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Jennifer Aniston News & Gossip
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Jennifer Aniston celebrated her 43rd birthday at the Marmont, with cocktails & cigs
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston celebrated her 43rd birthday at the Marmont, with cocktails & cigs
Justin Theroux was in charge of throwing Jennifer Aniston a birthday party this year. She just turned 43, and on Saturday, Justin rented out the penthouse suite of the Chateau Marmont and invited all of Aniston’s celebrity friends to the party. There were even some blurry photos of Justin and Jen making out on the balcony – and of Aniston lighting up. So much for her claim that she?s quit smoking – although she probably has ?quit? and she maybe just decided to light up for her birthday? Quitting smoking is hard, and that?s the way you rationalize it – ?It?s my birthday, I can have one cigarette!? And soon you?re back to smoking every day. Us Weekly has more about the party:

For her big 4-3 on Saturday, Jennifer Aniston was feted with quite the sophisticated soiree!

An insider tells Us Weekly that the actress’ hot-and-heavy beau Justin Theroux rented out a penthouse suite overlooking West Hollywood’s Sunset Strip and threw his girlfriend a party where A-list pals including Courteney Cox, Chelsea Handler, Jimmy Kimmel, Ben Stiller, Emily Blunt and Jason Bateman turned out to celebrate.

“There was minimal decor with white hurricane candles lining the room and the balcony. A bar was set up inside along with a table where guests put presents,” the insider tells Us of party’s atmosphere. “It was a cold night, but there were heaters on the patio. There were servers walking around with appetizers and jazz music playing.”

Donning her go-to all-black garb, Aniston worked a sleeveless black dress and sipped on martinis while she happily made her way around the room to spend time with each of her guests.

“She seemed very excited to see her friends, but she never got too far from Justin,” the insider tells Us. “Every once in awhile, Justin would come up from behind and give her a big hug and kiss. They would embrace and whisper to each other for a minute but then go back to socializing. She seemed very relaxed.”

“The party went late night and many people stayed past midnight,” the insider adds. “Jen and Justin were some of the last people to leave.”

[From Us Weekly]

So, she?s drinking martinis and smoking cigarettes. The girl?s not preggo. And she?s probably not trying to get pregnant either. Which is fine? her body, her choice. It?s only noteworthy because her fans want her to get pregnant so much, and she plays into that desire too often.

Is anyone else surprised that Courteney Cox was there? It seems like Aniston and Cox have been avoiding each other for a while – pretty much as long as Chelsea Handler is cozying up to Aniston. Cox has been avoiding the two of them. I wonder which ?friend? Justin Theroux prefers?

PS… Ten bucks says the Marmont’s crackie-in-residence Lindsay Lohan tried to crash the party. Right?

Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN & NY Mag.

More Photos Here

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston Loses Her Top For GQ
Added 12 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jennifer Aniston Loses Her Top For GQ
These shots from GQ are clearly promos for Jennifer Aniston’s latest crappy movie that nobody will go see, I really couldn’t care less, but the photographer was somehow able to convince her to lose the top and let it all hang out in just a bra. Well done. Now lose the dude and we’d be

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston & Paul Rudd cover GQ, Aniston drops trou & talks about babies
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston & Paul Rudd cover GQ, Aniston drops trou & talks about babies
Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd take the cover of the March issue of GQ to promote Wanderlust. They play a married couple in the film – it feels like they?ve worked together a million times before, but I guess it?s just been twice now? Anyway, this is Aniston?s new thing, doing magazine photo shoots with her male costars. She did it for Horrible Bosses too. She?s also doing the same thing she always does, which is take off her clothes. I mean? yeah, she?s got a nice figure, and look! She?s not preggo. But enough. She drops trou every time she promotes a movie. You can see the slideshow here, and you can read the full interview with Aniston & Rudd here. Here are some highlights:

Jennifer Aniston & Paul Rudd on whether?being they?re such longtime friends?it?s weird to kiss on-screen…

Jennifer: ?Nah. I?ve kissed him for years.?

Paul: ?We?ve made out for decades.?

Their new film, Wanderlust, is about a marriage at a turning point. Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd on whether any of the issues in the film resonated with them…

Paul: ?I think most marriages, mine included, you?re constantly tending the garden, constantly working at it.?

