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Helena Bonham-Carter News & Gossip
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Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted blanket
Added 4 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted blanket
I?ve read a lot of lonely tweets recently, like 2020 was the year where a lot of single people hit pause on their dating lives in lockdown, but people are starting to think about what dating, sex and romance will look like in 2021. Some are optimistic, some are not. HELENA BONHAM CARTER has some advice for single peeps: stay calm and buy a vibrator. HBC is the new spokesperson for the dating app Bumble in the UK. She honestly gave some good advice?

Helena Bonham Carter has some words of advice for all the single ladies during lockdown ? get a vibrator. ?The Crown? star offered her pearls of wisdom while appearing in a campaign for the dating app Bumble.

?Get a vibrator,? she said. ?And a weighted blanket for hugs.? She added, ?Also, do nothing. When the world is going crazy, when you are in shock from something, these are times to do nothing, be still. Forget progress. Just be. Aim for tea in the afternoon and nothing more ambitious.?

The Oscar nominee revealed that this year of lockdown has been ?incredibly difficult? for her single pals.

?Women can often blame themselves but the fact is, it?s been an impossible year,? she said. ?But impossibility is still the mother of creativity and there are still ways to meet people online.?

Bonham Carter, 54, has been dating writer Rye Dag Holmboe, 32, for two years. She had a long relationship with director Tim Burton with whom she shares son Billy, 17, and daughter Nell, 12. The two split in 2014.

[From Page Six]

I?m including her Bumble commercial below, it?s kind of cute. But they should have made an ad with HBC just saying all of the sh-t she says in this interview. And it?s true: men and women should give themselves a break this year. Date online, communicate online or over the phone, and figure it out that way for a few months before you meet in person, mask to mask. As for weighted blankets? I cannot! I get overheated very easily, but I get that so many people love the feel of a weighted blanket.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter: We have a 'moral responsibility' to say The Crown is dramatized
Added 4 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter: We have a 'moral responsibility' to say The Crown is dramatized
It continues to amuse me to see how many ?Establishment? figures in the UK have their panties in a twist about The Crown. Specifically, The Crown?s Season 4, where Princess Diana is introduced and a new generation watches as the ?Establishment? sets out to gaslight, marginalize and destroy a young woman. The fact that Diana could keep her wits and her truth throughout those years is extraordinary, and seeing Diana?s ordeal dramatized in The Crown has destroyed two decades of careful PR from Prince Charles. Charles is SO MAD about it. And I still believe that Charles is behind all of the efforts to delegitimize The Crown. So? did Charles call up Helena Bonham Carter, who starred for two seasons as Princess Margaret?

The calls for Netflix to add a disclaimer to its hit royal series The Crown dont appear to be dying down any time soon. HELENA BONHAM CARTER ? who plays Princess Margaret in seasons 3 and 4 ? has now added her voice to the growing argument, saying that producers have a moral responsibility to tell viewers that its a drama.

Speaking on a newly-released episode of an official podcast for the show, she claimed there was an important distinction to make between our version of the events depicted, and the version.

It is dramatized, she said. I do feel very strongly, because I think we have a moral responsibility to say, Hang on guys, this is not it?s not a drama-doc, we?re making a drama. So they are two different entities.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

Yes, everyone should know that The Crown is a drama. Which is why Netflix has categorized as a Drama for the past four seasons. Which is why the actors involved have won awards in Drama categories. Which is why Peter Morgan has won awards for writing television screenplays for original works. In all of the conversations around The Crown these days many of them by Gen Z literally no one is claiming that The Crown is a documentary, or that everything shown on The Crown is 100% accurate. Morgan and the actors have always made it perfectly clear that the show has always been dramatizations based on history. Again, the broad strokes are right. It?s absurd for Prince Charles and HELENA BONHAM CARTER and all of these government ministers to fuss about it, my God.

Photos courtesy of Netflix/The Crown.

