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LeAnn Rimes News & Gossip
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LeAnn Rimes: 'It's important to take the highroad for the kids' sake'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes: 'It's important to take the highroad for the kids' sake'
UGH. I hate LeAnn Rimes?s blog. I mean, I don?t hate the fact that she has yet another outlet to spew her delusions (that?s just funny), but I HATE the way her blog is set up. You can?t cut-and-paste her posts! You have to either retype it or find some other site who has excerpted heavily. Anyway, if you want to read LeAnn?s new post, ?No Step About It?, go here. It?s all about how she?s a step-mother and how difficult it is to raise her stepchildren in an atmosphere filled with drama. What?s funny is that LeAnn completely bypasses her own role in her self-perpetuating drama machine, instead laying the blame on the media (cough). Here are some excerpts:

Step. Stepmother, Stepfather, Stepchildren — the word ’step’ can take on such a connotation to so many in our society,” she says. “A family is a family. In my eyes. There’s no ’step’ about it.”

It’s not easy being a stepparent, taking on a mother or father role in your new blended family and household. It can be incredibly intimidating…. As a parent you try everything in your power to make it easy on the kids, to make them feel like there’s more love than they could ever imagine, not less.

There are many obstacles to overcome… two households with different rules, many different personalities and opinions that can pose issues at times. But it’s important to take the highroad for the kids’ sake and ultimately for your own. Unfortunately, our family like is being played out in the media in a way that?s unsettling to Eddie and me. We cannot control ?speculation,? ?accusations? or ?allegations? (big words thrown into articles to make it legally ok to print lies) nor control the ?sources.? We can however control the way we choose to handle our lives as professional, public figures, parents and adults for our family and to set an example for the boys.

Eddie?s son?s [sic], I treat as if they are my own. Eddie has always encouraged me to look at us as a family and a part of our family are the two beautiful boys that we share with their mother and hopefully one day another wonderful man. Trust me, it?s sometimes hard to wrap my head around?. One thing I know, is that I will never replace their mother, I would never try. I will however love them with all I have and do everything in my power to help raise them in a loving, safe and proper environment.

These two little boys came into my life for a reason and I think I came into theirs for a reason too. And through all the challenges I speak of, we’ve found an amazing relationship full of laughter, respect and love. It’s beyond rewarding to be able to help Eddie raise the boys and shape their lives. I take my role very seriously and I’m proud of the peaceful, loving environment Eddie and I have created for our family in our household. Society will always call me a stepmom, the boys will call me Le, but in our house, in our family, we remove the ’step.’ We really are all… simply family.

[From LeAnn?s World]

Did you catch the part about LeAnn hoping that Brandi will remarry? ?Eddie has always encouraged me to look at us as a family and a part of our family are the two beautiful boys that we share with their mother and hopefully one day another wonderful man.? My guess is that Eddie (and LeAnn, since it?s probably her money) won?t have to pay so much in alimony if Brandi gets remarried, right? So both Eddie and LeAnn are really praying for Brandi to get a man? which LeAnn will probably steal again, and continue on her Single White Female course unabated.

As far as her complaining about the media spreading lies, and playing the pity card because those ?lies? are hard on the kids? boohoo. LeAnn has done more to damage her reputation and lose her fan base all on her own, with little to no help from the media.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes is a child star who grew into a 'true artist' says LeAnn Rimes
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes is a child star who grew into a 'true artist' says LeAnn Rimes
Here are some new photos of LeAnn Rimes in London, outside of the BBC. She made an appearance and performed to mark ?the 50th anniversary of Songs of Praise? and to promote her new album, Lady and Gentlemen. Okay, don?t shoot me in the face, but I don?t think she looks bad (for her) here. Yes, she?s emaciated and squinty and her legs scare the hell out of me, but really, this is not a bad look for her. She?s covered up, the bolt-ons are contained, the outfit is rather nice and her hair and makeup look especially good. Two things: one, she really needs to stop wearing ankle booties. On most women, those booties cut off the line of the leg and make slender women look chunky in the leg department. On LeAnn, however, the booties make her legs look even more ridiculous and chickeny.