Jennifer: ?It?s a growing, literally living thing. There?s going to be growing pains, there?s going to be awkward moments?your lanky phase, your pimpled phase. I think that?s the beauty of a relationship. But if the road starts to??

Paul: ??diverge??

Jennifer: ??and one person is growing this way and the other is growing that way? Sometimes that can happen and you can stay together, and sometimes you can?t.?

Jennifer Aniston on recently turning 40….

?Forty?s great!? [GQ: Is it?] ?Oh, my God, my thirties blew! Forties are great.?

Aniston on her NYC apartment: I bought an apartment, but I didn’t buy the right apartment. There were photographers outside every day. To the point of embarrassment.

Aniston on babies: ?I’m not having triplets. Not having twins. Nor am I having one baby. [lifts up sweater and gestures to belly; it appears ?at] I did not elope. Well, I recently quit smoking, and you do put on some extra pounds. It makes a difference, especially if you’re not 20. I think people maybe want me to have a kid now. I still kind of go with, if it happens, it happens. I’m calm and peaceful with whatever the plan is. It’s not something where I’m going, “I gotta have a kid!? [Does it bother me that ?kids? are] Part of the picture-perfect life? I think that’s sort of clich, isn’t it? Like, if you want to be happy, you should have the house, the husband, the kids… Kids are messy! The one time I do say, “Yes! I’m pregnant!” they’ll be like, “Pfft. Right.” Anyway, I’m drawing the line on the children conversation. You heard it here. I’m not knocked up now.?

[From GQ]

Yeah, I didn?t have the time or the inclination to really pour through that interview. Paul is nice enough, and he and Jennifer have a nice chemistry, but their conversation was just kind of boring. Should we talk about the baby stuff, I guess? I understand what she?s saying now – she doesn?t feel like babies are a necessity for her life, and she?s offended that ?babies? are a constant in her narrative? but hasn?t she done that to herself? She?s the one who went to Vanity Fair and talked about how much she wanted children and how she will be a mother. She?s the one talking about it in interview after interview. So no, I don?t feel bad that ?babies? are part of her tabloid narrative.

Photos courtesy of GQ.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston in Her Bra in GQ
Added 12 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Jennifer Aniston in Her Bra in GQ
Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd’s new movie “Wanderlust” comes out February 24th, so Jen strips down to her bra and the two of them playfully wrestle (and no doubt playfully banter) in next month’s GQ. I don’t know… everything Jennifer Aniston does just seems so rehearsed. It’s almost like she had already acted it out with her dolls beforehand.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston has 'separation anxiety,' won't let Justin Theroux take a job
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston has 'separation anxiety,' won't let Justin Theroux take a job
Justin Theroux hasn?t had a job since he met Jennifer Aniston. Okay, that?s not exactly the truth. He hasn?t had an acting job since Wanderlust was filmed in 2010, but he was one of four credited screenwriters on Rock of Ages, the Tom Cruise movie which comes out this summer. I don?t remember hearing about Justin on the set of Rock of Ages, so maybe he wasn?t very hands-on during production? Which basically means Justin has been unemployed for a year and a half. It?s by choice, though. Producers are offering him acting gigs, but he keeps turning them down because it would mean time away from his new girl. His sugar mama ?demands? that he not be further than a five-hour plane ride. Which means no international work, basically.

Dating Jennifer Aniston may have made Justin Theroux a household name, but it probably won?t turn him into a movie star.

According to a friend, at Jen?s request, Justin recently turned down two roles because they shot out of the country and Jen didn?t want to be separated for that long. She has separation anxiety and told him she didn?t want him that far away.

?She initiated a rule that he can?t be further than a five-hour plane trip so he had to pass on the projects.?

The pal says Jennifer knows that distance does not make the heart grow fonder. ?She wants to be with him 24/7.?

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

?She has separation anxiety? - like she?s a dog? My dog has separation anxiety. He gets really upset if I?m gone longer than two hours. Like, he?ll pout about it when I come home and then for the next few hours, he’ll just stare at me like he’s seeing me for the first time, a look of betrayal and anger. I wonder if Aniston is the same? That?s the part I believe – ?She wants to be with him 24/7.? She seems like That Girl.