18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret's approval for casting
Added 5 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret's approval for casting
We often hear about actors visiting a person theyre about to portray on screen to seek their blessing. Alas, if the person has passed on, the actor can?t do this? unless, of course, that actor is Helena Bonham Carter. HBC will portray the late Princess Margaret in the newest season of The Crown. But she wasnt about to let something as trivial as death keep her from contacting her subject, so she consulted a physic to see if Princess Margaret approved. According to HBC, not only did Princess Margaret sign off on her, she gave HBC notes!

Some actors avoid excessive research, but for HELENA BONHAM CARTER to play Princess Margaret in The Crown meant reading all the biographies, talking to friends, ladies-in-waiting and relatives, and consulting an astrologer, a graphologist and a psychic.

The last meeting meant she could talk to the princess herself, the actor told Cheltenham literature festival.

?She said, apparently, she was glad it was me. My main thing when you play someone who is real, you kind of want their blessing because you have a responsibility.

?So I asked her: ?Are you OK with me playing you?? and she said: ?You?re better than the other actress? ? that they were thinking of. They will not admit who it was. It was me and somebody else.

?That made me think maybe she is here, because that is a classic Margaret thing to say. She was really good at complimenting you and putting you down at the same time.

?Then she said: ?But you?re going to have to brush up and be more groomed and neater.? Then she said: ?Get the smoking right. I smoked in a very particular way. Remember that ? this is a big note ? the cigarette holder was as much a weapon for expression as it was for smoking.??

[From The Guardian via Buzzfeed]

Of course she did. Of course HBC consulted a psychic for approval. And of course Princess Margaret said fine, but clean up your act. This is one of the most Helena Bonham Carterest stories I?ve read. I?m willing to accept it, though. After all, Princess Margaret and HBCs paths did cross in the corporeal world a few times. Princess Margaret was friendly with HBC?s uncle, Mark Bonham Carter and they would, on occasion, end up at the same soiree. At one get-together, Princess Margaret presciently asked HBC, ?Oh Helena ? You are getting better at acting, aren?t you?? I guess that explains why she was compelled to give HBC notes during their sance.

In addition to conjuring the princess, HBC met with some ?very close relative and some really close friends,? as well as three of Princess Margaret?s ladies-in-waiting. HBC said of their meetings, ?they loved the woman and were very happy to talk about her because they miss her.? Maybe it?s because I?m still under the influence of cold medicine, but that comment made me emotional. Like HBC gave them all a small moment to spend with Princess Margaret once again while reminiscing about her. No wonder why Princess Margaret said okay to HBC, she knew her friends would be cool with it.

Photo credit: WENN Photos

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18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
I am currently obsessed with season two of The Crown. The same was true of season one but it was different because I knew its history better so I was able to sort fanciful from fact. This season, I shout, ?Wait, but did that actually happen?!? every other scene. I have two episodes left and I?m trying to spread them out so I can savor each moment. I just finished the Kennedy episode and, accepting how embellished it was, it still took an emotional toll. The cast is fantastic *standing O for all*.

Season two ends in the year 1964. Season three will likely skip ahead to the early 1970s. We know Olivia Coleman will be taking over the role of Queen Elizabeth II from Claire Foy who’s been amazing in her two seasons. I?m biased because I think Olivia could play a mulberry bush convincingly so I think she is a lovely successor to Claire. The current role being filled is that of the queen?s sister, Princess Margaret, who was played by Vanessa Kirby in seasons one and two. Vanessa was as good as Margaret as Claire was as QEII. She personified ?tragic beauty.” So who has the chops to take over? Netflix thinks HELENA BONHAM CARTER does.

The ?Ocean?s 8? actress is currently in talks to play Princess Margaret in the upcoming season of Netflix?s royal drama ?The Crown,? multiple outlets have confirmed.

Series creator Peter Morgan reportedly has a six-season plan in place that involves new actors joining the cast every two seasons to play older versions of the characters. Bonham Carter is ?all but confirmed? to replace actress Vanessa Kirby, who delivered a standout performance this past season as the youngest daughter of King George VI.

?I?m just so excited about whoever gets to do it because they?ve definitely got the coolest stuff coming up. Bring on the drama!? Kirby said of her replacement in December. ?I would have loved to have done it. I absolutely love to do all the blazing rows and getting drunk and just all of it. But I suppose I was lucky enough to have two seasons, so I could be more grateful, really.?

