. ?Jen felt that there was no reason to wait.?

But the 42-year-old actress and 40-year-old actor weren?t having luck at first, so Jen turned to fertility drugs.

?Jen definitely looks pregnant,? a neighbor told Star. ?My kitchen window overlooks a bedroom in Jen?s house, and I see her changing clothes from time to time. She seems to have a baby bump ? it?s more than just a bloated belly.?

Friends say there?s more signs than just a possibly baby bump: ?She?s usually the first to pop open a bottle of wine or suggest sunset margaritas, but she claims she?s cutting back,? a friend said.

The nosy neighbor has also seen other signs, too: ?She?s had lots of friends visiting, bringing her things. And when they?re there, she doesn?t lift a finger. She?s always hanging out on the couch and eating Haagen-Dazs.?

Jen?s friends also say she?s been testing out her mothering skills with her celeb mommy friends? kids. Sheryl Crow ?has invited Jen to spend time with her boys so she can get a feel for what it?s like to be around kids,? said one source.

She?s had plenty of time with her BFF Courtney Cox?s daughter, Coco. ?Jen is really good with her and just dotes on her,? an insider revealed. ?Everyone tells her she?s going to make a great mom.?

Although being pregnant would be a dream come true for Jen, don?t expect to hear an official announcement anytime soon. ?Jen?s always said that she wouldn?t announce a pregnancy until she was well into her second trimester,? an insider explained.

In the meantime, her friends and family couldn?t be happier for her and Justin. ?Everyone in Jen?s family is buzzing that she?s finally pregnant,? one source said. ?After a few false alarms, it looks like it?s finally happening for her.?

[From Holly Baby]

Huvane went to Gossip Cop and said that this is ?100% not true? and then joked that Aniston was actually pregnant with triplets. Hahahaha fertility is so funny! That?s why his client is always on Womb Watch. Because of ?jokes? like that. The next best thing would be for Huvane to say, ?No, that?s not true, but she has gained a little weight in her mid-section, right? WINK.? So, basically, I now kind of believe that Aniston really is preggo.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame & PCN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston named 'the Hottest Woman of All Time' by Men's Health Mag
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston named 'the Hottest Woman of All Time' by Men's Health Mag
Men?s Health Magazine ranked the ?hottest women of all time? and Jennifer Aniston came out #1. For real. OF ALL TIME. I actually understand when Aniston gets a high ranking when the contest is for ?hottest bodies? or ?looking great over 40?. She looks great for any age, and she takes very good care of her body. But I still don?t get how Aniston is ?sexy,? much less ?the hottest woman of all time.? I suspect that this honor was bought and paid for, much like Aniston?s Spike TV ?Decade of Hotness? Award earlier this year, but whatever. You can see the full list of 100 here. Aniston even sat down and did an interview with Men?s Health too. Note the sycophantic tone proceeding the interview:

As you might imagine, getting Jennifer Aniston to answer a few questions these days is no easy feat. Perhaps no woman in show business fields more rancorous?and increasingly persistent?inquiries into the state of her dating life, her engagement status, or her desire to start a family. Hell, even we couldn?t resist tossing in a question about how her current boyfriend, the actor Justin Theroux, would feel about reading these words:

Funny is sexy, and Jennifer Aniston is funny?she was invited to join ?Saturday Night Live? before her big break with ?Friends.? Her down-to-earth persona makes her seem attainable, and anyone who?s seen her in ?Office Space? has to admit she makes even pieces of flair look good. She rarely plays the airhead, and she seldom overplays a role: she?s funny in a quiet, refreshingly human way. And her all-too-human love life off-screen inspires sympathy that not even a string of bland romantic comedies can diminish. Other sex symbols drift toward one-dimensionality, becoming flat icons in the process, but throughout her career Aniston has remained sexy, funny, and unmistakably real. For that reason, she is our all-time sexiest woman.

That?s what we said about Aniston in our guide to the 100 Sexiest Women of All-Time. And yes, we know dem?s fightin? words. How could we be so brazen as to not begin and end the conversation with Marilyn Monroe? Or Angelina Jolie? Or Mila Kunis? Or? well, you get the idea. See for yourself?and re-rank the women on your own to let us know where you think Aniston?and 99 other all-time hotties?rightly belong.

Men?s Health: If you could name one woman the sexiest of all-time, who would you have picked?

