| | |  | Alec Baldwin News & Gossip
| Alec Baldwin: The renunciation of Woody Allen is 'unfair and sad to me' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 You sort of have to hand it to Alec Baldwin – he?s an intelligent, charming man who manages to piss of nearly everyone around him. He?s a brilliant actor who has burned many bridges throughout his career simply because he ran his mouth off when he shouldn?t have. There?s something deeply contrarian about Alec – no matter how many times he has been advised to simply stay quiet and let the dust settle, Alec will literally barge in, uninvited, to mouth off yet again. It?s become a parody at this point – Alec says something deeply offensive, he gives a half-assed apology and promises to stay off Twitter, then after a few days he?s back at it again with tweets and ill-timed words, like a thirsty itch that needs to be scratched, always in the public sphere.
Anyway, Alec Baldwin has said words in defense of Woody Allen before. Baldwin has worked with Woody a few times, memorably in Blue Jasmine and not-so-memorably in To Rome with Love. As I keep saying, Woody Allen no longer has a constituency in Hollywood. That shifted a few years ago and now, in the current age of heightened awareness around abuse and abusers, major stars are disavowing Woody right and left with no repercussions. In fact, disavowing Woody will garner you better headlines than just keeping your mouth shut. But Alec Baldwin?s contrarian nature needed to scratch that itch. So he tweeted this on Tuesday:
Woody Allen was investigated forensically by two states (NY and CT) and no charges were filed. The renunciation of him and his work, no doubt, has some purpose. But it?s unfair and sad to me. I worked w WA 3 times and it was one of the privileges of my career.
WA?s talent has nothing to do with it.
This is a charge that was investigated aggressively and resulted in…nothing. What would it take for you to at least consider that he is telling the truth?
Is it possible to support survivors of pedophilia and sexual assault/abuse and also believe that WA is innocent? I think so.
The intention is not to dismiss or ignore such complaints. But accusing ppl of such crimes should be treated carefully. On behalf of the victims, as well.
[From Alec Baldwin?s Twitter]
Baldwin also retweeted some stuff about and from Moses Farrow, brother to Ronan and Dylan Farrow, who always claimed that Woody was innocent and that Mia Farrow was the abusive parent. The retweets raise an interesting point too – if we believe that Dylan Farrow is a victim of abuse, should we believe Moses? story as well?
All that being said, for me the ?no charges were filed? argument will always fall flat about any accused predator. One of the reasons why #MeToo has gained so much traction is because so many women correctly feel that the legal system was not built to protect us, and that all too often, the legal system fails us in our most desperate moments. I don?t need to see Harvey Weinstein formally charged with a crime to KNOW that he is a rapist and a predator. Perhaps the better argument for Alec is the one he makes about Moses – we should believe victims when they tell their stories. Believe Dylan. But believe Moses Farrow too, and try to understand what happened to both of them.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Alec Baldwin 'didn't know' about Weinstein but he 'heard' about Rose McGowan's rape | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 In September 2016, Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas-Baldwin welcomed their third child in four years. Every person has the right to make their own reproductive choices, of course, and Hilaria and Alec are both grown-ass adults, but the time frame in which they had their succession of babies did make me side-eye a bit. Well, keep the side-eyes coming, because Hilaria is knocked up again. Her fourth pregnancy in five years, you guys. Last year, I even wrote: ?When Alec and Hilaria announced this third pregnancy, Alec made some noise about how he?s really hoping this is the last kid. You know what would be great? If he followed through and got a vasectomy for poor Hilaria?s sake, because you know if he doesn?t, she?ll just get knocked up again in a few months.? He didn?t get a vasectomy. She got knocked up again. They also did a ?gender reveal? via cake – they?re having a boy. Alec is 59. Hilaria is 33.
Meanwhile, Alec gave some interviews last week about Harvey Weinstein, Rose McGowan and Alec?s own history with women. Some assorted quotes:
Alec on his own actions: ?I certainly have treated women in a very sexist way. I?ve bullied women. I?ve overlooked women. I?ve underestimated women. From time to time, I?ve done what a lot of men do, which is ? when you don?t treat women the same way you treat men. You don?t. I?m from a generation where you really don?t and I?d like that to change. I really would like that to change?.I think it?s important for us to try to make the workplace and beyond not only comfortable and right and fair and appropriate but as productive, as well. I think a lot of what we?re dealing with within this issue is hurting our business. It?s making it less productive.?
On Weinstein: ?I didn?t know anything. But I know that when you talked about Harvey Weinstein in the business, for example, for decades, you knew that he was highly intrusive in the process of making films. You know, his nickname was Harvey Scissorhands and he was very intrusive in the path of the directors who worked for him. Number two, you knew that he was a very intense guy and very bullying guy, and was shouting and screaming at people and exhorting them when he didn?t get his way. And, last but not least, you heard the rumor that he raped Rose McGowan. You heard that over and over. We have heard that for decades, and nothing was done.?
