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| Neve Campbell confirms: she's getting paid properly to return to 'scream' franchise | Added 153 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last fall, Melissa Barrera was fired from the Scream franchise, and her friend and costar Jenna Ortega quit the franchise in solidarity with Melissa. The rebooted franchise was built around Melissa?s Sam Carpenter, a character who is the secret daughter of Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich). Skeet even returned to the franchise as Billy?s ghost, helping his daughter along the way. I?m seriously not a fan of the Scream reboot. I love the original franchise so much, and I accept that Gen Z wants their own thing, but the reboot was poorly done and it?s way too stabby (people are being stabbed in the gut a million times and still walking around??). They tried to bring back the legacy franchise characters, but Neve Campbell?s Sidney Prescott was written out of the last film (Scream VI) because producers didn?t want to pay Neve what she was worth. Well, now that the studio has fired Barrera and Ortega?s out the door the same studio went crawling back to Neve and begged her to save the franchise once again. Neve agreed. She recently spoke to Entertainment Tonight about what?s happening there:
Neve Campbell is ready to face off against Ghostface once again. While both Scream (2022) and Scream VI focused primarily on a newer generation of teens being stalked by the masked killer, Campbell revealed to ETs Rachel Smith that the seventh installment will take the franchise back to its roots and focus on Sidney Prescott, the central character of the first four films.
We are going to follow Sidney, Campbell confirmed, adding that the idea is in the same vein as Jamie Lee Curtis highly publicized return to the role of Laurie Strode in the Halloween franchise, 40 years after the original. They did pitch the concept to me, and it?s the reason that I jumped on board, Campbell added, after admitting she has not received a final script just yet but is hoping to receive it this week.
I love these movies, they are so much fun to be a part of, Im so grateful for them, I could never have imagined being a part of a movie that would have lasted this many decades, Campbell gleefully admitted.
The first Scream was released in theaters nearly 30 years ago in 1996. The fandom is nuts, they are incredible and very passionate about these films, she added. Im excited to give them a new one!
While Campbell returned for the legacy reboot Scream (2022), she was noticeably absent from Scream VI following a pay dispute. The actress spoke out publicly in 2022 that she would sadly not be returning because she felt the offer that was presented to me did not equate to the value I have brought to the franchise. In a rare move, the production studio behind the films, Spyglass Media Group, listened to Campbell and came back to her with a proper offer for this next sequel.
The Party of Five actress admitted it was so satisfying to be heard by the studio. Im super grateful that they came around on it. [Scream VI] just didnt feel right. I couldnt after this many decades of carrying a franchise, to feel undervalued and underpaid and to know that it wouldnt have happened to a man in that way. It just wouldnt make sense for me to walk on that set. So, Im glad I stood up for myself, Campbell said before adding she hopes it inspired others in the industry too.
[From ET]
I?m also really glad that producers came back and offered her real money for playing this iconic character. It was insulting that they thought they could do a Scream movie without her, and that?s what started the curse on the franchise. That being said, there?s no way Spyglass would have gone back to Neve with this offer if their gambit to build the franchise around Melissa hadn?t blown up in their faces. Going back to Neve was basically their only option. I kind of doubt they?ll recast the Sam Carpenter role, right? They might need to just reboot this mess all over again.
ET also says that Courteney Cox and Patrick Dempsey are in talks to return to the franchise. Dempsey?s character (a cop) is supposed to be married to Sidney, and Cox would be returning as Gale Weathers. I know his character died, but I?d love it if Liev Schreiber found a way to make a cameo.
Photos courtesy of kpa Publicity / Avalon and Avalon Red.
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| Neve Campbell explains why she told her son he was adopted when he was little | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Neve Campbell and JJ Feild have two sons, Caspian, nine, and Raynor, three. Raynor was adopted at birth, something Neve made public after they?d made it official. Neve talked about her sons while she was on The Kelly Clarkson Show the other day ? the same show that she talked about being dragged off by a bear! Anyway, Kelly asked Neve if she?d told Raynor if he was adopted or was she waiting until he was older. Neve said that she?d read up on it and they?d decided it was best to tell him from the start. So Raynor has not only been raised knowing he?s adopted, but with a good understanding of who his birth mother is.
