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Sarah Silverman News & Gossip
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Sarah Silverman: 'People use panic attack very casually out here in LA'
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Sarah Silverman: 'People use panic attack very casually out here in LA'
Sarah Silverman is currently promoting her new movie, I Smile Back, which appears to be a critical hit on the festival circuit. Silverman has been praised for her portrayal of a depressed wife in a “tough role,” and this doesn’t surprise me. So many comics have hidden dramatic talents, perhaps because they feel so deeply, and that includes depressive tendencies. Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, and Dave Chappelle are only a few comedians who have felt this dastardly demon pull them into downward spirals.

Silverman spoke with Glamour about her history with both depression and anxiety. She felt her first dark cloud at age 13, and she has struggled ever since. Silverman maintains with Zoloft — a lose dose because she wants to continue to feel some highs and lows. Here she talks about her experiences with panic attacks and sadness, including the times when she’s issued some very scary tweets that led her friends to worry. Sarah also worries about passing the illnesses onto her (possible future) children:

Her depression and anxiety: “It happened as fast as the sun going behind a cloud. You know how you can be fine one moment, and the next it’s, ‘Oh my God, I ***ing have the flu!’? It was like that. Only this flu lasted for three years. My whole perspective changed. I went from being the class clown to not being able to see life in that casual way anymore. I couldn’t deal with being with my friends, I didn’t go to school for months, and I started having panic attacks. People use ‘panic attack’ very casually out here in Los Angeles, but I don’t think most of them really know what it is. Every breath is labored. You are dying. You are going to die. It’s terrifying. And then when the attack is over, the depression is still there. Once, my stepdad asked me, ‘What does it feel like?’ And I said, ‘It feels like I’m desperately homesick, but I’m home.’”

On having kids: “A few years ago, I casually said something in an interview about being afraid to have kids because I might pass depression on to them, but I don’t know if I feel that way anymore. I like to think I would therapy through it (instead of helicoptering around my kids in horror that something is wrong with them, like my character Laney). A part of me is baby crazy. A part of me goes, Why not? And every day I add ‘Freeze eggs?’ to the end of my to-do list. Then it keeps getting passed on to the next day’s list. Maybe I’ll adopt. I do have sorrow about the possibility that I may never have my own children.”

Her ongoing journey: “And I still have downward spirals, days when I have to drag myself onstage to do stand-up or I’m just tweeting Morrissey lyrics from my bed. But there’s one thing I know that I used to not know: It will pass. And it does. Usually after 24 hours or so of wallowing in depressing music and being the Sylvia Plath of social media, a friend will reach out: ‘Are you OK? I saw that tweet.’ And I’ll sort of snap to it, brush myself off, and get back to life. I’ve learned that keeping busy is a good thing for me. Like my mom always said, you just have to be brave enough to exist through it.”

[From Glamour]

I agree with Sarah about how the term “panic attack” is often misunderstood, much like other ailments like OCD. People use the terms for hyperbole, like, ohmygodimsofreakedout over a date or a job interview. But when you’ve actually had a panic attack, you literally feel like you may be dying. You can’t move because of the pressure on your chest, you can’t see because of tunnel vision, and you can’t feel anything but waves of heat. So sure, some of the more shallow people in LA probably drive Sarah nuts by saying they’ve had ohmygod panic attacks too.

As for Sarah’s thoughts on freezing her eggs, she’s already 44, so she’s probably joking. It makes sense that she’d worry about passing her depression and anxiety onto children, but there is always adoption if she wants to go that way.

Photos courtesy of WENN

18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman thinks complaining about PC humor is 'a sign of being old'
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Sarah Silverman thinks complaining about PC humor is 'a sign of being old'
Earlier this year, Jerry Seinfeld went on a pity tour about how kid these days just don’t understand good humor. Jerry said he stopped touring colleges because they’d call him out for non-politically correct jokes, and that drastically cramped his style. My position was that Jerry is free to tell whatever jokes he wishes, but obviously he is bothered by criticism. And if Jerry thinks it’s too difficult to adapt to PC audiences, maybe his jokes aren’t that funny at all. He followed up with another interview, in which he complained about “a creepy PC thing,” and again, he’s placing the blame for his dumb jokes elsewhere.

Sarah Silverman, who is at TIFF to promote her drama, I Smile Back, took a moment to put whiny comedians like Jerry in check. She thinks he’s acting like an old fart, basically:

Adapting to the the times: “To a degree, everyone’s going to be offended by something, so you can?t just decide on your material based on not offending anyone. But, I do think it’s important – as a comedian, as a human – to change with the times, to change with new information. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with changing with the times. I think it’s a sign of being old when you are put off by that. You have to listen to the college-aged because they lead the revolution.”

