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Rachael Ray News & Gossip
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Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up too
Added 420 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up too
I?m trying not to take this onslaught of celebrities sharing how much they get done between 3-7am personally, but the struggle is real. I understand that people tend to fall into one of two camps, early bird or night owl, and I?m also aware that some studies say there are people who simply need less sleep. I grew up with one of those people, an early bird who functioned on fairly little sleep. My father, like Dolly Parton (first time I?ve uttered that statement), would wake up in the wee hours and pretty much get a whole day?s work in by the time my mother and I, night owls, would be rising for the day. It was hard not to feel like a schlub by comparison. Rachael Ray is among that anointed, productive crowd, as she described to People Mag while chatting up a new partnership with A&E:

Rachael Ray has been cooking up something big.

Ray?s production company, Free Food Studios, formed a partnership with A&E Networks. The deal will bring ?in the kitchen? content and various new shows from both Ray and other talent over the next two years.

The project means Ray, 55, is having a hard time finding a moment to relax ? but she?s just fine with that.

?I?m not really good with downtime. I love to work. I love it. I love to have my brain very active, and if I?m not writing shows, I?m drawing ?foodles? I call them ? recipes on paper ? and writing books and things,? the iconic television cook tells PEOPLE. ?I don?t like being idle. I?ve never been good at it.?

She even jokes that she wrote ?120 pages? of one of her cookbooks on her honeymoon. ?I really am bad at doing nothing!? she says proudly.

Ray says she starts as early as 3 a.m.

?I can?t sleep. I wake up at three or four in the morning, and I just start working because I can?t stop thinking about it,? she says. ?I?m not very good at sleep. I never have been. Even when I was a little girl. My nickname was Little Hoot because I was a night owl.?

Her husband of over 20 years, John Cusimano, prefers a little more R and R. ?He loves to sleep. Unfortunately, once I get up and turn all the lights on and start typing and turn the coffee on, he?s forced to get up pretty early, too,? Ray quips. ?He?s usually up between five and six?The other morning he said, ?You realize it?s three o?clock in the morning, right???

Another main reason Ray likes to stay hyperactive is that she?s always curious about trying out new things and taking on reimagined business ventures.

?I?m always game for anything, and I?m a person who?s over 50 years old. I?m trying to still remain relevant, which is an honor,? she says. ?It?s cool to be over 50 and get new opportunities that keep getting thrown at me.?

[From People]

Real question here: do Rachael and her husband live in a studio apartment now? Why is she turning on the lights in the bedroom if he?s still sleeping? At the very least she could flip them on for getting dressed and then turn them back off when she?s done. And is the coffee being made in the bedroom?! Why must he be forced to wake up at the same time?! My vehemence stems from empathy!! Rachael may start her day before daybreak, but she should leave the hubby to his own circadian rhythm. Also, is it me or was that quip about her honeymoon a little rough? Not working doesn?t necessarily mean doing nothing. Rachael and John have been married for nearly 20 years, though, so if they butt heads I?m sure they?ll have one of their signature vents and move on. As for her new A&E shows, she?s working on one where she?ll be cooking from her home in Italy. I?m gonna need several boxes of pasta handy when that airs.

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24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
Added 4 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
I have some sad news and some good news. The sad news is that Rachael Ray?s senior pit bull, Isaboo, passed away in May. The good news is that Rachael was able to find space in her heart for a new pup and now she?s sharing her with us. Guys ? this is Bella Boo Blue:

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31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
Back in 2011 Christina Pagliarolo appeared on the ?Rachael Ray Show? to talk about the bullying she?d endured from being overweight and ask for help to shed 70 pounds for her senior prom.

But rather than finding a positive experience, the then-18-year-old says she was mistreated and left hanging by Ray and her crew.

Pagliarolo?s lawsuit claims that Rachel?s staff was ?grossly negligent, careless, reckless, wanton, and outrageous,? in the way they handled her situation.

Furthermore, Christina says the personal trainer assigned to her ended up screaming at her ?in a manner that caused her to feel anxious, demeaned, and threatened,? during their exercise sessions.

Of course, Pagliarolo is seeking money- the lawsuit demands "punitive damages in an amount appropriate to punish and make an example of Defendants and each of them."

However, the ?Rachel Ray Show? says, "We haven't received this purported lawsuit but if it does materialize we will defend ourselves against it vigorously and fully expect to prevail."

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31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

Rachel Ray fixed her voice
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Rachel Ray fixed her voice
Popular cooking show person Rachel Ray had a benign cyst removed from her vocal cords to fix her messed up voice. She’ll need to rest her voice for a week proving to her husband that if you pray hard enough, God just might listen.

“After several months of vocal therapy and on the advice of her doctors, Rachael decided to have a benign cyst removed from her vocal cord,” says Charlie Dougiello. “According to Rachael’s doctors the minor, non-invasive procedure was a success and she is already resting at home.”

Hopefully this will allow Food Network to add a “Now 50% less annoying” badge to her show. However, everyone will soon come to realize that, as a leopard is with its spots, this is just not possible.

31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
Added 15 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
Here?s Rachael Ray out the other night for New York City?s Sixth Annual Can-Do Awards looking well. She?s wearing a see through top which is delish but she?s also covering up her nipples with a pair of pasties which is atroshe.