[From Huffington Post]

What do you think? I like it. I think HBC and Olivia are well matched. Margaret?s storyline in season three will focus on her marriage to Tony Armstrong-Jones falling apart so it will be a meaty role. The article mentioned that HBC played Queen Elizabeth (aka the Queen Mum) in The King?s Speech. I remember her performance in that film standing out to me in the way she conveyed so many emotions while never abandoning an air of grace. All of her Tim Burton caricatures aside, I these types of roles are where she shines. As you can tell, I very much want this deal to go through.

Side-bar: Olivia also played the Queen Mum in Hyde Park on Hudson.

The role of Philip has not been discussed but Matt Smith implied on Seth Meyers that he may know who it was (didn’t give it up, though). Again, Matt Smith did such justice to it during his turn (and has practically given me TMJ from clenching my teeth over Philip’s antics). There will also be a new Tony, and we?ve only just been graced with Matthew Goode! Plus, QEII?s children are starting to come of age and Prince Charles will be in his early to mid-twenties, which also means? we?ll meet Camille (Shand) Parker-Bowles for the first time. When I finish season two, I’ll commit much time dream-casting the season three but for now, I’m not quite ready to let my current cast go.

Last note: the exact date range for season three has not been announced but it is thought it could cover 1970-1979. My guess is the season finale will likely be the death of Lord Mountbatten. If so, that will be one powerful episode, I’m sure.

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18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter, 'tried to lure' Dominic West into bed 'but he wouldn't have me'
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter, 'tried to lure' Dominic West into bed 'but he wouldn't have me'
BBC will air Taylor & Burton, starring HELENA BONHAM CARTER and Dominic West, next week. So this week is full of promotional stuff for the movie, which is exciting. I hope it airs in America sometime soon, maybe on PBS or something? I?m including some promotional images of HBC and West ? Dominic doesn?t really look like Burton to me, but I think he?ll probably do Richard Burton justice as an actor, and with his voice. But maybe that?s just me being a Dom West fan-girl. As for Helena? look at her! She doesn?t really look like Elizabeth, but Helena looks STUNNING. So pretty! And Helena will be able to bring out Dame Elizabeth too. Here?s the trailer:

It looks good. The story focuses specifically on the time frame of Liz & Dick just before Richard?s death, and after their second divorce. They agreed to do a play together ? Private Lives. According to the historical record, Elizabeth was a mess of booze and pills. Richard was trying to maintain his sobriety, and he was remarried. Here are some assorted quotes from HBC?s promotional interviews:

HBC loves jewelry now: ?I had a birthday during filming and Tim did actually buy me a present which cost him a lot of money. It?s funny how things educate you, because I wasn?t really that into jewels, but I got a few during the Elizabeth Taylor phase.?

Young people don?t know about Taylor-Burton? ?When the writers approached some UCLA film students to say they were doing a Burton Taylor biography, their response was: ?We didn?t know that Elizabeth Taylor was married to Tim Burton!? Elizabeth Taylor was so horrified that, these days, the Burton name meant Tim and not Richard, she said, ?Write it! You?ve got to write it!??

HBC & Elizabeth were born in the same area of England: ?I never met her, but I had lots of friends who did and there were a lot of bizarre coincidences. A really close friend of mine was her goddaughter, so she convinced me to do it and brought some photos of her. I didn?t realise she was such a clown, she was so funny. She was famous for being this extraordinarily beautiful woman and sexy, but she was also hugely powerful and fun and had great joie de vivre and strength of character to survive.?

Dominic West shades the Cracken: ?The great revelation for me was that she wasn?t this spoilt pain in the ass. Well she was, but she was also ballsy and great to be around, and that?s why Helena was perfect to play her. There are very few actresses in the world who could do it.?

Elizabeth?s alcoholism was raging at the time of the play: ?I don?t think he was aware before they started the play that she was having severe problems. This was the worst time in her life, she was out of it, by her own admission, and then she checks into the Betty Ford clinic.?

Does HBC think Liz & Dick would have gotten back together if he had lived? ?I feel yes, there would have been a third time around. She often said that and I think it would have been interesting once both of them were sober, then maybe there?d have been a future.?

