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| Sarah Ferguson moves full-time into Swiss chalet co-owned by Andrew: shady? | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Just know, I think this story is shady as hell. I don?t have the receipts as to why exactly this story makes me sit up a little bit straighter, but it?s still worth discussing. Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, has lived with his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, for years. Even though Fergie got hosed in their divorce and has at times been deeply in debt, it feels like Fergie and Andrew still take care of one another financially (and emotionally and probably in other ways). If Fergie is getting paid, Andrew is getting paid and vice versa. I?ve always believed that Andrew has used Fergie as the ?frontwoman? for some of his shadier business deals and Fergie has always been willing to overlook a lot if she gets to ride in a private jet or get a free vacation. Some would say that Fergie and Andrew are united in their hustling. Perhaps.
In any case, something sort of weird has happened. Nineteen years after their divorce, Fergie is finally moving out of the Royal Lodge at Windsor, which is where she and Andrew cohabitated since their split. But she?s not just moving out of the Royal Lodge ? she?s moving out of England entirely and moving into the Swiss chalet she and Andrew mysteriously bought earlier this year for 13 million.
Sarah Ferguson is leaving London for the ski slopes of Switzerland. Almost 20 years after her divorce from Prince Andrew, the Duchess of York, 55, is leaving the Windsor mansion she has long shared with her ex-husband for the picturesque ski resort town of Verbier, Switzerland.
According to a report in The Express, Ferguson has settled in a $20 million chalet with a staff of six and a pool. Her spokesman, James Henderson, confirmed to PEOPLE that the Duchess has left the Royal Lodge at Windsor for Verbier but could not comment on her new home?s price, luxury amenities or staffing requirements. He dismissed the report that the move is the result of Fergie?s friendship with internet entrepreneur Manuel Fernandez, 47, with whom she attended the Cannes Film Festival last June.
?I think that?s unrelated,? Henderson told PEOPLE. ?She?s been creating a more independent life for herself, and so this move is a reflection of that.?
But Fergie isn?t saying goodbye to Britain entirely and remains close with her two daughters with Andrew: U.K.-based Princess Eugenie, 25, and Princess Beatrice, 26, who is set to start a new role at an equity firm in Manhattan. Although Fergie’s new home “will be her base, her focus,? says Henderson, “she travels a lot for business engagements and she has a daughter working in London and another in New York.”
And she still ?has a flat in London,? adds Henderson, ?and a room at the Royal Lodge at Windsor for family occasions.?
As for her relationship with Andrew, 55, which has famously been a close one, Henderson says the move has nothing to do with any conflict or drifting apart between the friendly exes. “They continue to have a very strong relationship. He helped her out while she needed somewhere to live.”
[From People]
This feels like an odd move, right? There were a lot of question marks when Andrew and Fergie bought the Swiss chalet earlier this year ? how did they pay for it? Would they both use it? Did someone else buy it for them? What kind of exchange or barter is involved? As for Fergie declaring that Switzerland is her newly permanent home, what does that mean? Is it a tax thing? Is she running from something? God, who knows with these two? I really do think that something very shady is happening here.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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| Sarah Ferguson defends Prince Andrew, 'he's a humongously good man' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week, we caught up on the Prince Andrew controversy that exploded everywhere in the new year. Virginia Roberts ? now an adult ? claims that back in 1999-2002, she worked as an underage prostitute for Jeffrey Epstein, and that Epstein ?loaned her out? to his famous and well-connected friends, including Prince Andrew. Roberts alleges that Andrew had sex with her when she was 16 or 17 years old. It?s a huge mess of accusations, denials, older scandals and competing lawsuits (Alan Dershowitz has also been accused of much of the same icky, gross acts as Andrew). I was surprised to see the story being covered on legit news shows (Chris Hayes did a big segment on it), and I guess we can talk about it so openly because Buckingham Palace did comment on the story specifically, denying all accusations made by Roberts.
And now Sarah Ferguson is defending her ex-husband. These two? I don?t know. I?ve always sort of liked the way they still seemed so close, although in the past few years, I?ve realized more and more that they?re united in sleaze. They?re both desperate for money and that?s what unites them. Anyway, Fergie appeared on the Today Show to talk about her weight loss scheme and she ended up talking about the scandal:
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Fergie calls Andrew her ?best friend? and ?my best ex-husband ever.? She says: ?I won’t stand by – because I know what it feels like to have salacious lies made up about you – and not support him so publicly? he?s a great father and humongously good man? these were shockingly accusatory allegations which I don’t think are right. I won’t stand by and have his character defamed. I will have not one word said about him on any level, any level.?