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31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

Rachael Ray addresses her haters
Added 16 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Rachael Ray addresses her haters
Rachael Ray was recently asked what she thinks about the multitude of people who dislike her chipmunk-like happy persona and make fun of her, and she responded surprisingly well. She said they’re right that she’s a goof ball, but it’s not like she can do anything about it so she choses not to focus on it or let it get her down. Rachael Ray bugs me too, but she definitely earned a lot of points with this thoughtful response. She also said she’s not some svelte model or actress, and that she’s a cook who has gone up and down in body sizes over the years. It happens.

Rachael Ray tells In Touch that she has one thing to say to critics who run web sites like IHateRachaelRay: “You’re right!” In an exclusive interview, Rachael says she understands why some find her annoying. “Most of the people who criticize me are absolutely correct,” she says. “I’m loud. I’m goofy. I don’t make my own pierogies. But what am I going to do, call them up and fight with them? You don’t deal with the people who don’t like you. I don’t work for them.”

Rachael blames the backlash on the fact that she spends time in people’s homes every day through her show. “That’s an intimate connection,” she explains. “If you try to be something you’re not, people will see through it.” She isn’t concerned about how she looks, either. “I haven’t been on a scale since I was 12,” Rachael says. For exercise, she does “the bare minimum so I can feel good enough to work: sit-ups and push-ups. I’m not an actress, I’m a cook. I’m sure I have been five or six different sizes since I have been on television, but I don’t care.

[From In Touch, print edition, March 9, 2009]

Compare Ray’s very diplomatic response to the haughty way that Gwyneth Paltrow addresses her critics - by saying they have sad lives or somehow don’t “get” her unique brand of snobbery. Ray is like “yeah, I’m me, and there’s not much I can do.” She is annoying, but she’s not full of sh*t and that’s incredibly refreshing to hear. You go, Rachael Ray.

Rachael Ray is shown on 10/12/08. Credit: Fame

31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
Added 16 years agoSource: The Blemish
A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
Some artist named Alex Gardega plans on painting a 6-foot nude portrait of TV chef Rachael Ray. Alex will use paprika mixed with oils for her skin tones. It’s unknown whether Alex will be able to capture how truly annoying Rachel Ray is. If he attaches a recording that loops Rachel Ray shrieking, “EVOO,” over and over again, then maybe. If he makes her nipples squirt cayenne pepper at the viewer, then definitely.

31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
29-Dec-2008 :Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
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Rachael Ray news

Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
Added 16 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Rachel Ray's deadly dog food recipe
Rachel Ray was featured on the cover of “Modern Dog” Magazine with an accompanying article promoting her new pet food line, “Nutrish.” Inside there was also a recipe from Rachel that looked like it was a pet food recipe. She called it “Isaboo’s Butternut Squash Mac and Chedder,” named after her pit bull Isaboo, who loves squash. The only problem was that the recipe contained onions, which are completely toxic to dogs and cats and can kill them. It was intended to be a people food recipe, but was not labeled as just for people, was misleadingly named after her dog and seemed like a recipe specifically for dogs.

The recipe is still on Rachel Ray’s “Everyday” Magazine website under a “Pet Friendly” header and accompanied by a photo of her dog looking like he’s chowing down on the dish - which again contains onion:

To promote her “Nutrish” line of dog food, the super chef recently published a recipe that’s intended for human consumption in a popular dog lover’s magazine. The recipe, “Isaboo’s Butternut Squash Mac and Chedder” was inspired by her pit bull Isaboo’s love of squash. But readers were confused and believed the dish, that included an ingredient that could kill dogs, was mean for their dogs.

Nowhere in the dog magazine did it state that the recipe was intended for humans, not dogs. And the text accompanying the recipe contained a disclaimer warning owners to check with their dogs’ veterinarians, again leading many to believe the recipe was for dogs…

Dr. Dana Harman, D.V.M., of Boca Raton, Fla, explains that onions can cause “potentially fatal hemolytic anemia” in dogs.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, January 5, 2008]

“Modern Dog” has since added a mild disclaimer to the website about how the recipe was intended for people but the amount of onion wasn’t that much anyway. The commenters are upset, though, and say that “Modern Dog” should have known better than to present a dish containing onions as if dogs could eat it. They also say that while Ray may be a dog lover and does promote shelters, she’s openly talked about getting her dog from a breeder.

Hopefully no pets were harmed by Rachel Ray’s misleading recipe. The Rachel Ray people really need to change their website soon, so that no one else makes it for their dog thinking it’s ok.

31-Jan-2024 :Rachael Ray wakes up at 3-4 am and is so loud she wakes her husband up to...
24-Jun-2020 :Rachael Ray adopted a new puppy after losing her pit bull
18-Apr-2013 :Rachel Ray Show: Sued By Former Guest
13-Jul-2009 :Rachel Ray fixed her voice
23-Apr-2009 :Rachael Ray Rocks A See-Thru Dress
27-Feb-2009 :Rachael Ray addresses her haters
9-Jan-2009 :A naked Rachel Ray painting in the works
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