HBC almost didn?t take the role: “I nearly didn’t take the role. When I first found out about it, I thought, ‘Elizabeth Taylor? I should run a mile.’ Even my mum said, ‘Don’t touch that with a barge pole.’ But it was the script that won me over – it was such a touching, sweet story. The fact that it was about two of the world’s most famous stars was incidental.”

HBC is a huge fan of Elizabeth: “I don’t look like her at all. But I had to forget about what she looked like and think about the woman. She was phenomenal. What was inside was extraordinary – which is impressive considering how beautiful she was on the outside. She was fun, witty, practical, clever and wise. She had an amazing strength of character and was never a victim. To sustain that amount of fame and beauty from such a young age – look at stars like Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland and what happened to them. Liz Taylor lasted eight decades. She survived all those drugs, all that fame and drink. She loved life and had a great appetite for it. There will be no one like her ever again.”

HBC on her costar, Dominic West: ?I think we have great chemistry. I try to lure him back into my bed but he won?t have me. Dominic’s very funny. I didn’t want it to end.?

HBC consulted an astrologer to find out more about Elizabeth: ?She was really insightful. She told me Elizabeth was a water person. Water is sexual and sensual and that?s the place she operated from. She had a big appetite for life. She was a good eater. Unlike actresses these days, she liked her food.?

[From Vogue & Wales Online]

I feel like Helena really did the work and the research to understand Elizabeth. Unlike? you know who. Rhymes with Fraken. I love the bit about Helena being into jewelry now and Tim Burton buying her something nice for her birthday. We should all be so lucky! And check out the photo of HBC where you can see her imitation Krupp diamond? God, that thing was so spectacular.

Photos courtesy of BBC.

18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
Helena Bonham Carter!! It?s such a pleasure seeing her cover a major magazine, I?m not even going to complain that much about her Croydon facelift. Can you believe this fabulous woman is 47 years old? ?Ageless? indeed. At first I thought HBC was covering Vogue UK?s July issue just for the hell of it, because she?s fabulous, but she has a real reason ? she has a part in The Lone Ranger. I completely forgot about that. She plays a madam at an Old West brothel. Amazing.

Helena Bonham Carter has quipped she’s “always wanted to be a whore”. The actress chooses roles in films based on what she will learn from playing the character.

Helena jested that when she played a one-legged brothel madame in The Lone Ranger, she discovered how to be many new exciting types of people.

“Oh lots!” Helena exclaimed to British Vogue about her part. “I learned how to be a southern belle, which I’ve always rather wanted to be. And how to be a whore, which I’ve also rather always wanted to be. And I learnt how to fire a double-barrelled shotgun from a prosthetic leg. It’s frighteningly empowering firing a gun, you know? I’m afraid I learnt that too…”

Helena is currently preparing for her role as Dame Elizabeth Taylor in an upcoming BBC film. She has immersed herself in material to get to grips with the iconic screen legend.

“The research is what I get off on,” Helena explained. “My mom is a psychologist and I’m very similar to her. I love the challenge of working a character out. Ultimately, I don’t agree to do a film because I think it’s going to be a success. I do it because I think I’m going to learn something from the character I’m playing. I’m not sure what yet, but I know I am going to learn something from Elizabeth. I know that, somehow, I’m going to grow as a soul from playing her.”

Helena has two children, Billy and Nell, with her partner Tim Burton. The 46-year-old says since having her babies, acting has mattered less to her. The irony that her work has got better since giving birth is not lost on her.

“It’s not my sole purpose so there’s less pressure on it,” she reflected. “Which, of course, means I do it better. But I also find it’s less important to me now whether I’m crap or good. I take myself so much less seriously than I used to. I used to be so self-critical, it was painful. Now I think, ‘OK, so I acted badly today. I’ll try and act better tomorrow.’ I mean, for God’s sake, it’s not like I’m a surgeon or anything. It doesn’t really matter, does it?”