Her problem with college kids: “The thing that bums me out sometimes is, it’s a sea of iPhones, and because comedy is something where you’re connecting. It’s a bummer because you just end up saying your jokes to a sea of empty vessels through which Facebook expresses itself.”

[From Vanity Fair]

Sarah is 44 (vampire), and Jerry is 61. Both of them could feel pretty old on a college campus, but Sarah does pretty well at putting Jerry (and other crotchety male comedians like him) in his place. At least Louis CK didn’t complain when people called his SNL monologue offensive. He was being “edgy” for the sake of offense, which was kind of sad, but you don’t hear him shouting at people to get off his comedic lawn. Jerry’s just upset he can no longer plop down in a diner and have people fall over with laughter. Really though, this isn’t all about comedy. This is about how all of entertainment is — you adapt to people’s tastes or you get out. Entertainers sometimes forget that people want to be entertained, which is what’s going on with Jerry Seinfeld.

Photos courtesy of WENN

18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman, Because Damn!
Added 9 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Sarah Silverman, Because Damn!
I wasn’t planning on doing a post on Sarah Silverman today or any time in the near future, considering I’m pretty sure she’s not really relevantanymore and hasn’t been for years. But then I saw her at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association?s Grants Banquet. And anyone dropping this much cleavage definitely deserves a spot on […]

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18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman won't marry Michael Sheen, but she's 'baby crazy' at age 43
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Sarah Silverman won't marry Michael Sheen, but she's 'baby crazy' at age 43
Sarah Silverman and Michael Sheen have been dating since February. They met on the MoS set, and Kaiser thinks Sarah was terribly miscast. Sarah joked in the Emmys press room about how the show’s creator had her in mind, and when she started hitting it with Sheen, “it really solidified it. Or maybe not.”

Speaking of miscast roles, Dustin Rowles at Pajiba points out that Sheen has always dated out of his league. He has dated Emmy Rossum, Kate Beckinsale, Rachel McAdams, and more. He and Rachel dated for over two years and (probably) broke up because he fears marriage. Good news: Sarah feels the same way about getting hitched. Star ran a story last week about how she wanted to pull Sheen down the aisle. Sarah tweeted, “Just read that I wanna get married which is hilarious b/c I will never get married.” She then added, “Why would I want the govt involved in my love life? Ew. It’s barbaric.”

Sarah visited Howard Stern on Tuesday. Howard decided to push the marriage issue because that’s what he does. He also asked how she deals with Sheen’s relationship with Beckinsale (they have an 8-year-old daughter together). Sarah handles the questions well:

How she takes her medical marijuana: “Edible pot is a real commitment. [The vape pen] is great! I can just take a little puff. I don’t drink, or anything, so it’s just like having a glass of wine. I’m a lightweight. I buy some stuff and it lasts me six months.”

She’s not jealous of Beckinsale: “I love her. She’s hilarious… She’s really cool. They’re really funny together.”

Does she feel weird about Michael’s stunning exes?: “No it’s more like, ‘Look at all these beautiful women and he loves me.’ It’s more like that, like ‘Wow!’”

How does someone make a lifetime committment & not marry? “Just be in love everyday! I’m 43, and I still don’t feel ready.”

How about kids? “I have always been baby crazy … I’m going through such a crisis in that way because my whole life I’ve been like, ‘Ah, I’m not ready, I’m not ready, I love kids but someday’ and now it’s like, ‘I’m 43? and I still don’t feel ready! It’s such a huge decision. How do people make this decision so fast like it’s nothing? It’s your whole life!”


If I was a guest on Howard’s show, and he started asking me how I felt compared to my boyfriend’s stunning exes … it wouldn’t be pretty. That’s Howard though. He can’t resist asking slightly offensive questions. Sarah is gorgeous too. I think because she’s a comedian, people tend to not think of her as “pretty.” She goes for the shock-reaction with a lot of her jokes. Anyway, I think Sarah and Sheen are well-matched if neither one of them wants to marry. If she really wants a baby, then she’d better get on that at age 43. My guess is that she doesn’t really want one.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman: 'Aging is like a really slow moving horror movie for women'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Sarah Silverman: 'Aging is like a really slow moving horror movie for women'
Sarah Silverman joins the growing list of celebrities penning columns in Glamour. Sarah’s promoting her role in Seth MacFarlane’s A Million Ways to Die in the West. She plays a prostitute for comic effect in the movie. That could be considered offensive, but … it’s a MacFarlane movie. I can’t get worked up about anything he does. Sarah dishes out plenty of life advice to young and old women alike in this Glamour column. This is some solid stuff, and I think everyone (except for Goop) can take something away from this column. I don’t agree with the therapy stuff because it hasn’t worked for me, but everything else she says here is fantastic:

Do get your sweat on most days: “Just to keep your shell healthy and feel good.”

