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Rihanna News & Gossip
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Rihanna Follows Up Joan Rivers Spat with a Retail Romp
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rihanna Follows Up Joan Rivers Spat with a Retail Romp
Squeezing in a mini shopping session ahead of her week-ending work obligations, Rihanna was busy spending cash in West Hollywood on Friday (August 24.

Joined by a gal pal, the "We Found Love" songstress looked hot to trot in a brown tank top paired with a wee black skirt and sneakers as she hunted for a new outfit at Opening Ceremony before making her way to DreamWorks Studios.

RiRi's retail romp comes as she's been all over the headlines today thanks to a spat with Joan Rivers - who called her an "idiot" for still having feelings with her abusive R&B star ex, Chris Brown.

Not taking fondly to the talk show staple's criticism, 24-year-old Rihanna quickly fired back a fiery Twitter post reading: " @Joan_Rivers wow u really do get slow when you?re old huh?... Slap on some diapers.?

Never one to back down from a war of words, the outspoken Miss Rivers continued to preach to the Barbadian singer while also trying to bury the hatchet, as she wrote, "Honey, @Rihanna, everyone knows: If he hit you once, he?ll hit you again. Read the statistics. PS ? Love to have you on Fashion Police!"

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14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna Still Loves Chris Brown
Added 11 years agoSource: The Blemish
Rihanna Still Loves Chris Brown
Rihanna’s full interview with Oprah aired yesterday. As expected, she made it clear that she still loves Chris Brown even though she punched her in the face a couple times.

She tells Oprah that they’re not seeing each other but have been “working on our friendship again and now we’re very, very close friends. We built up a trust again. Andthat’sit. We love each other and we probably always will.” I just put my face in my palms and let out a groan. Anyway, some more revelations about her relationship with Chris via Washington Post.

? The ?Battleship? star acknowledged that Brown is in a relationship and that she is single. But she also admitted that, as rumored, they recently reunited in St. Tropez. ?It?s awkward because I still love him,? she said of seeing Brown again. ?My stomach drops, and I have to maintain this poker face and not let it get to the outer part of me.?

? When Winfrey asked if Brown was a true love her for her, Rihanna responded, ?Absolutely. I think that he was the love of my life. He was my first love and I see that he loved me the same way.?

? Rihanna said she was ?angry? and ?resentful? for a long time before she ultimately forgave Brown for hitting her. She said she was able to grant that forgiveness after she resolved issues with her own father, who she implied was occasionally violent with her mother.

On the flip side, good news Chris Brown. If you still want to get back with Rihanna and you’re worried that you scared her off by repeatedly smashing your fist into her face that one time, don’t worry. It’s all good it seems.

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna's full Oprah talk: Chris was the 'love of my life' & 'I still love him'
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Rihanna's full Oprah talk: Chris was the 'love of my life' & 'I still love him'
Rihanna’s full interview on “Oprah’s Next Chapter” aired last night and, as promised in the preview clip, there was much talk of Rihanna’s thoughts on Chris Brown, which are generally conflicted, and you can tell that she hasn’t fully resolved her feelings over what took place three years ago when he beat the living crap out of her. In addition, we’ve also heard that Chris was very aghast that Rihanna (and the rest of the world) is still rehashing the events that took place because he feels like he’s worked so hard (in the studio, not in women’s shelters) on his “road to recovery.” Whatever.

Before the full interview aired, Rihanna has also come under fire from some charities that deal with violence against women because RiRi stated (in the aforementioned clip) that she “misses” Chris and that he only “made a mistake” and “needed help.” The Women’s Resource Centre has released a statement saying “We need to stop society allowing us to normalise such behaviour. Rihanna has admitted she ‘was more concerned about’ her ‘best friend’ Chris Brown after the singer’s vicious attack on her.” Now with the release of Oprah’s full program, Rihanna has fully admitted that she still loves Chris and has fully forgiven him. She also hints at some (unsurprising) dynamics that she witnessed between her own mother and father:

* Rihanna and Brown, according to Rihanna, are “not seeing each other.” But the two have been “working on our friendship again, and now we?re very, very close friends. We built up a trust again. And that’s it. We love each other and we probably always will.”