On Rose McGowan: ?It was for Rose McGowan to prosecute that case. I don?t think you and I are working at a job, and we vet everybody we work for in terms of, not just sexual crimes, racism. Do I sit there and say to myself, I want to have a forensic psychiatrist come and examine the entire board of Warner Bros., and I will never take another paycheck from Warner Bros. until everybody on that board of directors that runs that company have been vetted that they?re not racist, sexist, homophobic, you name it, I need to have a report on that? Where this thing with Harvey Weinstein and Rose McGowan came along was, I had no idea, until now, that she had settled the case.?
[From EW & Decider]
So Baldwin ?didn?t know? anything about Harvey Weinstein and yet he heard ?over and over? that Rose McGowan was raped by Weinstein. It?s not that I?m questioning that Baldwin heard about it and did nothing – I believe he heard about it and did nothing – it?s that how can he start by saying he didn?t KNOW? But really, everything he says here is a huge problem. He?s blaming the victim, putting the onus on women and victims to regulate and moderate male predatory behavior. He?s blaming victims for accepting settlements too. A lot of people – including Rose and Asia Argento – criticized him online and Baldwin immediately announced that he would be taking a ?leave? from Twitter, and he halfway apologized to offended people, and he literally blamed the victims again for taking settlements and ?delaying justice.? DOUCHE.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Alec Baldwin defends Kathy Griffin after Trump photo scandal | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Embed from Getty Images
Like Jim Carrey did last week, Alec Baldwin publicly supported Kathy Griffin as the fallout increases from her extremely ill-conceived photo of her holding a bloody, ?severed,? wax head of Donald Trump. Alec, of course, is no stranger to invoking public outrage. When Bill Clinton came under fire for his handling of his Monica Lewinsky affair, Representative Henry Hyde headed up his impeachment. Alec, a militant Democrat, went on Conan O?Brien?s show and called for the citizens of the US to stone Henry Hyde to death and then stone his family. It was a joke, just like Kathy?s. And, like Kathy?s, it was a gross and terrible use of humor. So, Alec is invoking his weathering of that storm to buoy Kathy as she’s come under attack. On Saturday, he posted the following:
1- Dear Kathy Griffin,
Kathy….baby…I've been there.The whole Henry Hyde thing w Conan, where we bring out an oxygen mask at the end?
— AlecBaldwin (@AlecBaldwin) June 3, 2017
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| Alec Baldwin got sober when he was 27: 'that was a tough time' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Embed from Getty Images
Just yesterday my kid and I were trying to decide if we were desperate enough to see Boss Baby (we weren’t, but a lot of other people were). He saw the trailer and asked if that was Alec Baldwin, whom he knows from SNL. I said it was and then remembered that Alec, who now is the lead voice in a kid’s movie, once chewed his 12 year-old daughter out in a voicemail message. I showed my kid the Dora the Explorer remix of Alec’s message and he thought it was hilarious. My point is that if you told me Alec hasn’t had a drink for over 30 years I wouldn’t believe you. He’s allegedly been sober since 1985 though. Alec told his story to George Stephanopoulos of ABC News:
What if you hadn?t stopped drinking in February, 1985?
I think that I was one of the people who was lucky that it stuck. Therefore therif I didn?t get it then I would have gotten it eventually. I know that at that time and what I described, overdosing on drugs, which I kept private for years, I think that I would have gotten it eventually but I?m glad I got it when I did.
Not many people get sober when they?re young. I got sober when I was about to turn 27. Those two years that I lived in that white hot period as a daily drug abuser, as a daily drinker to my misery, that was a tough time. There was really a lot of pain in there.
[From ABC News]
Good for him for getting sober and sticking with it if that’s what he did. I’m still questioning whether he was sober that entire time, but I guess sober people can be rageaholics too, people in the throes of their addictions don’t have a monopoly on anger. Alec seems to be sharing this story now because he has a new memoir out this week, called Nevertheless. It sounds like he’s co-opting the women’s movement motto “Nevertheless, she persisted” doesn’t it? He has another interview with CBS News where he explains how he got into drugs when he first moved to LA in the 80s. He said “that’s the way it was back then, everyone was drinking and drugging.” It’s still that way, it just depends on the people you spend time with on a daily basis.