Neve Campbell is opening up about how she approaches the topic of adoption with her 3-year-old son.
While recently appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show, the Scream star, 48, explained why she told her son Raynor from the beginning that she and husband JJ Feild welcomed him via adoption.
I read a lot about it. I think back in the day we used to think Keep it from them and throw it at them when theyre 21 so their entire reality falls apart, which makes so much sense, she said. Really the guidance that I had was even before they understand the language, talk about their birth mother, talk about their story. Tell them who they are.
Because of her decision to discuss Raynors adoption with him, Campbell says its no surprise for Raynor in any sense whatsoever.
He knows he was in Cynthias tummy. She made him, continued Campbell, who also shares 9-year-old son Caspian with Feild.
[From People]
Most of the adopted people I know knew they were adopted but don?t know anything about their birth parents. I don?t know when they found out, though. I trust Neve did the research and everything she said makes sense. Plus, celebrities have to consider that if the public knows, their kids are going to find out, so it should come from them first. There?s probably a lot of suggested language so the child understands the concept of an expanded family. Neve?s correct that when we were growing up, unless it was family, I only knew of closed adoptions. Now there are other options. I don?t know much about adoption but it?s generally better to have more alternatives because people and families are so different. The important thing is that Raynor grows up knowing he is loved by his family, and it sounds like that is coming across loud and clear.
I noticed this article referred to JJ as Neve?s husband. They?ve been together for over a decade, and I hadn?t heard anything about them getting married. Both Wiki and IMDb still list them as partners. I did see that The Daily Mail made a big deal about Neve wearing what looks like a wedding band on her ring finger. Normally I?d dismiss that kind of speculation but with People calling it, I wonder if they did tie the knot? She was wearing a ring on Kelly?s show too. If they did, congrats! If they didn?t, still congrats because they still have a lovely life together.
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| Neve Campbell was attacked by a bear at 17 on a movie set | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Neve Campbell appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show on Wednesday to promote Scream. As a quick sidenote: Kaiser called it, Kelly is finding her footing as an interviewer. Her show is much improved this season. I?m glad because I love Kelly. Anyway, back to Neve ? this story is bananas. Neve was attacked by a bear. I saw the headline and thought that maybe she was in a cage or car or something that felt threatening but wasn?t. But no, she was dragged into the woods by a bear! What?s worse was she was put in the bear?s path by her own film team. While filming in Canada when she was only 17, a trainer told her to dip her hand in honey and run? and then they let a bear chase her. Okay, it was a little more orchestrated than that, but it went awry, and almost cost us Neve. I posted the clip of Neve telling the story below, but I am using Yahoo?s translation because they already did the work and I?m lazy today.
During Wednesdays episode of ?The Kelly Clarkson Show, actor Neve Campbell recalled a scary on-set incident where she was attacked by a bear while working on a movie in Canada.
?I was 17 years old and I was playing this role where she?s one with the animals,? Campbell explained.
Thats ironic, Clarkson joked, laughing, as Campbell continued.
Yeah, Campbell said. And there was a scene where Im supposed to be getting chased by a bear, the only animal Im not one with in the movie, and they brought this bear on set.
They first gave me a big bottle of Coke to feed it, she said before clarifying that it was Coca-Cola. So now this is like a bear on a sugar rush. And then they said ? and Im 17, so Im really dumb. They say Dip your hand in honey and just run and when you get to the tree over there, turn around and stick your hand out, and feed the bear. And I, of course, wanting to please everyone was like, OK.
However, when Campbell did what she was told, she realized that the bear had its own agenda.
I turn around, and I put my hand out, and the bear is not slowing down, she said. Hes not coming for my hand and he grabs me by the leg, and he pulls me through the forest. And my mother happens to be visiting the set so shes screaming, the whole crew is frozen because no one can believe whats happening.