Second thing: THIS PHOTO. That baby is like, ?Seriously, bitch, stop poking me.?

Would you like to hear some quotes from LeAnn?s BBC interview? There are some real gems here:

On her problems: “I’ve gone through it all, at a very young age. But I think one of my base accomplishments is that I have been able to handle it very well. Trust me I have my moments, but I’ve been doing it so long.?

On her new album, in which she covers songs sung by men traditionally: ?All of them are written for men. They are now from a woman?s perspective. We bring out the sexiness in it. I never thought 16 Tons could be sexy! We paid homage to the originals but put a completely different spin on it.?

Country music is her heart: ?I listen to everything. If music is good, then I listen to it,? she said. ?I?ll always dabble in other things but country music is where my heart will always lie.?

On child stardom: “I’ve been one of the very few who have come through as a true artist as the other side of the child star kind of thing. I’m prouder of my work than I’ve ever been. I’m coming into my own as a true artist and not just a little girl with a big voice.”

Wanting to slow down: “There are always time when I want to get off the rollercoaster. I’m married to Eddie and I have two stepchildren. I don’t like being on the road and living out of a suitcase, it’s an interesting way to live and I’ve been doing it for so long. I think, like, ‘OK, I’m 29, I’m done.’ I say that for a week and then I’m ready to go back.?

She?s very wise: “I feel like I have more to give now than I ever have. I have all the success and knowledge and wisdom behind me to be in a really cool place.”

[Via MusicRooms]

If she wants to quit, why doesn?t she? Why doesn?t she take a break for a few years and stop with the seemingly endless hustle? Or has she been on a break and I just feel like she?s been hustling because she?s such a famewhore? Oh, and this quote: ?I’ve been one of the very few who have come through as a true artist as the other side of the child star kind of thing. I’m prouder of my work than I’ve ever been. I’m coming into my own as a true artist and not just a little girl with a big voice.? Here?s the thing: even if that statement is true (debatable), it?s not for her to say. It?s for other people to say about her and her career. It?s like she?s saying, ?Yeah, I?m unbelievably good. I?m so good, and I?m can?t believe how great I get year after year.? Not even Barbra Streisand could pull off that kind of ego.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Hits the Gym, Eddie Visits the "Today" Show
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
LeAnn Hits the Gym, Eddie Visits the
Kicking the week off with a trip to the gym, LeAnn Rimes was spotted heading to a local exercise facility in Los Angeles, CA on Monday (September 19).

The ?Northern Lights? actress looked sporty in cropped pants paired with a Lululemon green zip-up as she waltzed past the paparazzi, offering up a quick smile along the way.

Meanwhile, LeAnn?s hunky husband Eddie Cibrian was featured on the ?Today" show during a sit-down interview with host Matt Lauer.

Sharing a tidbit of info about his character Nick Dalton, Cibrian - who is currently promoting ?The Playboy Club? - which premieres tonight on NBC, explained that his character "gets involved with the bunnies (at the Club) ... that complicates his life, period. But he has a mysterious past, he was involved a little bit with the mob."

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes's bolt-ons and bones at Herve Leger: terrible or not that bad'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes's bolt-ons and bones at Herve Leger: terrible or not that bad'
Where to even start? These are new photos of LeAnn Rimes at yesterday?s Herve Leger show. LeAnn is wearing a Leger bandage dress, in this unfortunate shade of pale nude-blush. The color alone washes her out - pale blondes always have to be careful of these pale shades, because THIS could happen and you end up looking like a bleached ghost. But the color isn?t the worst part. The worst part is LeAnn?s crazy body.

First: look at her sickly little chicken legs. Her legs alone tell me that she?s not healthy. Everyone always screams about Angelina Jolie?s skinny little legs, but Jolie?s aren?t anywhere as near as bad as LeAnn?s.

Now, for the bolt-on issue. When I saw photos of LeAnn last week, I asked if anyone else thought LeAnn got her bolt-ons fixed. I?m asking again - look at them! I think she went into to Brandi Glanville?s plastic surgeon (again) and asked him to fix ?the drift? and she also went up a size in implants. Hand to God, they look bigger to me, and they?re not in her armpits anymore.