Don’t clutter your life with stuff you can’t afford: “Keep your overhead low. Get a car with good mileage. Work toward buying your apartment. Shop at Gap. Enough with obsessing over the latest bag. It’s a purse. It holds stuff. Get a backpack. You’re being ridiculous.”

Do brush and floss your teeth every day for reals: “Death creeps in through the gums. And scrape your gross tongue.”

Don’t expect someone to “complete” you: “I don’t want to make a guy whole; I want him to come whole. I just realized I said ‘come whole.’”

Do be with someone who gets turned on by you being turned on in bed: “Not everything has to be tit for tat, but a little genuine reciprocity is key.”

Don’t be a bitter ex: “I adore the men I’ve dated and tend to stay close friends. They become family. I could be bitter, but bitterness feels bad. And it’s aging.”

Don’t lack initiative: “People tell me, ‘I want to be a writer.’ OK, then write. There’s no trick. No one’s gonna knock on your door and ask you to write. Just write, dummy. Put your 10,000 hours in (see: Malcolm Gladwell), and be undeniable.”

Also, don’t let defeat discourage you: “I got fired from Saturday Night Live and fired from my next job, a sitcom, right after. It made me gun-shy. But I lived through it. I kept going. As Charlie Kaufman said: ‘Do not worry about failure. Failure is a badge of honor. It means you risked failure.’”

Do start reflecting: “I do therapy. If therapy isn’t your thing, then go to church or get a Pema Chodrion book for $9 on Audible–whatever you need to do to live an examined life. It’ll make your life (and the lives of people around you) exponentially richer.”

Don’t talk sh-t about yourself: “You’ll start to believe it. Instead of droning on and on about how the tops of your strong, working thighs touch, why don’t you ask your friends how they’re doing, huh? I’ve caught myself feeling utter disgust looking at myself naked, and then I realized: If I was someone else, I would think, She’s beautiful and strong! If we were half as nice to ourselves as we are to any f–king stranger on the street, we’d be winning.”

Don’t hate on your grown-ass skin: “I know, aging is like a really slow-moving horror movie, especially for women. But the lines on our faces are valuable. When I see people with fillers or weirdo stretched-out faces, I’m like, You look crazy. Your skin is gonna change. Mine is changing now. It’s getting looser. It’s how it is, OK?”

[From Glamour]

There is so much goodness here in this column. Sarah has a no-nonsense approach to life, and I dig her Charlie Kaufman quote about failure. You have to try to fail, and that’s better than not trying at all. That’s an easier attitude to hold in retrospect. I’m sure SNL would have been much better without firing her. Hey, has anyone mentioned the possibility of Sarah taking over for Craig Ferguson yet?

P.S. Did you hear that, Miley? Scrape your gross tongue.

Here’s a trailer for A Million Ways to Die. This is nothing I’d watch in a theater, but it will probably make a load of cash. Watch Sarah get it on with Giovanni Ribisi.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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?Wreck-It Ralph' Debuts First Clip: Watch Now!
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
?Wreck-It Ralph' Debuts First Clip: Watch Now!
It?s one of the most-anticipated films of the fall, and ?Wreck-It Ralph? has just spoiled movie fans with a brand new teaser clip.

Check out the video below, featuring John C. Reilly as Ralph alongside Sarah Silverman, who plays Vanellope von Schweetz.

Per the synopsis, ?Ralph is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix (Jack McBrayer), the ?good guy? star of their game who always gets to save the day. But after decades doing the same thing and seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides he's tired of playing the role of a bad guy. He takes matters into his own massive hands and sets off on a game-hopping journey across the arcade through every generation of video games to prove he's got what it takes to be a hero.?

?On his quest, he meets the tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (Jane Lynch) from the first-person action game Hero?s Duty. But it?s the feisty misfit Vanellope von Schweetz from the candy-coated cart racing game, Sugar Rush, whose world is threatened when Ralph accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens the entire arcade. Will Ralph realize his dream and save the day before it?s too late??

?Wreck-It Ralph? hits theaters November 2nd.

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18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman's Cigarette Smells Funny
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Sarah Silverman's Cigarette Smells Funny
Sarah Silverman and a friend flaunted anti-drug laws and fired up a joint in a public parking lot Monday afternoon. Fame says they “engaged in animated discussion in between tokes.”

Which is pretty much all you can do when you’re high. Forget about driving home. You’ll be going in circles for an hour trying to figure out how to get out of the parking lot and that lamp post you ask for directions will be of no help at all.