[From Vogue UK via Film News]

Did you involuntarily gasp when you read ?And how to be a whore, which I’ve also rather always wanted to be?? I understand that HBC is fabulous and she probably meant something along the lines of ?I always thought it would be fun to play an old-timey prostitute in a movie?. Hopefully. Hopefully she?s not glorifying sex workers and sort of saying ?It must be so much fun to be a hooker!? But I agree with HBC when she?s putting down her profession ? seriously, it?s NOT like she?s a surgeon. She?s just a weirdly fabulous person who happens to be a very talented actress. And I can?t wait to see HBC?s version of Elizabeth Taylor. It will be amazing.

Photos courtesy The Fashion Spot.

18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfect?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfect?
Does anyone else miss last year?s awards season if only for the distinct lack of Helena Bonham-Carter? I miss having lots of photos of HBC looking wacky and gorgeous and completely odd/beautiful. So these are a special treat! Last night was a special BAFTA event held in LA – the ?Britannia Awards?. HBC won BAFTA?s ?Artist of the Year? Award, so congrats to her. I?m assuming the ensemble is Vivienne Westwood. I especially like her crazy hair and I like the hatlet/fascinator.

Here are some more photos from the BAFTA event? Skeet Ulrich, looking super-strung out. I feel like he?s a blind item, right?

Alan Cumming?s eye makeup is better than Duchess Kate?s. There, I said it.

Morgan Freeman: Not Boning His Step-Granddaughter Since 2011!

I love Helen Mirren so much, but this dress is BAD.

Andrea Riseborough in Marchesa. Meh. It looks like her vadge is a tissue box.

Dennis Haysbert is a big hunk of beautiful.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
27-Jan-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter: ?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t?...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter: 'Why not wear mismatching shoes' Who says we can't?'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter: 'Why not wear mismatching shoes' Who says we can't?'
I am firmly on Team Helena Bonham-Carter for this year?s Best Supporting Actress Oscar race, although I know Melissa Leo is likely the one to beat. I adored Helena in The King?s Speech, and I?ve grown to love her in real life. She?s fun, she?s sassy, she?s witty and she?s cool. She doesn?t take herself too seriously, and she doesn?t take the awards season, with all of its fashion drama, too seriously either. Helena just spoke to People Magazine about why she wore two different colored shoes to the Globes, and why fashion rules are made to be broken:

The King?s Speech star ? and Oscar nominee for Best Supporting Actress ? HELENA BONHAM CARTER is the first to admit she?s made a few fashion mistakes on the red carpet but that?s not stopping her from dressing up in non-traditional styles.

?Sometimes I get it right and I sometimes I get it wrong,? Bonham Carter, 44, tells PEOPLE. ?But fashion is all about having fun. I think fashion has been hijacked by the fashion industry creating rules on what one should wear and I feel like breaking the mold and seeing that the world won?t crumble.?

Known for her eclectic fashion choices, Bonham Carter raised a few eyebrows by attending the Golden Globe Awards wearing one red and one green shoe simply because she wanted to.

?Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can?t? I was just having fun,? says Bonham Carter. ?For me, fashion is all about fantasy and putting unlikely things together. That?s what I love. I genuinely love dressing up.?

One person Bonham Carter praises is Lady Gaga for her daring fashion choices.

?I love the way she dresses. She?s like a work of art,? she says. ?Anybody who is inventive, different or has fun like her, I love and admire. I?m amazed that she?s able to stand up in some of those shoes she wears.?

When asked what it?s like to be compared to the ?Bad Romance? singer, Bonham Carter demurs, saying ?I feel honored to be compared to her but I would probably be called Lady Haha. She?s fantastic.?

So what can we expect on the red carpet at the Kodak Theatre come Feb. 27?

?Maybe I will wear the exact same [Vivienne Westwood] dress I wore at the Golden Globes but with matching shoes,? she says with a big laugh. ?Or put the shoes on my head!?