When Star Mag/Radar caught up with LeAnn at the show, she told them, ?My favorite thing to wear? Nothing!!! I have to be honest I?m so bad! I love clothes, but I?m from the south where we literally walked around barefoot all the time!? She also tweeted: ?Insane Herve Leger collection I just saw backstage! Cage obsession!?

The dude she?s posing with is Max Azria, by the way. He?s the chief designer for Leger, and he?s the man responsible for the plague of bandage dresses.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes Drops By Sirius XM Studios
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
LeAnn Rimes Drops By Sirius XM Studios
Paying a visit to Sirius XM Radio Studios, LeAnn Rimes was spotted posing for pictures upon arrival to the New York City station on Monday (September 12).

The ?Northern Lights? actress looked cute in a brown dress and ankle boots as she happily smiled for the cameras while signing the wall of celebrity names.

The visit comes as Ms Rimes has been busy promoting her new song ?Give? from her upcoming album Lady & Gentleman.

"'Give' is a song with a message about how if we want love, kindness and happiness in our lives, then we need to give some of that back," LeAnn says. "I believe that message needs to be shared with the world.?

The purpose of the video is to raise awareness for an issue of importance ? homeless teens across America.

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes drags Eddie Cibrian to NY Fashion Week: cute or tragic?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
LeAnn Rimes drags Eddie Cibrian to NY Fashion Week: cute or tragic?
Oh, goodness. I was looking at new photos of LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian, and I decided to check out LeAnn?s Twitter feed, just to see what delusions she had been spewing recently. That?s when I found this photo, above. Eddie?s over it, isn?t he? Here?s a question: if you suspect your husband is over it, why drag him to NY Fashion Week? Unless you don?t mind that he spends that time gawking at scantily-clad models?? Maybe LeAnn just does whatever she has to do to keep him.

Oh, and I also found this absolutely PERFECT photo on LeAnn?s Twitter feed. Perfect photo is perfect.

Anyway, LeAnn has been dragging Eddie all over New York City for various fashion events. Last night was the Monique Lhuillier show, and she wore this unflattering outfit. I guess we should be grateful that she?s not wearing some bone-tight little dress, but this outfit is just? bad. The booties are Tom Ford, by the way. And even though I dislike the outfit, I kind of don?t hate the way she?s styled her hair and makeup. From the neck up, she should consider this look more often.

The Fug Girls (writing for New York Magazine) said that LeAnn and Eddie?s arrival at the Lhuillier show caused one of the biggest ruckuses (ruckusi?) at Fashion Week:

The reason for all that shoving? The arrival of? LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. No, really. He is basically famous for allegedly cheating on his old wife with his current one on the set of a Lifetime movie, and the two of them practically caused a Bieber-size ruckus. It says something that the two biggest press crushes we’ve seen so far this Fashion Week have revolved around them and Lindsay Lohan, and that something is, “Maybe we’re all reading too much Us Weekly.” Cibrian was doing his Playboy Club poor-man’s-Don-Draper look, and she seemed to be thinking about what she wanted to tweet next. We hope it was, “Dear Rose McGowan, sorry we almost got you killed. Love your dress.”

[From New York Magazine]

Meanwhile, LeAnn?s actual Twitter feed is full of talk of all of the ?eating? she?s been doing in Manhattan. Some sample tweets: ?5 baklava’s later….. I’m not kidding! Wow, Milo’s Greek in NYC…..incredible!? And: ?LOVE being able to get a southern breakfast in NYC! Bubby’s rocks,’ she wrote, adding, ‘I had and eggs with spinach and jalapenos…..paying for that though LOL.? And: ?Best afternoon with my hubby @eddiecibrian talking boxing and having a glass of tequila at the BEST tequila bar in the west Village, Agave!? Sigh? still not convinced.

Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & Pacific Coast News.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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Mandy Moore, LeAnn Rimes Flock to Monique Lhuillier Show
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Mandy Moore, LeAnn Rimes Flock to Monique Lhuillier Show
Never having much trouble drawing a star-laden front row to her shows, Monique Lhuillier showed off her Spring 2012 collection at The Theater at Lincoln Center in New York City on Saturday (September 10).