Oh, and once again Matt Lauer bungles another interview. There was SO MUCH he could have called her out on. Fergie is trying to paint Andrew as Britain?s great savior, like he?s some brilliant businessman wrestling the British economy to the top. And when Fergie deflects and says that Lauer should just ask Andrew if he?s ever met Virginia Roberts, that was the opening to really get in there. Eh. Whatever. The more the royals deny this crap, the more I believe Andrew totally had sex with an underage girl.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sarah Ferguson visits Balmoral but she?ll leave before Prince Philip arrives | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, has always had a great relationship with her ex, Prince Andrew. There are even stories about how Andrew didn?t want to divorce Fergie and he was forced into it by the Queen and Prince Philip following a series of scandals. Post-divorce, they?ve been a model of cooperative co-parenting, taking family vacations together and generally seeming like they still really enjoy each other?s company. So, it?s no surprise that Andrew invited Fergie to join in on a family vacation at Balmoral. Sarah joined Andrew, Eugenie and Beatrice for a few days, but she had to be shuffled out at the last minute because Prince Philip still hates her.
The Duchess of York, 54, arrived at the Scottish estate on Thursday, ready for a long weekend accompanied by former husband Prince Andrew and daughters Beatrice and Eugenie. Fergie plans to enjoy some quality-time with the Queen ? who is understood to be very fond of her former daughter-in-law ? but will have to leave before Prince Philip arrives on Tuesday because “he won’t have her in the house”, according to The Sun.
It is understood that Prince Philip refuses to see Fergie, due in part to his confusion over his son’s continued, complicated relationship with his former wife, who live together in the Duke of York’s Windsor home.
A source told the Sun: “Prince Philip won’t have her in the house. He cannot understand why she’s living under the same roof as Andrew after all these years. Normally members of the royal family stay a week or two, but the Duchess has to cut short her stay”.
Regularly used by the Royal Family for their summer breaks, the Queen is due to stay in Balmoral Castle for the next two months. While the Duchess of York has visited the Scottish castle since her divorce, it is believed that last summer was the first time she had been asked to stay in the main castle since the end of her marriage in 1996.
In the 18 years since the divorce, the couple have often been photographed enjoying nights-out together and have reunited for a family holiday with their daughters each of the intervening summer. The royal source added: “Many people have speculated they will remarry, which could be more likely if Prince Philip drops his opposition”.
Some have claimed that Prince Philip has never forgiven Fergie for the embarrassment she caused the family during the nineties ? a decade in which she began an affair with Texan tycoon Steve Wyatt while still carrying her second daughter. It was also the decade in which the Duchess of York was the scandalous subject of an infamous ‘toe sucking’ photograph.
Speaking back in an interview in 2000, the Duchess of York said that she and her ex-husband had spoken about the possibility of remarrying ? but that Prince Philip had not allowed it. It is thought that the Queen thinks of Fergie as a ‘good mother’.
[From The Express]
I tend to think that Prince Andrew probably does NOT want to remarry Fergie but he does love her. At this point, Andrew gets to have his cake and eat it too ? he gets to enjoy close relations with a companion/wife/best friend figure (Fergie), plus he gets to have younger girlfriends on the side. He?s living the dream (for many men but #notallmen). Granted, even if Fergie and Andrew remarried, I?m sure she would still be fine with him having girlfriends on the side, but as it is? why would he want to change their current dynamic? But I do think there will be changes in whether Fergie comes ?back to the royal fold? if and when Prince Philip passes on. I believe that part of it. It?s Philip who despises her. And I think the Queen is just tired of the drama, especially when it concerns her favorite child, Andrew (Philip?s favorite child is Anne, reportedly).
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sarah Ferguson is a pathological liar, blames her crazy on her parents | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sarah Ferguson is crazy. I think we?ve established that by now. Not only is she just flat-out crazy, Fergie actually offends me and others with her insanity by claiming that she?s this wonderful mother (she?s not, she?s a narcissistic drama queen) or that she ?loves? the idea that both she and Princess Diana weren?t at the royal wedding. For real. Anyway, Fergie is still in the midst of a publicity tour to promote her show on OWN (Oprah?s network). This morning, she gave an interview to Today, and it?s a lot of the same crap that we heard in Fergie?s Harper?s Bazaar interview. Pity poor Fergie, she?s a victim of her own generosity! The media is so mean! She?s so wonderful and selfless and no one ever gives her credit for being so awesome!