Campbell said that she started yelling that the bear was biting her, just in case nobody understood what was going on.
Then finally, the bear wrangler starts throwing rocks at the bear to get it off me and it finally gets pissed off and turns around and goes after him and I run and go up a rock, Campbell said.
[From Yahoo]
I?ve mentioned before that I have a brother who lives in Alaska. There?s a reason any movie about Alaska always features a bear attack. And when you visit people in Alaska, they talk to you very honestly about bear attacks so that you do nothing to put yourself in the path of a bear. In short: I am terrified of bear attacks. If this trained movie bear had grabbed my foot, I?d have passed out before my head hit the dirt. I honestly don?t know if I could?ve recounted the story as whimsically as Neve did. And I am p*ssed off on her behalf that the crew simply froze. If there is an apex predator on the set, I don?t care how trained they are, everyone should be ready for that thing to attack at all times. Could you imagine what her poor mother went through? And all Neve can hear is her mother screaming because the whole crew is frozen in panic. Well, her mother screaming and the bear putting bbq sauce on her foot.
Neve said that after they got her and the bear to safety, they said they were not doing that again. But because she was 1) young and 2) still such a people pleaser, she fought them on the decision. She argued that it had only been a rehearsal and they needed it on film. I have no idea who won out in the end. I guess it was whoever?s side the bear was on. But Neve recognizes she would have done everything in that scenario differently now. Kelly was funny because she said she wouldn?t have done it in the first place, ?Oh my God actors are so different from musicians. Like I cant express this enough. Literally if I was in a music video and that went down? I would be like bye ladies and gentlemen. CGI, get my stunt double in.?
Here?s the clip. It?s much funnier hearing them tell it:
Photo credit: Avalon Red and YouTube
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| Neve Campbell: Only in the past years have I felt confident to ask for more money | Added 3 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The fifth installment of Scream comes out this Friday. It?s called Scream, just like the first. But this Scream is not a reboot, it?s a sequel that takes places 25 years after the first movie. All of the original surviving characters are now adults
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| Neve Campbell: Fame 'hit so fast and so big that it was a little overwhelming' | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Back in the late 90s, you couldn?t miss Neve Campbell. She gained TV stardom on Party of Five and was in a ton of memorable movies, including Wild Things, Scream and one of my personal favorites, The Craft. (All hail Manon.) Save her recent recurring role on the fourth season of Netflix?s House of Cards, the 44-year-old actress has been absent from the screen and, thankfully, Stephen Colbert is on the case of her disappearance.
Neve is back in a big way, co-starring with The Rock (a/a/k/a Dwayne Johnson) in his latest action adventure flick, Skyscraper. She popped into The Late Show with Steven Colbert, telling Colbert she?s always wanted to do an action movie and offering some behind the scenes dish that The Rock is very curious about what everyone?s eating on set.
When asked why she took a break from the business, moving to London, she admitted, I just needed a minute. It was a long minute. It was a good minute. She went on to say:
?In my twenties, it all hit so fast and so big that it was a little overwhelming?wonderful, obviously, and Im very grateful for it. But it got to a level also where the kinds of things that I was being offered were not the kinds of things I want to do. I was constantly being offered horror films, because I was known for horror films. Or bad romantic comedies. I just wasnt interested in the scripts and I was feeling a bit unhappy with the things that were coming to me. And I was feeling a little bored with the whole thing. I thought, I want a change. So, I moved to London.
I was completely anonymous there. Its just very different there. I literally did not get bothered once! People would ask me what I did for a living. Id say, I act, and theyd say, Oh, Okay.? It was so lovely!?
[From The Late Show with Stephen Colbert via E! News]
In addition to Skyscraper, Neve is also in the upcoming film Hot Air with Steve Coogan. I?m glad she?s back and hope she gets an offer for a good horror movie soon, as I have no interest in seeing Skyscraper. Neve is also busy with mom duties as she and her boyfriend JJ Feild welcomed their second son, whom they recently adopted. Neve has another son, Caspian, who is six. She shares a pretty funny story about how he got his name (and her nine days in labor!) on Colbert. Neve announced the new arrival via Instagram a few weeks ago, noting that ?It?s the most incredible thing we?ve experienced. We?re so grateful for this beautiful light coming into our lives and we think of and are grateful to his birth family every day for such an incredible gift.? Congrats, Neve and JJ (and Caspian too) .