* The Battleship star acknowledged that Brown is in a relationship and that she is single. But she also admitted that, as rumored, they recently reunited in St. Tropez. “It’s awkward because I still love him,” she said of seeing Brown again. “My stomach drops, and I have to maintain this poker face and not let it get to the outer part of me.”

* When Winfrey asked if Brown was a true love her for her, Rihanna responded, “Absolutely. I think that he was the love of my life. He was my first love and I see that he loved me the same way.”

* Rihanna said she was “angry” and “resentful” for a long time before she ultimately forgave Brown for hitting her. She said she was able to grant that forgiveness after she resolved issues with her own father, who she implied was occasionally violent with her mother.

[From Washington Post]

Beyond the troublesome attitude that Rihanna harbors for her abuser, I find it rather disgusting that Rihanna is essentially making a huge public play for Chris by admitting that she still loves him and had such a hard time when hanging with him in St. Tropez while his girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, was also present. I just don’t understand why she’d do that in a normal, non-abusive situation, let alone when Rihanna’s relationship with Chris was clearly a toxic mess. But maybe she’s just addicted, I don’t know.

Screencaps courtesy of OWN Network

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna Was Worried About Chris Brown After He Punched Her in the Face
Added 11 years agoSource: The Blemish
Rihanna Was Worried About Chris Brown After He Punched Her in the Face
In a candid interview with Oprah airing this Sunday, Rihanna says she was “worried and concerned” about Chris Brown even though he had just punched her in the face a couple hundred times.To be clear, Rihanna wasn’t concerned about Chris Brown in the, “I wonder if his fist is okay,” sort of way.

“I felt like, ‘The only person they hate right now is him.’ It was a weird, confusing space to be in, because, as angry as I was – as angry and hurt and betrayed, I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help.

“And who’s going to help him? Nobody’s going to say he needs help, everybody’s going to say he’s a monster, without looking at the source. And I was more concerned about him.”

If you’ve ever needed an example of battered person syndrome, here you go. Instead of thinking, “Hey, this guy just made my face look like a sack of lumpy potatoes. What an asshole. I should probably stay away,” she thought, “Poor baby, something must have happened to him growing up. He’s normally a really good guy. Why are you mad at HIM? It was really my fault for not helping him more.”

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna Talks Chris Brown on 'Oprah's Next Chapter
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rihanna Talks Chris Brown on 'Oprah's Next Chapter
She?s usually a private person, but Rihanna opens the flood gates to her personal life during her interview on ?Oprah?s Next Chapter.?

The ?Take a Bow? songstress revisits the tragic night back in February of 2009 when her then-boyfriend Chris Brown brutally attacked her.

She explains, ?It was embarrassing. It was humiliating. I lost my best friend. I was resentful. I held a grudge. I was dark.?

Meanwhile, Oprah shares that she was surprised by Ri-Ri?s vibe. "I thought she would have been kind of a bad-ass kind of a rocker hard-edge woman -- nothing could have been farther from the truth. She was thoughtful. She was very emotional. She was vulnerable. She pushes the edge -- she pushes the edge a lot, and there's a reason for that."

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna Says Farewell to Latitude Yacht
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rihanna Says Farewell to Latitude Yacht
She?s been tooling around the French Riviera on the Latitude Yacht as of late, and yesterday (July 29) Rihanna disembarked with a smile.

The ?Russian Roulette? songstress stepped off the luxury craft in a blue and white maxi dress after having signed a scooter for the crew- ?To Latitude with a Attitude!?

In career news, Ri-Ri is working with David Guetta on her new album according to her producer Sean Garrett.