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Ah. Her story about selling influence to the royal family is now a ?tabloid setup? - her story has changed yet again. She also changed her story about watching the royal wedding! Jesus, she just lies all of the time. She told Oprah that she did in fact watch the wedding in Thailand. Now she claims she didn?t. WTF?
Also, some excerpts from Fergie?s show have begun to come out, and it?s just? ugh. I mean, I imagine it will be good television just to see how delusional she is and what a pathological liar she is, but I wish some of Oprah?s sycophants would call Fergie out on her BS:
Sarah Ferguson broke down in tears on US television as she said she had been left feeling “emotionally bankrupt”, “worthless”, “unlovable” and “pointless” by the years of abuse. Telling how she had been scarred by the behaviour of her late mother, Susan Barrantes, she said: “I looked in the mirror this morning and went, ‘Well, no wonder no one loves you - you are so disgusting.’”
The Duchess made the emotional disclosures in a six-part documentary series for US the Opera Winfrey Network in which she is filmed undergoing therapy. In the show, called Finding Sarah, the Duke of York?s former wife revealed how her mother spotted a vein on her forehead when she was a toddler which she believed to be a sign of the antichrist.
The Duchess recalled: “When she used to hit me because I didn’t sit on my potty or wouldn’t eat, a little vein would come up on the centre of my head near my red hair… It’s just the way I was brought up. No wonder I’m so flawed.”
She went on to disclose that she blamed herself for the break up of her parents? marriage after Barrantes left her father for an Argentinian polo player.
She said: “I believed I caused my mother to leave and therefore I am worthless and unlovable.”
Wiping her eyes with a Pink handkerchief, the Duchess went on: “Dad, who was a tough military man, said, ‘You need to get rid of all your ponies because there’s no one here to look after them. . . your mum has gone.’ Every time I got upset he would call me a sheep’s ass and tell me I looked like a clown and to grow up and stop being so silly. So I did. I shut up and never said a word.?
But the Duchess went on to tell how her daughters, Beatrice, 22, and Eugenie, 21, are a constant source of support and encouragement.
She said: “The girls are solid, confident, fabulous and they do really well… they have seen me sabotage myself and learn from my mistakes. They believe in me and love me.”
Finding Sarah will premiere in the US on Sunday, June 12.
[From The Telegraph]
Do I believe that Fergie had a difficult childhood? Sure. Do I believe that she probably suffered emotional abuse from her crazy parents? Sure. But I also believe that at some point in one?s life, you really have to take responsibility for your own actions. I believe that about Linnocent?s ?I?m just a crackheaded child? act, and I believe that about Fergie?s ?I?m a victim!? tour. Her mother didn?t make her peddle influence to the highest bidder. Her mother didn?t make her lie about everything and anything to this day. She?s 51 years old - it?s beyond time to take responsibility for your own crap.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Duchess Fergie says she was wasted broke when she tried to take bribe | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The former Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson was caught up in a bribing scandal about a week ago when a video surfaced of her soliciting a quarter of a million bribe in exchange for a meeting with her ex husband, Prince Andrew. Andrew is the UK’s “Special Representative for International Trade and Investment,” which means that he makes business deals for England around the world. Fergie hasn’t hidden from the scandal and both issued an apology admitting guilt and made pre-scheduled public appearances, including an ill-timed event honoring her charity efforts.
Fergie lives with Prince Andrew in a home in London provided for her by the royal family along with her daughters, Princesses Beatrice, 21 and Eugenie, 20. It’s thought that Andrew has already forgiven Sarah and pledged that she can continue living with him as long as she would like. They’ve been called “the world?s happiest divorced couple,” and are said to be best friends.
Now the former Duchess is doing the ultimate in mea culpa interviews with a visit to Oprah. Her interview airs today, and advance details have her admitting that she has a drinking problem and that she’s broke. I’m really wondering how much Prince Andrew was involved and if he either turned a blind eye toward her schemes or was complicit in them. In her apology, Fergie denied that Andrew had any knowledge of the bribe, and said he “was not aware or involved in any of the discussions that occurred.” However, in the tape she told her would-be benefactor that “[Prince Andrew] knows that he?s had to underwrite me up to now because I?ve got no money.”