But – I don?t care for how In Touch basically ?blames? Aniston and her ?rules? for Justin not taking a job. If he wanted to work, he would. He?s a big boy. He?s 40 years old, for God?s sake. It?s his decision. And I don?t understand why Aniston wouldn?t simply travel with him while he worked overseas if he really wanted to take a certain job?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston is 'doing everything she can to have a baby'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston is 'doing everything she can to have a baby'
These are some more photos from Jennifer Aniston?s appearance at the Directors Guild Awards over the weekend – we discussed the photos and their significance on Sunday. While it was clear to me that the tabloids were full of it when they claimed Aniston was well into her second trimester, some of you second-guessed me. Some of you think that these photos – which do show Aniston with a slight weight gain – are proof positive that Aniston is either A) preggo or B) on fertility drugs to get preggo. You may be right – I think the fertility drug theory has legs. In any case, Us Weekly reports this week that Aniston is definitely On The Path To Babies. But first she and Justin Theroux have to settle into their new mansion.

Ever since she settled down with Justin Theroux, 40, Jennifer Aniston has had a one-track mind: ?She is doing everything she can to have a baby,? a source says of the actress, who just turned 43. ?That?s really what she and Justin want more than anything.?

The pair of eight months also want to be prepared – they recently snapped up an 8,500-square-foot mansion in LA?s Ble Air – and they?re eager to put their stamp on it.

?They?re going to do some work to it before moving in,? says the source. ?It?s exciting because it will be a project they can do together.?

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

I go back and forth on Aniston and the state of her womb, obviously. I think Theroux is probably the ?best? boyfriend she?s had in years, and he damn well makes a better candidate for ?baby-daddy? than someone like John Mayer. But, do I really think Aniston even gives a crap about having babies? In the past, my answer was always ?Hell no.? She likes her life – drinking, free time, dogs, vacations, working out. A baby might put a crimp in that. But I also think Theroux has changed Jennifer – and maybe babies are part of the plan now?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston in a Dolce & Gabbana LBD at the DGAs: pretty or busted?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston in a Dolce & Gabbana LBD at the DGAs: pretty or busted?
Finally! Here are new photos of Jennifer Aniston at last night?s Directors Guild Awards in LA. Aniston was there as one of the nominated directors/producers of Five, the Lifetime movie she did with a group of women – incidentally, she lost in her category. Anyway, Aniston wore this Dolce & Gabbana minidress which? looks like the same kind of LBD she always wears. I?m guessing this is a new piece, but I?m also guessing she has at least two dozen versions of this dress already in her closet. So, it?s a little big boring.

Shall we talk about the fact that she has no baby bump that I can see? There?s nothing noticeable in her mid-section, so that whole ?she?s six months pregnant!? claim really was BS. That being said, Aniston does look like she?s gained a little weight. Maybe it?s because she quit smoking, or maybe she?s just stopped obsessively working out since she got with Justin, I don?t know. But look at her legs – and you can even see the slight weight gain in her face and in her arms. She?s just not as ?toned? as she usually is. Which is fine, I?m glad that she looks more relaxed and she seems less obsessed with keeping her body ridiculously fit. She looks happy about it too.

She seems to have walked the red carpet solo, but Justin Theroux was there to support his girl – go here to see photos of Aniston and Theroux inside the DGA event. They look genuinely happy together, and I suspect all of the tabloid stories about their constant fighting are BS as well (but I?ve always thought that). When will they walk a red carpet for the first together? At the premiere of Wanderlust? Or at the Oscars?

By the way, am I the only one who thinks there?s something off/weird/different about Aniston?s face? I can?t put my finger on it though – what?s different?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston Dazzles at the 64th Annual DGA Awards
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston Dazzles at the 64th Annual DGA Awards
Ready for a fabulous night saluting Hollywood's finest movie-makers, Jennifer Aniston turned up for the 64th Annual Directors Guild Of America Awards in Hollywood, California on Saturday evening (January 28).

he "Marley & Me" beauty looked breathtaking in a Dolce&Gabbana LBD as she and boyfriend Justin Theroux worked the arrivals area at the Grand Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland before grabbing up their primo seat ahead of the swanky ceremony.

As for the reason behind the appearance, Miss Aniston is among the esteemed nominees this year - as she, Demi Moore, Penelope Spheeris, Alicia Keys and Patty Jenkins are in the running for Movies for Television and Mini-Series for their collaborative effort on Lifetime's "Five".

