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Ashley Tisdale News & Gossip
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Ashley Tisdale Panty Upskirt Picture
Added 15 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Ashley Tisdale Panty Upskirt Picture
It was just a matter of time before nobody Ashley Tisdale would have to resort to an upskirt to get some attention. She?s wearing undies but it still counts.

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale is a Guilty Pleasure
Added 15 years agoSource: Newstoob
Ashley Tisdale is a Guilty Pleasure
Ashley Tisdale doesn't have the greatest face of all time, but you can't deny the actress has a pretty kickin' body! Ashley showed it off to all of us during a promo shoot recently, and this is one of the few times I actually stopped and paid attention to the pictures. She looks pretty good. If Ashley Tisdale could do more pictures like this, I may actually care that she exists.

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Why is Ashley Tisdale on the cover of OK Magazine?
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Why is Ashley Tisdale on the cover of OK Magazine?
OK! Magazine is going through a big overhaul in which they fired a bunch of people including their editor earlier this month and are trying to become more lifestyle focused in order to stand out from competing celebrity glossies like Us Weekly and People. They’ve hired consultants and marketing experts in an attempt to crack the market. Publisher Lori Burgess said they’re “working hard to enhance our offering to both the consumer and entertainment community - further delineating our brand from the competition.? In an internal e-mail published by Gawker, a consultant asked OK! staffers to “pitch one non-news celebrity lifestyle cover package” in three sentences.

The result seems to reveal how OK! is grasping at straws and bad ideas while trying to redefine their brand. They’ve run covers this month featuring Twilight, The Biggest Loser and The Hills. Their latest cover highlights lesser-known High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale as if her lifestyle is something to aspire to. It looks more like Seventeen than OK!

On the opposite end of the spectrum is OK! magazine, and their baffling choice of Ashley Tisdale for the cover. It?s great that Tisdale has a ?hot boyfriend, new album, and rockin? body,? but she?s not relevant enough to be a newsstand success. Moreover, she looks vaguely like Ashlee Simpson in the photo, and Simpson happens to be in a cover chip ? the net result is just confusing.

OK!?s sales are down considerably; several sources say the struggling weekly sold only 310,000 copies last week (it was selling in the 500,000 range this time last year). Tisdale is not going to help boost the mag?s profile, especially during this transition period in design and staffing. There?s been a rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic feel to the magazine in recent weeks. I?m pretty sure the sound I just heard was the captain calling for the lifeboats.

[From MSNBC's The Scoop]

I like OK! and hope they hang in there, but I have to admit that I only get three tabloids a week and OK! is not among them. The few times I’ve read it there weren’t many quotable stories I could use. It doesn’t seem like Ashley Tisdale has enough fans to help OK! move copies, but maybe they worked out a deal with her for the coverage. Cover Awards says this issue will be a disaster for OK! and that they should never run a cover in which the celebrity is so unknown that you have to print her name big like that for the readers. They were probably better off with the Brangelina covers. As much as people protest that they’re sick of the BS triangle stories there’s a very good reason that the tabloids continue to run them. We know who they are and many of us have strong feelings about them.

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Ashley Tisdale does the bikini thing
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Ashley Tisdale does the bikini thing
Ashley Tisdale, the much less popular Disney star, hit the pool in a bikini the other day. You can tell the excitement levels are up there with Jessica Alba and Megan Fox in bikinis. One site even wrote, “Hey, is that a Blackberry she’s holding?” You see how they were careful to hide their pure unadulterated joy just then?

More Photos Here

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Ashley Tisdale Has a Bikini Body
Added 15 years agoSource: Newstoob
Ashley Tisdale Has a Bikini Body
Ashley Tisdale keeps the bikini photos rolling today! Ashley has a pretty great body for a bikini, but sadly we mostly get to see her bare back. How sad that she couldn't just roll over for us by accident! While I'm enjoying her body, I still have problems with her face. Just doesn't do it for me. But one good thing came out of these pictures of Ashley. I now know that she looks hot face down, and when Ashley Tisdale finally agrees to hook up, I can save money on the paper bag and just let her lay face down!