Also, Alec talked about his encounters with the paparazzi, he’s has several run-ins with them, and he said they were after “a picture of my wife and her fit little body running down the street.” He claimed that one photographer tripped and fell on top of a baby in a stroller in front of his building and that “if I decide to take the law into my own hands in some of those cases that’s just want I’ve got to do. I don’t really worry about it that much.” He’s assaulted paparazzi several times and he never hesitates to put people on blast and tell his side of the story. If a photographer fell on a baby in front of his building, don’t you think he would have told the press at the time?
photos credit: WENN and Getty
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| Alec & Hilaria Baldwin are expecting their second baby, Carmen is 16 months old | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Holy crap, that sunset is amazing! Is that Photoshopped or filtered or something? Or did the sunset really look that crazy? Anyway, Hilaria Baldwin posted this photo ^^ on her Instagram yesterday with the message: ?The sun has set on 2014 and on my year of daily #hilariaypd ….2015 is going to be very exciting as we are thrilled to announce we are expecting another little addition to our family! (tadasana) #yogapostureoftheday.?
So? no more daily yoga poses AND she?s expecting her second baby with husband Alec Baldwin??? For a second I was like ?Wait, didn?t she just give birth to Gabriella?? But it was back in 2013. Carmen Gabriella is 16 months old and already walking. Is anyone a little bit surprised that Hilaria got pregnant again? I mean, the first baby didn?t surprise me ? Hilaria is very young (she?s 30) but Alec is 56 and has an adult daughter already. I guess Alec and Hilaria?s marriage is stronger than we originally thought. Either that or? God knows. I still suspect that Alec loses his mind at least once a month and screams obscenities at Carmen Gabriella (I just have this image of Alec turning beet red and telling a baby to f?k off for some reason).
Anyway? congrats to Alec and Hilaria. Maybe this one will be a boy?
Photos courtesy of Hilaria?s Instagram, WENN.
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| Alec Baldwin arrested in NYC, 'he went ballistic on the cops' (updates) | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Alec Baldwin was just arrested! In Touch Weekly has the exclusive photos of Alec being handcuffed and put into a cop car in New York City today (Tuesday, May 13). In Touch doesn?t know exactly what happened, but there was an eyewitness:
An eyewitness tells the mag the 56-year-old was ?calm and quiet? while he was cuffed and put in the back of the police car, though another onlooker said he ?went ballistic on the cops, screaming at them? earlier during the altercation.
?The incident just happened, we are waiting for details at this time,? a source with the NYPD tells In Touch.
[From In Touch Weekly]
If you?re forcing me to theorize, I think Alec probably got into it with another paparazzo (probably from the NYDN, maybe one from the NY Post) and there was some kind of violent altercation. Alec goes ballistic on the paparazzi on a regular basis, so this incident probably had a little something extra, like a fist to the face. Or perhaps some hate speech? All of which is so bizarre, because he married such a famewhore.
Update: Ah, TMZ says the arrest was actually “illegally riding his bike the wrong way down Fifth Avenue.” When he was stopped, he didn’t have his ID on him. Which is so stupid – do you need to carry ID with you when you’re riding a bike?! Still, that’s no excuse to go ballistic on the cops.
Update #2: In Touch has new info – a source says: ?He was stopped by officers for riding the wrong way on a street. When the officers asked for ID, he got belligerent because he had none on him. The officers placed him under arrest for disorderly conduct.? The source says Alec got one summons for riding the wrong way and another for disorderly conduct. Alec is already out of custody and his rep claims he was “not arrested or charged with a crime.”
Update #3: Alec has tweeted about this whole incident, because HE IS A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL. His series of tweets, in order: “Officer Moreno, badge number 23388, arrested me and handcuffed me for going the wrong way on Fifth Ave… Meanwhile, photographers outside my home ONCE AGAIN terrified my daughter and nearly hit her with a camera. The police did nothing… New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.” It’s everybody else’s fault but Alec’s. He said MONTHS ago that he was leaving NYC for LA. Maybe now he will?
Photos courtesy of In Touch Weekly, WENN.
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| Alec Baldwin arrested in NYC, 'he went ballistic on the cops, screaming at them' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Alec Baldwin was just arrested! In Touch Weekly has the exclusive photos of Alec being handcuffed and put into a cop car in New York City today (Tuesday, May 13). In Touch doesn?t know exactly what happened, but there was an eyewitness:
An eyewitness tells the mag the 56-year-old was ?calm and quiet? while he was cuffed and put in the back of the police car, though another onlooker said he ?went ballistic on the cops, screaming at them? earlier during the altercation.
?The incident just happened, we are waiting for details at this time,? a source with the NYPD tells In Touch.
[From In Touch Weekly]
If you?re forcing me to theorize, I think Alec probably got into it with another paparazzo (probably from the NYDN, maybe one from the NY Post) and there was some kind of violent altercation. Alec goes ballistic on the paparazzi on a regular basis, so this incident probably had a little something extra, like a fist to the face. Or perhaps some hate speech? All of which is so bizarre, because he married such a famewhore.