The devil — and booze — made her do it.
When Sarah Ferguson asked an undercover reporter for more than $700,000 in exchange for access to ex Prince Andrew — the chat was caught on tape — she was in dire straits indeed.
But has she seen the incriminating tape?
“I haven’t faced the devil in the face, because I was in the gutter at the moment,” the Duchess of York, 50, admits on the Oprah Winfrey Show in an episode airing Tuesday.
“I”m aware of the fact that I’ve been drinking, you know, that I was not in the right place.”
Insiders close to the British “Fergie” tell Us Weekly that they weren’t surprised by her bold, reckless act. “She’s totally broke,” one source insists. “Her desperation led to the lack of judgment.”
The source adds that the mother of Beatrice, 21, and Eugenie, 20, is “a shopaholic, obsessed with designers like Chanel and Hermes…she didn’t know how to stop living like a royal.”
Her next step? “She wants to start fresh in America.”
Fergie has even expressed interest in participating in the next Dancing with the Stars.
[From US Weekly]
We have just as much booze and shopping in America, maybe more so (because the stores and bars are open later!) than in England, so Fergie is going to have to face her demons no matter where she ends up. In the US she wouldn’t be hounded as much by the press, though, because we have more minor celebrities to occupy us.
Last week, Bill Zwecker in the Chicago Sun Times claimed that a “very rich” British man offered Fergie “a posh Upper East Side apartment rent-free for a year.” Zwecker also mentioned that Fergie said in a 2006 interview that she would love to do Dancing With The Stars. Maybe this scandal will help her get sober and back on her feet. She could have increased her celebrity factor enough to warrant a DWTS invitation. If celebrity mistresses can earn opportunities and notoriety, then Fergie can get some mileage out of a thwarted attempt to accept a payoff.
Sarah Ferguson is shown at a book signing in NY on 5/26/10 and out in NY on 5/25/10. Credit: Barcroft Media/Fame Pictures
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| Sarah Ferguson says that media cruelty contributed to her weight problems | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Many of us have someone, often in their family, who we feel competitive with. This is often fueled by comparisons people make, sometimes well-intentioned and sometimes not. For example my grandmother recently described my cousin as ‘fat’, and commented on how successful her sister had been losing the baby weight. Said cousin was still pregnant at the time.
This is bad enough, but can you imagine being pitted against a pretty, glamorous relative on a global scale? Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, says that the media’s cruelty to her contributed to her eating issues. She doesn’t say that comparisons to Princess Diana made it worse, but that’s what I got from her comments:
‘It?s pretty hard to change people?s perceptions,? she says. And, back then, it really mattered to her what people thought. She said she?d read headlines such as princess of pork or 82 per cent of men say they?d rather sleep with a goat than Fergie, and she?d take them all to heart. ‘I just believed they were true,? she says. ‘I was so unhappy I ate all the time, and then I was pilloried for being overweight, and on the cycle went. I didn?t know how to break it.?
Wikipedia notes that Princess Diana was noted for her ‘compassion, style, charisma, and high-profile charity work, as well as her difficult marriage to Prince Charles’. Despite Sarah’s charity work, she is best known for her Weight Watchers endorsements and friendly relationship with her ex-husband. Sarah and Diana were friends and talked about their public image, says Sarah.
“I remember quite clearly Diana saying to me: ‘Well, it’s easier for you. I’m at the top of the pedestal, and I have only one way to go. You are at the bottom, so you can really only go up.”‘
Sydney Morning Herald
Wow, that must have made Fergie feel much better, having the Queen-in-waiting try and cheer her on. Although maybe that kind of stiff upper lip attitude is how they do it in Britain.
Despite being a public figure in Britain, which has the most vicious tabloid newspapers in the world, Fergie says she’d do it all over again, but better.
You have to think of the Royal family as being like a brand, yah? There are CEOs protecting the brand, and I didn?t really fit in. Maybe if I?d had an adviser to lead me through it all I would have weathered it a bit better. I wish I had done it differently. I wish I could do it all over again.?