Talking about the elite competition, Directors Guild of America President Taylor Hackford said, "The caliber of work being done on television these days is incredible, and our director nominees in each category are an indispensable element to the success of every project -- establishing and enhancing the vision and tone, eliciting outstanding performances and furthering the narrative arc through their creative choices."

More Photos Here

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston just bought a $21 million, 4-bedroom Bel Air mansion
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston just bought a $21 million, 4-bedroom Bel Air mansion
Nearly a year ago, Jennifer Aniston sold her newly remodeled and refurbished LA mansion for $42 million, an insane markup considering she initially bought the house for less than half that amount. All she really had done to the house was turn it into some Ron Burgundy-style 1970s shag-pad – the whole thing looked really dated, but Aniston talked a lot about how it was her dream property, so I guess it was just her style. So, it was shocking when she sold it and then immediately purchased two massive condos in NYC. The condo purchases made a bit more sense when she and life-long New Yorker Justin Theroux went public – although she bought the New York properties when Justin was still with Heidi Bivens, you know. Anyway, Aniston has split her time over the past year between her New York condo(s) and the Sunset Tower Hotel – reports claimed that Aniston was shelling out $20,000 a month to stay there (and she was paying, not Justin).

So maybe Aniston was tired of spending an exorbitant amount of money at hotels, because she?s just made another huge real estate purchase – TMZ reports that she just bought another mansion, this time in Bel Air:

Jennifer Aniston is about to become the proud owner of an estate you will never be able to afford … TMZ has learned.

Sources tells us … Jennifer has purchased an 8,500 square foot mansion in Bel Air. The asking price was $24 million, but we’re told Jennifer got it for a bargain — only $21 mil.

The Mid Century house has 4 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms and unobstructed city and ocean views. The estate is just shy of 2 acres … and in Bel Air, that’s HUGE. And get this … it even has a vineyard!

Jennifer’s realtor is Jade Mills from Coldwell Banker in Bev Hills. Mills is having a good month. She repped Avril Lavigne, who sold her $8.5 million mansion to L.A. Clippers star Chris Paul last week.

We’re told Jennifer will officially get the title to her new pad tomorrow.

[From TMZ]

$21 million properties are nothing special for someone like Aniston. The thing that interested me the most is the number of bedrooms – Aniston?s previous LA home only had one bedroom, I believe. And now she?s getting a 4-bedroom place? There?s enough room for a baby. Or two. Lots of little JustJens!

Oh, and a vineyard? Makes sense – because Aniston is such a boozehound.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Architectural Digest.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux spent holidays in Telluride, not the beach?!?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux spent holidays in Telluride, not the beach?!?
Throughout last fall, the tabloids were constantly full of speculation that Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux were totally going to get married over the holidays. Some said it would be a beach wedding in Cabo with Chelsea Handler as the maid of honor or something. Some said it would be a beach wedding in Hawaii, with a pig on a spit taking the place of Chelsea, I guess. Some said it would even be a beachy shindig in LA, or perhaps even a beach-themed NYC wedding. Well, none of it came to pass. The surprising part is that it doesn?t even seem like Aniston and Theroux were anywhere near a beach over the holidays! What?s going on with Jen? That bitch has changed! And I kind of like it.

Baby, it’s cold outside!

Despite the chilly temps, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux kept things hot in Colorado for the first week of 2012! A source tells Us Weekly the duo vacationed in a 13,300 square foot private residence in the Mountain Village outside the town of Telluride — where they were first spotted Dec. 31.

“They had a group of friends [that left] Monday,” the source tells Us. “Justin and Jen [stayed] until Thursday. They had a ski instructor every day.”

“[Jennifer] gets up [and] goes skiing,” adds the source. “Pretty much [she's] camped out at the house, keeping a low profile.”

Another source tells Us that Aniston, 42, and pal Chelsea Handler took a ski lesson together.

[From Us Weekly]

Jennifer Aniston?!? SKIING?!? Wonders never cease. As much as I think the circumstances surrounding their coupling were sketchy, I think that Justin might end up being a good influence on Jennifer. He gets her out of comfort zone, she?s trying new things, she?s mixing it up, and she seems like a different (less pity-party-having) woman these days. I?ve also extended my timeline for them as a couple. Five months ago, I was thinking that JustJen wouldn?t make it much further than this Spring. Now I?m thinking that they may make it all the way through 2012. Justin is definitely playing a different game than Jennifer?s usual boyfriends.

Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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