Held as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, celebrities in attendance included loved-up couple LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian, along with lovely ladies Mandy Moore and Julianne Hough.

Other famous faces in the crowd included Rose McGowan, Jamie Lynn Sigler and Joanna Garcia, with the guests being treated to an athletic inspired show filled with racerback gowns and color-blocked cocktail dresses offering plenty of skin.

Tweeting back and forth after the catwalk display, Miss Rimes shot a message to Miss Hough reading, ?Good to see you gorgeous! Come out with us!?

Offering a compliment in return, Julianne kindly answered back as she tweeted, "You looked beautiful! :) Let?s definitely hang!?

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes Is a Good Dresser
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
LeAnn Rimes Is a Good Dresser
LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian took the kids to the Malibu Fair in, um, Malibu, CA over the weekend. She dressed very appropriately.

Like I always say, if there aren’t any chicks proudly displaying their fake tits in a thin shirt, then it isn’t the kind of fair I’d take my imaginary kids to.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

Did LeAnn Rimes get her drifting bolt-ons fixed, or is it just a good bra?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Did LeAnn Rimes get her drifting bolt-ons fixed, or is it just a good bra?
These are some newish photos of LeAnn Rimes over the holiday weekend in Malibu, showing off her bones. CB and I actually looked through these photos yesterday and discussed the state of LeAnn?s bolt-ons, mainly because in these photos, LeAnn looks? bigger? Just in her chest. Remember, the last we saw LeAnn?s bolt-ons, they looked like this. Or this:

When she first got them, her bolt-ons were (relatively) front and center, but over the past few months, ?the drift? has set in, and they?ve gone to her armpits, leaving us to stare at the gaping chasm of her bony chest plate. So why does LeAnn look so booby in these new photos? Is a good bra? Some padding? Or did she go in and get her bolt-ons fixed? I think it?s interesting that LeAnn, Eddie and the ?bonus boys? were in Malibu this weekend and nary a bikini photo can be found. Is she still healing from another surgical procedure? Or am I just oblivious to what a good padded bra can do?

By the way, I wouldn?t yell at her for getting her bolt-ons fixed. They looked horrible, and somebody needed to do something about the one pointing east and the one pointing west.

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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LeAnn Rimes news

LeAnn Rimes' Pizza Run with Eddie and Jake
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
LeAnn Rimes' Pizza Run with Eddie and Jake
Freshly returned from a concert in Nebraska, LeAnn Rimes happily joined alongside her two main men for an outing in Malibu, CA on Saturday (September 3).

The "I Need You" singer donned a lacy violet minidress as she picked up a pizza with husband Eddie Cibrian and his son Jake during the course of the afternoon excursion.

At one point, Jake ended up dropping a pair of toy handcuffs he was playing with while LeAnn gave full view of her thin frame as she bent over to help him pick them up.

Worn out from the busy west coast doings by day's end, Miss RImes tweeted to her many followers later the same night, "So ready for bed after 10 hrs of flying & a fun afternoon at our friend's house at the beach. Happy Saturday night!"

More Photos Here

5-May-2021 :Did anyone believe that LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian would last for a deca...
27-Jan-2020 :LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian attended the pre-Grammys MusiCares event
8-Nov-2019 :LeAnn Rimes says she was ?running from a lot of trauma? when she sought h...
27-Jul-2018 :LeAnn Rimes steps out to celebrate her Hallmark Channel Christmas movie
18-Aug-2017 :LeAnn Rimes has been promoting her cameo appearance in ?Logan Lucky?
14-Jun-2017 :Eddie Cibrian & Brandi are still sniping at each other about LeAnn?s stal...
26-May-2017 :LeAnn Rimes: People ?freaked out? when I created ?Tight Tush Tuesdays?
14-Feb-2017 :LeAnn Rimes teared up when discussing her own humility & lack of ego
15-Dec-2016 :LeAnn Rimes: ?I totally believe there was a reason everything happened?
16-Nov-2016 :Star: LeAnn Rimes? London meet & greet event was a sad affair with few fa...
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