[From People]

God, don?t give her any ideas, people. You know she?ll do anything. She would totally get Vivienne Westwood to fashion a headpiece made out of mismatched shoes. She would totally wear a trash bag and bucket to the Oscars, just for laughs. And while I respect Helena?s attitude and her indomitable fashion sense, wouldn?t it be interesting, JUST ONCE, to see Helena dressed impeccably and beautifully? Wouldn?t that be the real shocker?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

18-Jan-2021 :Helena Bonham Carter: Single ladies should buy a vibrator & a weighted bl...
1-Dec-2020 :Helena Bonham Carter: We have a ?moral responsibility? to say The Crown i...
8-Oct-2019 :Helena Bonham Carter consulted a psychic to get Princess Margaret?s appro...
10-Jan-2018 :Helena Bonham Carter in talks to play Princess Margaret on The Crown
17-Jul-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter, ?tried to lure? Dominic West into bed ?but he would...
31-May-2013 :Helena Bonham Carter covers Vogue UK, always wanted to play a hooker
1-Dec-2011 :Helena Bonham Carter in red and black Vivienne Westwood: gorgeous & perfe...
27-Dec-2010 :Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton?s snoring is the reason for separate hom...
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Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton's snoring is the reason for separate homes
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton's snoring is the reason for separate homes
It?s become one of the well-known quirks of Helena Bonham-Carter and Tim Burton?s coupledom that they have two ?separate? houses. Apparently, Helena had a small home in London, and when she and Tim got together, he bought the property next to hers, and they joined them together with some kind of corridor or walk-way. That?s not all - apparently, they don?t sleep in the same room either. Because Tim snores, and he won?t get an operation for his deviated septum. While it doesn?t sound like a fairy-tale union, it probably works very well for them. Anyway, in a new interview, Helena talks about their relationship, and the misinformation about her union with Tim:

With their own separate houses next door to each other, the living arrangements of HELENA BONHAM CARTER and her partner Tim Burton have often raised eyebrows. But the actress has finally revealed the reason for their twin properties ? she cannot stand Burton?s snoring at night.

Rather than undergo an operation to his nose which might cure the condition, the pair instead opted for two homes side by side in Belsize Park, north London, to ensure no sleepless nights.

Bonham Carter has insisted there is nothing unusual about the arrangement and that her relationship with the award-winning director is ?enhanced? by having their own personal space. The 44-year-old divides her time between the two properties which she shares with Burton, 52, their two children Billy Ray and Nell and a nanny.

In an interview with Radio Times, the Alice In Wonderland star said: ?A lot written about me is wrong. They say Tim and I are a mad couple with subterranean tunnels between our adjoining houses, and that our children live down the road with another couple. We just have two houses knocked together because mine was too small. We see as much of each other as any couple, but our relationship is enhanced by knowing we have our personal space to retreat to. It?s not enforced intimacy. It?s chosen, which is quite flattering ? if you can afford it.?

She added: ?Tim does snore, and that?s an element. We?ve tried lots of remedies that don?t work. He has a deviated septum and doesn?t want an operation.?

The eccentric couple?s private life has been the focus of much speculation after it emerged that they were living in the twin homes, which are accessed by a communal door. Earlier this year, a national newspaper was forced to apologise for describing the domestic set-up as “chilling”.

But although the couple, who met on the set of Planet of the Apes, have been together since 2001, they have no plans to marry.

?We?re told we?re stupid [for inheritance tax reasons], but it?s a habit we?re used to. I worry about death,? said Bonham Carter.

She also claimed that parenting is more of a challenge than acting, adding: ?At the moment I?m just being a mum for my children, although there?s no ?just? about it. It?s no reflection on them, but working is much more of a doddle. I feel like a production manager when I?m at home ? nothing is ever finished.?

[From The Telegraph]

Aw, I think it?s kind of cute. She and Tim are obviously two big personalities, and they?ve found a way to be a family. Even though it?s unconventional, it works for them, and they?ve been together for nearly a decade. Good for them!

HBC did this interview to promote her role as Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mum, mother to the current Queen Elizabeth II) in Tom Hooper?s The King?s Speech. Both Helena and Colin Firth are getting huge Oscar buzz for their roles, and many are calling this Colin?s year. It would be interesting to see Helena as a major contender for Best Supporting Actress too - although I tend to think she?s too eccentric to really campaign for it. Maybe I just want to see HBC’s hot mess styles on every red carpet, though. She’s so much fun! Ugh? I can?t wait to see this movie, but it still hasn?t come to my town! Bastards.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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