Garrett told press, ?I was in the studio with David doing some stuff for Rihanna recently. He finds inspiration in the things I don?t like, and I get excited by the things he doesn't like. He wants to be more urban and I want to be more international, so we push each other."

More Photos Here

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna's Portofino Snorkeling Sexiness
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rihanna's Portofino Snorkeling Sexiness
Cruising the waters as she continues her posh European holiday, Rihanna once again showed off her fine bikini form while living it up off the coast of Portofino, Italy on Saturday (July 28).

The 24-year-old Barbadian beauty rocked a skimpy two-piece swimsuit with a leopard print design as she hopped in the refreshing waters for a snorkeling session in the Mediterranean.

Upon wrapping up her underwater sightseeing expedition, RiRi climbed back aboard her boat while popping open a bottle of Jay-Z's Ace of Spades Champagne to drink with her friends.

Meanwhile, the "We Found Love" hitmaker continues to post Twitter tributes to her late grandmother, Dolly, as she most recently penned a message reading, "Shine bright like a diamond."

An accompanying link led to a notebook paper tweegram with a handwritten note adding, "YOU AND i... WE'RE BEAUTiFUL LiKE DiAMONDS iN THE SKY!"

More Photos Here

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna Still Partying on Her Mega Yacht
Added 11 years agoSource: The Blemish
Rihanna Still Partying on Her Mega Yacht
French police boarded Rihanna’s mega yacht today off the coast of France because she was playing her music too loud. Not much happened. They just went on board to check things out and had a drink with everyone.

French police seem cool. Especially since they patrol the waters on sweet looking jet skis in tactical life vests and one of those helmets straight out of a video game. Not like the police here who put around the water in stupid looking boats wearing stuffy uniforms.

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna Assumes Position In Her Swimsuit
Added 11 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Rihanna Assumes Position In Her Swimsuit
Let’s all take the time to thank Rihanna for giving us a sample of her money shot face. I know I’ll save that image in my mind for later and put it to good use. Anyway here she is still on vacation in France. I hope she never gets back to work.

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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Rihanna's French Yachting Swimsuit Fabulousness
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rihanna's French Yachting Swimsuit Fabulousness
She's never one to shy away from a good time, and earlier today (July 26) Rihanna was spotted kicking back aboard a swanky yacht in Eze Sur Mer, France.

With a cold Corona beer in hand, the "Rude Boy" singer showed off her svelte frame in a plunging swimsuit that matched her punchy red pout.

Meanwhile, RiRi's ex, Chris Brown, is trying to squash rumors that the former lovers met up while they both stayed in Cannes over the past week.

With reports touting that the talented twosome rekindled their flame with a kiss, Chris' camp quickly came to his defense, telling press, "[Chris Brown] is in France to shoot a music video for [the] Swizz Beatz album and Ludacris is in it. It's Swizz's song."

Brown's rep further rejected any speculation, explaining, "Karrueche is there with him. ... They never broke up. He is not on [Rihanna's] yacht. There is no Rihanna connection."

More Photos Here

14-May-2024 :A$AP Rocky & Rihanna showed off their sons for RZA?s second birthday
12-May-2023 :Rihanna?s son?s name has finally been revealed: RZA Athelston Mayers
2-May-2023 :Rihanna wore Valentino & arrived very fashionably late to the 2023 Met Ga...
14-Feb-2023 :Rihanna didn?t get paid for the Halftime Show, but her streams are spikin...
13-Feb-2023 :Pregnant Rihanna delivered a memorable, if low-energy, Halftime performan...
10-Feb-2023 :Rihanna previews her Super Bowl Half-Time show with a trailer & interview
9-Nov-2022 :Rihanna is super-proud of the Fenty show, which includes Johnny Depp
5-Nov-2022 :Rihanna has invited Johnny Depp to be part of her Savage X Fenty show
27-Oct-2022 :Rihanna will finally gift us a new song for the Wakanda Forever soundtrac...
22-Mar-2022 :Rihanna, a billionaire, shopped for baby clothes at Target last week
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