Jennifer Aniston: It?s a tie between Bridgette Bardot and Gloria Steinem. But if I had to choose one, I?d say Gloria because, well, she?s the full package. That?s sexy.

Looking back, who is the least sexy character you?ve ever played?

The least sexy character was Jeannie Bueller on the TV version of Ferris Bueller?s Day Off.

You?re one of few celebrities out there without a Twitter or Facebook account. If we gave you the reins to both of ours for a single post, what would you want our readers to know?

One single post ? what would I want readers to know ? I really shouldn?t be holding these reins.

Most of our guys are funny and fit. Besides six-pack abs and the ability to make you laugh, what?s the next-sexiest quality that a guy can have?

Sexiest thing about a man?other than abs?is if he can make me laugh, has compassion, kindness, and an accurately sized ego.

You?ve given dozens of interviews to men?s magazines over the years. What?s something surprising that most men still don?t know about you?

What readers don?t know: I can breakdance. No, that?s a lie. But wouldn?t that be cool?

[From Men?s Health]

Gloria Steinem? ?Accurately sized ego?? Breakdance? No comment.

I did want to point out one thing, though – I was totally wrong! Earlier this week, when I was discussing how it was Angelina Week and it was going to be full-on all-Angelina as she promoted her film, I made a bet with all of you that Jennifer Aniston was going to do what she almost always does and get conveniently ?pap?d? throughout Angelina Week. That didn?t happen – it?s pretty much radio silence from Aniston and Theroux this week. Could it be that Aniston is no longer trying to steal (?homewreck?) focus from Brangelina? Could it be that she?s finally over it?

Here are more photos of your Hottest Woman of All Time. ???

Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's Dad Gives Justin Theroux Stamp of Approval
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston's Dad Gives Justin Theroux Stamp of Approval
She seems to have finally settled down with the right guy for her, and even Jennifer Aniston's father approves of beau Justin Theroux.

Longtime ?Days of Our Lives? actor John Aniston attended Sunday?s Loukoumi?s Celebrity Cookbook launch party at L.A.?s Treehouse Social Club, where he chatted with Us Weekly about his daughter?s man.

Mr Aniston told, "He's a charming young man. I think they make a wonderful couple," her dad added, explaining that he and his wife "get together whenever we can" with the cute couple.

Aniston and Theroux, who met on the set of ?Wanderlust? last year, now have two homes together ? one in New York City and the other in Los Angeles.

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux: Thanksgiving Dog Duty
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux: Thanksgiving Dog Duty
Bringing an end to a relaxing holiday weekend, Jennifer Aniston was alongside boyfriend Justin Theroux as the couple took their pet pooch for a stroll in Beverly Hills, CA on Sunday (November 27).

Keeping herself warm with a scarf and a long sleeve t-shirt, the former "Friends" actress and her "Wanderlust" co-star looked to be enjoying their afternoon stroll as they chatted amongst one another while followed closely by a bodyguard during the midday walk.

The sighting comes amidst reports telling that Miss Aniston had a near run-in with ex-husband Brad Pitt at the Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood on Friday.

With Pitt said to have been exiting a 2PM showing of "Hugo" with his family just minutes before Jennifer and Justin turned up for a later movie, a source told X17, "Justin and Jennifer skipped the popcorn and went straight in. Like five minutes later, Brad and the kids came out of the theater. They just missed each other!"

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Jennifer Aniston spends $60K on a three-month hotel stay in LA with her lover
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston spends $60K on a three-month hotel stay in LA with her lover
Jennifer Aniston sold her Ron Burgundy-inspired shag-pad earlier this year for some kind of astronomical markup. Then she bought two condos in NYC, and then she and Justin Theroux went public. Yes, I?m saying that part of the Theroux ?conspiracy? involved real estate – Theroux is a New Yorker, and I think Aniston was trying to look all, ?Hey, I can be a New Yorker too! Forget that I was a California girl for two decades!? At this point, Justin and Jennifer seem to be splitting their time between NYC and LA. When in New York, they stay at Aniston?s place, it seems, and when in LA? who knows? In September, there were reports that Aniston had rented a small, two-bedroom luxury bungalow, but there?s evidence to suggest that they moved out quickly after the paparazzi came out. Now The Mail reports that while in LA, Aniston and Theroux are staying at the Sunset Tower Hotel – at a cost of $20,000 a month. And guess who?s paying?