‘Really?? I ask her. After all the criticism and ridicule, she?d still go back into the public eye, despite knowing how potentially difficult it all is? ‘Oh, yes,? she says enthusiastically. ‘I?d still marry Andrew, of course. He is a wonderful man. I?d just deal with it better. I?d ride the storms. I?d see that what is said about me is here one day and gone the next. At the time I thought I had failed. Now I think I was successful in a way, successful at failing.?
That’s one way to turn failure on it’s head, by declaring it a success at failing. Sarah has managed to raise two children who have yet to be photographed in a compromising manner (exiting clubs, yes, but not doing anything notable), raise funds for charity and maintain a good relationship with her ex-husband. She is also a producer on a new film starring Emily Blunt, The Young Victoria.
Sarah Ferguson is shown on 12/6/08 and 11/29/08 signing copies of her children’s book Tea for Ruby. Credit: WENN
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| Prince William to shave scraggy beard | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sometimes I?m happy America doesn?t have a royal family, but then I check out the two princes, one a hot ginger and one a hot blond. These boys are enough to make me a royalist.
The big news across the pond is Prince William?s new, hot, scraggy beard. He debuted the beard during a Naval exercise, and decided to keep it for the holidays. But fear not, beard-haters! Apparently, Prince William doesn?t care for it, and a clean shave is required for his next assignment with the RAF.
The 26-year-old Prince grew the facial hair during a recent 10-day exercise in Barbados with the Navy’s Special Boat Service. He returned a week ago but appears so enamoured of his new look that he has yet to shave it off.
He was photographed on a pheasant shoot at the Queen’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk with his brother, Prince Harry, and girlfriend Kate Middleton. Rules on facial hair in the Armed Forces differ according to the service. The Royal Navy allows a full beard - although no moustaches, goatees or ‘designer stubble’ - if permission is sought from a commanding officer.
It is believed that the Prince’s beard was an attempt to disguise his identity during the SBS mission. He is also following family tradition, as the Prince of Wales grew a beard while on Naval exercises in Alaska in 1975.
However, beards are banned in the RAF and the Prince must be clean-shaven when he reports for duty next month to commence an 18-month training course to qualify as a search and rescue pilot.
[From Telegraph.co.uk]
I?m actually not a beard hater - some men look better with something going on in the beard/goatee area. Unfortunately, Prince William is not one of them. But that doesn?t mean Britain can?t have a little beard freak-out, right? Apparently, some newspapers are already doing polling on it.
In other royal news, oddsmakers are still trying to make some money on the never-ending speculation of a royal wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William. A 2009 royal proposal has 11/8 odds. That?s good for Middleton, right?
Britain’s Prince William proposing to girlfriend Kate Middleton in 2009 has odds of 11/8, according to bookmakers William Hill. The British public thinks the likelihood of the 26-year-old royal - who has been dating Kate since 2003, after the pair met at Scotland’s University of St Andrews - asking the brunette beauty to marry him are very likely.
In September, it was claimed William will not get engaged to Kate for at least another 18 months, and would have to speak with several members of the royal family and the government before going down on one knee, according to a senior member of the Royal Household.
The source said: “There is a lot of planning involved in a royal engagement announcement of a member of the family as senior as Prince William. “A number of high-profile people have to be informed formally, and the couple have to be introduced to the Prime Minister of the day, among others. All this takes time. As far as I am aware I cannot see there being an engagement between the prince and Miss. Middleton for at least 18 months.”
William’s hopeful marriage prospects are not the only ones in the royal family. William Hill have revealed Prince Harry proposing to his Zimbabwe-born girlfriend Chelsy Davy has odds of 6/1, while Prince Andrew - who was previously married to Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York - getting engaged has odds of 50/1. William Hill spokesperson Rupert Adams said: “Every year there are a couple of big odds winners from the bets!”
[From Monsters and Critics]
I don?t think either prince will get engaged this year. Prince Harry won?t because he?s the wild one, and wild ones don?t settle down at twenty-four. But I suspect Prince William won?t get engaged because, as it turns out, he?s probably a lot like his father. Meaning he just can?t make up his mind about marriage and about Kate Middleton. If I was a betting woman, I?d put money on Kate finally dumping him for good in 2009 - if she?s smart. But maybe she thinks that she?s waited so long, maybe another year being The Royal Girlfriend is good enough. Poor Kate.
Prince William is shown attending church on Christmas day. Credit: BARM/Fame Pictures
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