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Ashley Tisdale Out Partying
Added 15 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Ashley Tisdale Out Partying
Ashley Tisdale was spotted heading over to H.Wood night club last night.Usually happy to pose for the paparazzi, this time The ?High School Musical? hottie kept hidden in a camouflage cap and long khaki coat.

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Ashley Tisdale Talks About Her 'Guilty Pleasure'
Added 15 years agoSource: MTV
Ashley Tisdale Talks About Her 'Guilty Pleasure'
'It's still really fun and you can rock out to it,' the actress/singer says of her upcoming album.By Jocelyn Vena, with additional reporting by Kim Stolz

Ashley Tisdale

Photo: MTV News

With the release of Zac Efron's "17 Again" on April 17, it's "High School Musical" alumni week. MTV News is going to catch you up on what the future holds for all of your favorite East High Wildcats!

Ashley Tisdale may have been the guilty pleasure of tween girls everywhere as Sharpay in the "High School Musical" movies, but now the singer/actress is sharing hers with the world on her aptly titled album, Guilty Pleasure, out June 16.

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale Looks Good at a Premiere Party
Added 15 years agoSource: Newstoob
Ashley Tisdale Looks Good at a Premiere Party
Ashley Tisdale is more and more becoming a hottie that I am paying attention to. At the premiere party for The Phone, Ashley is wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but for some reason the 23 year old actress and singer looks pretty sexy. Looking good like this will definitely help sell things to the male demographic, and Ashley probably won't have to try too hard. Normal clothes and bikinis are always good tests for sexiness, and Ashley Tisdale has now passed both!

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Ashley Tisdale Looks Sexy
Added 15 years agoSource: Newstoob
Ashley Tisdale Looks Sexy
For once I think Ashley Tisdale looks pretty sexy. These photos are from her music video for "He Said, She Said," and I'm totally digging Ashley lookin' seductive and sexy! It's unusual for me to really get excited about her, but these pictures have followed up her bikini photos in changing my mind. I could almost stand the inevitable pop garbage to come from Ashley Tisdale if she keeps looking like this!

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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Ashley Tisdale news

Ashley Tisdale Talks New Album, Relationship
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashley Tisdale Talks New Album, Relationship
Braving the rainy weather, Ashley Tisdale was spotted out running her day’s errands in Los Angeles on Monday (March 2).

After a morning visit to a casting agent, the Disney starlet then headed over to the Bella Visage Salon with her mom for a little pampering ahead of lunch at the Westfield Mall.

In related news, Tizzie graces the cover of the April 2009 issue of Cosmopolitan, in which she talked about her upcoming sophomore album and her co-star boyfriend Jared Murillo.

Talking about the album, Ashley tells, “It’s edgy. It’s an album to rock out to. It’s definitely sexier. I have a sexy side to me, but it’s more of a fun sexy. Sure, I’m a nice girl, but there’s also a part of me that wants to be rebellious.”

As for her current relationship with Murillo, Miss Tisdale reveals, “It’s a normal relationship. He’s a good person, but it took a while. I’m angsty because I’ve been screwed over a lot. But after a while, you realize you can’t carry the baggage. I would hope the ring would be bigger if I were engaged.”

28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I?m still healing & occasionally will sneeze and pee at ...
28-Sep-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?The journey of motherhood can be hard?
29-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale: ?I wish someone would?ve told me how hard breastfeeding r...
9-Jun-2021 :Ashley Tisdale on being postpartum: ?We can?t compare our bodies to each ...
1-Apr-2021 :Ashley Tisdale thanks her doula for an ?amazing labor experience?
15-Mar-2021 :Ashley Tisdale has plantar fasciitis while pregnant: ?it literally hurts ...
30-Jul-2019 :Ashley Tisdale: ?It?s ok to not want to start a family right away?
27-Jun-2019 :Ashley Tisdale and her husband got tattoos for her late dog
22-Mar-2016 :Ashley Tisdale?s Booty On Instagram
25-Jan-2016 :Ashley Tisdale: Illuminate Makeup Line on the Way!
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