18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman's Cigarette Semlls Funny
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Sarah Silverman's Cigarette Semlls Funny
Sarah Silverman and a friend flaunted anti-drug laws and fired up a joint in a public parking lot Monday afternoon. Fame says they “engaged in animated discussion in between tokes.”

Which is pretty much all you can do when you’re high. Forget about driving home. You’ll be going in circles for an hour trying to figure out how to get out of the parking lot and that lamp post you ask for directions will be of no help at all.

18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman's Unicorn Love
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Sarah Silverman's Unicorn Love
She?s always had a flair for the unusual, and Sarah Silverman's latest pop culture offering involves her horsing around with a unicorn.

In the new YouTube clip, the comedienne is involved in a relationship with the mythical creature and at first things are going well.

But when Sarah finds a suspicious text message on the unicorn?s mobile phone she freaks out and leaves.

Finally, after the unicorn makes a tape of Aerosmith?s song ?Angel,? Silverman comes to her senses and they have a bizarre makeout session.

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18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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Sarah Silverman: Jimmy Kimmel never said I was pretty
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Sarah Silverman: Jimmy Kimmel never said I was pretty
Under pretty much any circumstance, I find Sarah Silverman to be supremely annoying. I don?t find her funny, I think her ?I?m so dirty and naughty and I?m just a girl isn?t it avant-garde?? act is tired and condescending. All of that being said, the interview excerpts from Sarah?s cover interview for Page Six Magazine made me a little sad. She tells the magazine that her current boyfriend is ?the first guy in a decade who’s given me any kind of compliment, like saying I’m pretty or anything.? That kind of sucks. Now I feel for her. Oh, and this bitch is 39 years old! She looks and acts like she?s in her early 20s! Crazy.

After going through a particularly awkward stretch of single life, Sarah Silverman discovered a man who isn’t her type at all ? and it seems to be working out great.

Her new boyfriend, the writer Alec Sulkin, is “the first guy in a decade who’s given me any kind of compliment, like saying I’m pretty or anything,” the comedian, 39, tells the new issue of Page Six Magazine, due out Thursday.

“He’s really skinny. Usually I like pudgy, macho-ish guys,” says Silverman, who dated talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel for much of the last decade. “But I think I mistook macho-ish for strong, emotionally. And I think it’s really the opposite.”

The star of The Sarah Silverman Program on Comedy Central split up with Kimmel for good last March, and found herself dating for the first time since becoming famous ? which proved tricky.

“It felt a little isolating,” she says. “Part of the fun of meeting someone is having them discover you. You’re doing your little tap dance, like, ‘This is me!’ And then [the person has] all these preconceived notions, things that are partially true and partially not.”

Silverman also weighs in on the David Letterman and Tiger Woods scandals, saying neither surprised her. “I can’t imagine he’s the nicest man in the world, but I love ‘talk show host’ David Letterman,” she says. “I’m not looking to have him be a United Nations representative. The same thing with Tiger Woods.”

And when it comes to the Jay Leno/Conan O’Brien controversy, it’s a no-brainer. “Conan was my first big break,” Silverman says. “He put me on all the time. I played on the Conan soccer team. I have a place in my heart so special for him.”

[From People]

It sounds like Sarah actually gave a real interview as herself instead of her dumb comedic persona. I also really like what she said about David Letterman, and even Tiger Woods - and I don?t think she?s alone. Those are two men with lots of issues in their personal lives, but many people will forgive them if they continue to do their jobs well. And Conan O?Brien? Well, Team CoCo forever.

Page Six Magazine cover courtesy of CoverAwards.

18-Sep-2019 :Sarah Silverman on the political left: ?It?s almost like there?s a mutate...
23-Oct-2018 :Sarah Silverman thinks ?it was amazing? that Louis CK used to get off in ...
6-Feb-2018 :Sarah Silverman & Michael Sheen ?consciously uncoupled? over Christmas
17-Oct-2017 :Sarah Silverman: children are ?worshipping money no matter how it?s made?
5-May-2017 :Sarah Silverman supports ex Jimmy Kimmel after his baby?s health crisis
1-Mar-2017 :Sarah Silverman made the choice to live her ?fullest life? rather than be...
31-Jan-2016 :Sarah Silverman in Vivienne Westwood at the SAGs: washes her out or glam?
7-Dec-2015 :Sarah Silverman Boobs on the Red Carpet TrevorLIVE LA 2015
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman May Be Ugly, Untalented, But She Has An Amazing Rack!
23-Oct-2015 :Sarah Silverman Flaunts Cleavage at I Smile Back Premiere
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