Update: Ah, TMZ says the arrest was actually “illegally riding his bike the wrong way down Fifth Avenue.” When he was stopped, he didn’t have his ID on him. Which is so stupid – do you need to carry ID with you when you’re riding a bike?! Still, that’s no excuse to go ballistic on the cops.
Photos courtesy of In Touch Weekly, WENN.
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| Enquirer: Alec Baldwin is 'depressed, dour & argumentative with his own family' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some newish photos of Alec Baldwin out and about in NYC with his new baby Carmen and his wife Hilaria around New Year?s. Alec wasn?t getting photographed for a while, immediately after MSNBC fired him (or he left willingly, whatever you choose to believe). He lost his MSNBC show just as soon as he got it, because Alec Baldwin is a rage monster who loves nothing more than to scream homophobic obscenities at paparazzi taking his photo. He blames his rage on the tabloid and celebrity-famewhore culture? which his wife actively participates in as someone who works as a ?correspondent? for Extra and as someone who posts a lot of baby photos on her Instagram. What a tangled web we weave.
Anyway, newish photos. And Alec must be medicated, because he?s not trying to violently attack the photographer. Is he learning how to keep his temper in check? Doubtful. Especially now that he?s pissed off so many media outlets, they?re just going to keep poking the (anger) bear. Not only does the NY Daily News hate Alec, but the National Enquirer is also holding a grudge against him. Thus, this new story:
Alec Baldwin on a slippery slope as bad Karma kicks in! WITH his dream of a political career ruined by his latest tirade, hothead Alec Baldwin has been down in the dumps, pals say.
The Emmy-winning actor ? new dad to a baby girl with second wife Hilaria Thomas ? is a ?shell of himself ? after the ugly outburst cost him his cable TV talk show, said a friend.
?Alec looks like he?s aged five years in the past month,? the friend told The ENQUIRER. ?He?s dour and argumentative with his own family. They worry he?s slipping into a full-blown bout of depression. With his new baby, these should be the happiest times of Alec?s life. Instead, he keeps saying, ?I?ve really done it this time.? ?
The ?30 Rock? star, 55, landed in hot water repeatedly in 2013 ? hurling racial slurs at one photographer, which Baldwin denied, throwing gay insults at a British journalist and tussling with yet another photographer in August shortly after daughter Carmen?s birth.
He hit rock bottom in November when he spat derogatory gay comments at a photographer. The fallout was so brutal that MSNBC yanked his show off the air after just five broadcasts. Baldwin had hoped to use the show as a platform to run for New York City mayor, but that?s just a pipe dream now, the friend added.
?Political opponents would have a field day tearing him apart,? said the source. ?Alec is filled with remorse over his public behavior, and he?s on a downward slide. He realizes he?s done some things that no apologies will ever fix.?
[From The National Enquirer]
Personally, I think Alec made his peace with the fact that he could not and should not run for public office a long time ago. Probably around the ?rude thoughtless little pig? voicemail message to his daughter. That alone was enough to sink any dream of public office. Throw in the hate speech and the violence, and yeah? it was never going to happen. As for his other career prospects? well, he?s been saying he just wants to be a house-husband and stay-at-home father for a while now. Let him do that. He?s saved his money, he has the young trophy wife and the baby. Just enjoy that.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.
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| Alec Baldwin Fired from MSNBC | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Following abysmal ratings and then a homophobic outburst in which he called a photog a “cocksucking fag,” MSBNC has decided to part ways with Alec Baldwin.
According to sources, his pathetic attempts at making amends didn’t help sway sentiment. Turns out not taking responsibility, parading around a gay hairdresser to prove you’re not a homophobe and professing your love to your guy friendsdoesn’t quite put one back into people’s good graces. Who knew?
A rep for MSNBC called it a “mutual parting” and wished Alec the best.
Asked for comment, Alec again insisted he wasn’t a homophobe and attempted to prove it by trying to furiously jerk off a guy standing to his left.
The post Alec Baldwin Fired from MSNBC appeared first on The Blemish.
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 He?s no stranger to controversy, and it seems Alec Baldwin may have cooked his own goose with regard to his new show on the MSNBC Network.
Following allegations that he called a paparazzo a ?c**ksucking f*g,? the ?30 Rock? star?s program was suspended for two weeks.
And now the New York Post has reported that Alec has been fired indefinitely from MSNBC, though Baldwin?s rep took exception to the way the exit has been portrayed.
The spokesman explained, ?The show is not coming back. He had questions on whether he wanted to continue.?
In addition to Baldwin?s alleged gay slur, his termination is also said to be the result of "diva-like behavior toward co-workers.?
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