Sheer joy!!!!.So it?s been a secret up until now as JJ and I wanted to wait until it was official but we adopted a beautiful baby boy 5 months ago. His name is Raynor and we are madly in love with him. Our 6 year old son Caspian is over the moon and asks every morning ?Can I hold my baby? Can I feed my baby? Can I play with my baby?. It?s the most incredible thing we?ve experienced. We?re so grateful for this beautiful light coming into our lives and we think of and are grateful to his birth family every day for such an incredible gift. This picture was taken moments after our adoption became official yesterday and I?ve been dying to share our news with you all!
A post shared by Neve Campbell (@nevecampbell) on Jun 29, 2018 at 2:30pm PDT
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| Stork Alert: Neve Campbell is Expecting Baby #2 | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She already has an adorable 2-year-old son named Caspian and now Neve Campbell is ready to add to the brood.
The ?Party of Five? actress and her longtime boyfriend JJ Field are expecting their second child together and Neve clearly had the beginnings of a baby bump while out at the park last weekend.
An inside source told Us Weekly, ?They?ve always wanted more than one child. They want Caspian to have a sibling.?
In a previous interview with ?The Talk,? Neve explained her son?s unusual moniker- "I liked the idea of a unique name. It's nice having something special and different and so I wanted something like that for our son."
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| Neve Campbell Drops By 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking care of some ?Scream 4? promotional duties, Neve Campbell was spotted at ?Jimmy Kimmel Live? last night (April 7).
The beautiful brunette sported a black and white dress with a black jacket and black heels as she strolled out of the studio.
During her interview, Neve noted that she?s been living in London for seven years, and recently had a lovely night out with a former costar.
She shared, ?I just went to one [soccer game] with Matthew Fox a couple of months ago, because he?s in London doing a play right now.?
Kimmel replied, ?Oh that?s right, your former cast mate from ?Party of Five.? If you guys go out to dinner, do people do the, um, reservation- do you try to not be in groups of five??
Campbell said, ?Always, always. Most of the times when I walk into a restaurant, the host will say, ?Party of five??? Jimmy shot back, ?Oh really? That?s terrible.?
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| Neve Campbell Roasts Quentin, Talks Single Life | Added 14 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Enjoying a swanky evening out, Neve Campbell was spotted at the Friars Club Roast of Quentin Tarantino last night (December 1).
The ?Scream? actress smiled for the paparazzi as she arrived at the New York Hilton and Towers, sporting a black and grey dress with a black fedora.
As for her divorce earlier this year, Neve seems to be taking it all in stride, as she told the reporters last night, ?I?m always doing great.?
Ms. Campbell has a bright outlook on what lays ahead. ?I?m spending time with my family and friends. I?m really looking forward to [the release of ?Scream 4?] this year.?
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 Seemingly unable to work through their differences, Neve Campbell is single again after secretly filing for divorce from her actor husband John Light.
Calling it quits after three years of marriage, reports tell that the "Scream" actress filed her legal papers at Los Angeles County Superior Court in June 2010 while citing "irreconcilable differences".
According to TMZ, the divorce has not yet been finalized, with a source telling the website, "They're still really close friends, and it was a very amicable divorce."
With another hearing on the matter set for later this month, it's also reported that Miss Campbell has made it clear that she wants the court to block Light from being awarded any spousal support.
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| Neve Campbell Bikini Pictures | Added 14 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Earlier I posted some pictures of model turned actress Jaime King‘s tight body in a giant black swimsuit, so I thought I would completely turn things around with these pictures of Neve Campbell‘s not so tight body in a little black swimsuit. I like bikini pictures as much as the next guy, if not more,
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