She is rarely seen without him these days and is currently looking to snap up a property to set up home together. But it seems that Jennifer Aniston has been splashing the cash on a luxury hotel room for herself and Justin Theroux shelling out $60,000 to stay for three months.

The Friends star, 42, and her beau have been holed up in the famous Sunset Towel Hotel in a plush sweet that has been serving as their love nest in recent weeks. The Horrible Bosses actress has been without a pad in Los Angeles since she sold her Beverly Hills mansion for $38 million in July 2011. She still owns the first home she bought in the city but she now rents it out to celebrity friends.

Prior to moving into the hotel on Sunset Strip, with past residents including Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra and Errol Flynn, the pair were said to be renting a house nearby but moved out after being pestered.

The couple are said to have celebrated their six-month anniversary by the hotel pool with Aniston’s favorite drink Kristal champagne accompanied by Beluga caviar.

Jennifer, who is known for her incredible figure, also marked the occasion by indulging in a $22 Burger and fries with truffle oil.

Staff say that with room service and generous tips Aniston’s final tab could easily reach $100,000.

During her stay Jennifer has spent some time showing off her incredible figure and guest have seen the couple indulging in spots of public displays of affection during their stay.

On hotel staffer noted that Justin was: ‘smoothing sun lotion over her body and kissing her neck. It was getting quite steamy.’

The couple’s love nest is a favourite haunt of Miss Aniston and along with celebrity clientele, several films, including The Italian Job, Get Shorty and The Player have been filmed there.

Aniston has been a regular for years at the The Tower Bar restaurant restaurant which boasts ‘elegant dining experience’ with cozy tables for two and, like the rest of the hotel, stunning views of Hollywood.

Staff have been sworn to keep tight-lipped about their high-profile guest but one staff member blabbed: ‘Miss Aniston has been coming her for years. She likes it here because we respect her privacy. We’re under orders to make her stay perfect in every way. She’s a very generous tipper. She’s like family to us.’

[From The Mail]

Kristal and cavier? $22 hamburgers? Necking by the pool? Jennifer Aniston will have her gigolo and she will enjoy the hell out of him, by God. I think I?m finally starting to come around on the whole boyfriend/girlfriend dichotomy with Justin Theroux – meaning that at times he seems like the picture-perfect boyfriend who will hold Aniston?s hand and shave his hipster beard for his lady, AND he will also be the perfect girlfriend for Aniston, getting mani-pedis and going on shopping sprees with her. But I understand it now – when Aniston?s paying Justin is up for whatever she wants. He?s a very easy-going guy, it seems.

Photos courtesy of Fame & Pacific Coast News.

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
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Justin Theroux helped Jennifer Aniston shop for lingerie at Barneys
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Justin Theroux helped Jennifer Aniston shop for lingerie at Barneys
These are some photos from last week, when Jennifer Aniston made an appearance at Glamour Magazine?s Women of the Year celebration. Remember, she was looking pregnant because she was spilling out of her dress at the bust and her dress had an empire waist which could have hidden a bump? Allegedly, she was downing vodka, so she?s probably not pregnant, although there were some other reports suggesting that she wasn?t in fact drinking. I have no idea. Here?s what I do know: Jennifer Aniston?s badass, hardcore, hipster boyfriend is now spending his days shopping for lingerie at Barney?s with his lady. Oh, Justin. Coughcoughselloutcoughcough.

Justin Theroux was Jennifer Aniston?s personal shopper, helping her pick out lingerie at Barneys in New York on Tuesday.

A spy said of the romantic couple, ?They were in the lingerie department . . . She looked beautiful, and they were both very nice.?

Aniston, who showed off a boosted cleavage at the Glamour awards on Monday, may have been searching for items for her curvier figure. A Barneys rep declined to comment. Aniston?s rep didn’t get back to us.

[From Page Six]

?Aniston?s rep didn’t get back to us? - meaning that Aniston?s rep was the one who planted the story in the first place? I always think it?s Huvane as soon as some ?spy? starts talking about how ?beautiful? Aniston is, like maybe if it?s repeated enough in the public sphere, everyone will believe it. That sounded nastier than I meant - I?ll buy it when a spy says, ?Aniston?s hair looked great!? or ?Her body looked tight.? Different people notice different things, but for some reason, whenever a ?spy? notices Jennifer Aniston, the only thing the ?spy? notices is how ?beautiful? she is.

As for the lingerie stuff? do you think Justin really is into it? Or would he much rather be in some seedy bar, having a stiff drink with Terry Richardson?

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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