 George Clooney went on Howard Stern?s show to promote The Midnight Sky this week, and of course Stern asked him a lot about the pandemic (Clooney has been locked down in LA) and about the Tom Cruise rant. As we discussed, Cruise was recording going on a lengthy rant at crew members after those crew members were failing to adhere to pandemic protocols (apparently they were standing too close together). George had some thoughts about all of that, and about people who refuse to wear masks.
Clooney doesn?t think Cruise acted inappropriately. He didnt overreact because it is a problem. I have a friend whos an AD on another TV show who just had the almost exact same thing happen with not quite as far out a response. I wouldnt have done it that big. I wouldnt have, you know, pulled people out. Youre in a position of power and its tricky, right? You do have a responsibility for everybody else and hes absolutely right about that. And, you know, if the production goes down, a lot of people lose their jobs. People have to understand that and have to be responsible. Its just not my style to, you know, to take everybody to task that way.
Still, he understands Cruise?s frustration: I understand why he did it. Hes not wrong at all about that. You know, I just, I dont know that I would have done it quite that personally, but I dont know all the circumstances so maybe he had it 10 or 15 times before.
On people refusing to wear masks: ?This thought where everybody is like, ?Well its my freedom.? Its like, thats not how this sh-t works, dumbass. Your freedom is this: Youre free to smoke until your lungs turn black, but you cant do it on the bus. And youre free to drink until your liver comes out your ass, but you cant drink and then get behind the wheel of a car. There have to be certain rules. This is one that says: Put on a f***ing mask and well get through this. Weve got vaccines coming ? lets save another 60,000 lives before the vaccines.?
[From People & the Daily Mail]
Yeah, my guess is that a lot of powerful Hollywood people will have Tom Cruise?s back on this particular issue. Sure, it?s not a great look when a big celebrity is screaming at people. But studios, executives, producers and directors are all really worried about what this ?pause? in production has meant for the industry, and there are legitimately a lot of people out of work. And really, the covid protocols are there for a reason. All that being said, George is famously the guy who (reportedly) put David O. Russell in a chokehold on the set of Three Kings (because Russell was verbally abusing crew members), so who knows if George?s reaction really would have been to back up Cruise in real time. Totally agree with George about masks though!
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.